Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Day 146: Tensions High

Just kidding. This ain't no reality show.

Yesterday in drama we stated a new unit on style. It was awesome what we did. We did this thing where you had a partner and partner A went up first and they would start playing a style of music. Partner A had to dance like they would dance to that music and the music would freeze. It was then Partner B's job to tag them out and assume their postiton before the music starts again and changes styles. It was fun to see other people get down.

Today was our Fort Jackson Career Day feild trip. We went there, and we went to different groups and talked to people in that group. I talked to a caterer, an artist, a paramedic, a physical therapist, an engineer, all kinds of things. There were 16 groups and however many you visited, you get a prize, I don't know what they are, but they better be worth it. The smallest prize was for people who got 5-9 people, second was for 10-14, and the biggest was 15+. I got 13, and I'm not expecting much, maybe a free burger or something from McDonald's, peh.

I really gotta tell ya, math is getting a whole lot easier. We're doing scientific notation now. It's so easy it's not even funny. OK, it's kinda funny. Alright, see ya'lls later for me to uncover the secret alliances!

1) "So there i was, walking my dog Pom Pom, and all of a sudden he starts growling and pooping all over the place."

- SB Email 145 (Myths and Legends)

2) Currently watching: Aqua Teen Hunger Force: Volume 2

1 comment:

weas said...

"I ate my battleship!!"