Sunday, February 5, 2006

XL: Super Bowl Extra Large

Yes, it's the time for football that i never watch, but those commercials...

In otherdangnews, the family has rented m,ovies and viewed them they are as follows:

Flightplan: 4/5
Crash: 4/5

Anyway, that's pretty much it. I also formatted my MP3 player and started from scratch. I just wanted to sart over. I've gone from 126 songs to 93. A big deduction, don't you think? Well, I'm gonna go now. My sister's seeing Annapolis with her whatever he is now tonight. We're having tacos. Seeya.

1) "Michael, do you still have that friend who makes fake moustaches?"

- Stella

2) Currently listening to: The Life Pursuit - Belle and Sebastian

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