Thursday, February 16, 2006

Lean Wit It!

There's a song, i don't know by who, called "Lean Wit It, Rock Wit It". Nowadays at school if someone says, "Lean wit it!" All have to respond: "Rock wit it!" It's pretty funny.

Anyway, I'm not entusiastic about tomorrow. I know what you're saying, with it being a Friday and you having Monday off because of President's Day, but I don't think it's gonna be that good. Why is because BOTH drama coaches have subs, so it's going to be incredibly boring. The substitutes will have no idea whatsoever how to do anything, and it's going to be just plain old boring.

Wanna here some good news? I know you do. Well, in history we took a 50-question test. I talked to my teahcer later in the day and he said i did very good and only missed 5. So, that's excellent.

But here's some bad news: Recently there has been a rumor that The new CW network was going to resurrect Firefly, but on Joss Whedon's blog, he said that there was no possibility of that happening. Joss, you fool! Anyway, i guess that's OK, but i wanted to see more so badly. Oh well.

1) "Folks, if you're like me, you wake up in the middle of the night going, "Oh, these elf bites are so eechy, aww!""
"Elf bites?"

- Sifl and Olly

2) Currently watching: Strongbad_emal.exe DVDs

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