Tuesday, February 7, 2006

Del Tuesday

It is the 7th of February, three days till all hell breaks loose. Seriously, everyone will be going nicking fruts after Friday, and you all know why, no?

Anyway, i have confidence in me for a little change, math is getting easier and easier. And i've come to the conclusion that no one understands me. I know, sad. It's totally true. I don't know why things ended up this way but they certainly did. Oh well, i guess i'll just...i don't know.

So, I've been really getting enthralled by this really hilarious "The OC" spoof called "The 'Bu." Short for Malibu. The first 8 episdoes are hilarious, as i said, but then the guys who made it weren't there anymore and then it got killed after about 4 really bad episodes made by all different people. So just watch the first 8. Please.

Tomorrow's a half-day, so i'll be home around I don't know when. I think we get out at 1:00 again. You'll probably get a little post tomorrow. Alright, talk ya later.

1) "I wish you wouldn't look at me like that, Napoleon."
"I wish you'd get out of my life and SHUT UP!"

- Napoleon Dynamite

2) "Currently watching: Fave episodes of AD, before it's canned.

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