Friday, September 30, 2005

A-Pretty-Pretty Good Website: Oreos and Cows

Funny movies, video clips from TV, and links. But the video i want ya'll to check out is right here:

You Can't Take the Sky From Us!

Serentiy opens today. I've decided that I will wait for my bandana to arrive in the mail to see it to show my Browncoat pride. Joss is boss!

Today was the walkathon for the hurricane(s). I was sweating so much but I'm lucky i slabbed on the de-odor-cake. And, as a little bonus, it poured down rain, so we 8th graders walked throughout the school halls, and the stupid sevvies had to run in the gym! Ha-ha! Me and my friend Sarah were walking through the halls yelling, and when people told us to shut up we yelled, "FREE COUNTRY!" It was hilarious. I yelled, "Steve Holt!" also. No one knew what it meant, i was so sad. Pwople are so out of the AD loop!

1) "Tejamo!"
"I love you!"
"Great, not I'm late."

2) Currently watching: Arrested Development - Season 1/Strongbad_email.exe Disk 4 (101-130)

Thursday, September 29, 2005

My Name is Earl...Brand Popcorn

Lost was pretty flibbity-flibbin' cool last night. Bet you never heard and/or read that before.

Today was Corpse Bride day. I was happy. It was so shiny! It was alot like Nightmare Before Christmas. It was very good. And, bonus, i got to leave school to see it! My sister ordered popcorn and got a My Name is Earl bag. I wonder if like, one time, he stole popcorn from somebody and now he's making his own for people. It was pretty good.

1) "My name is Earl. Onew time i stole a hot dog...cart."

- Do i really need to say?

2) You already know what I'm currently watching. Gosh! Well, not currently. A couple hours ago.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

67! Hike!

Tomorrow is Corpse Bride day. Also, i can't think of anything else to say.

No annoying kid, AGAIN! W00T!!!!!!!!!

I want to know what's going on with that.

1) "GOB, what are you doing here?"
"Life, Dad. I killed a guy."

- Arrested Development

2) Currently listening to: Damien Rice - O

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Oh, Boy

Well, the annoying kid wasn't in school today, again. Can't complain.

I heard the new Stephen Lynch song today and it is hilarious. It's called "Vanilla Ice Cream". You can hear it at:

Well, I have a question. Why do people like to lie to you? I mean, in school. This dude came up to me, i knew him, he knew me. We weren't necesarilly freinds. But if you played "Six Degrees of Seperation" you'd link us. Anyway, he came up to me and siad, "You know her? She likes you." I didn't believe he was telling the truth. So then he walkks over to her and told her that he told me that she told him. Idiot. I said to her, "I knew he was lying." And she replied, "I know." But what if it's true, you know? I makes you think.

And today, one of my friends told me, "I'm gonna tell that girl you like that you like her." I'm like, "No, you're really not." But then he walks off and comes back and says that he just did. Later i saw her and asked, "Did Victor tell you anything?" and she spoke back, "Who's Victor?" So, yeah. He's a lyin' liar too. Don't listen to anything that anybody says.

1) "Maybe your feeling love?"
"I know what an erection feels like!"

- Arrested Development (ep 302)

2) currently watching: Arrested Development: Season 1

Monday, September 26, 2005

Sweet, Sweet DVD. Today is the Day You Watch AD!

New episode of AD tonight. That annoying kid isn't in school today, I'm very happy. Because we had a "test" and he would be talking and stuff. Yeah, yeah.

Anyway, not much else. Um, I GOT MY AD DVDS BACK!!!!!!! I'm sorry, I am giddy beyond all reason. And you know what else? Serenity opens on Friday and I'm going on Thursday to see Corpse Bride. I'm kinda mad but i wanna see it anyway. I might Serentiy it this weekend or the next. I've got the cheese.

1) "Who's flying this thing? Alright, that would be me."

- Firefly

2) Currently listening: Superhero - Stephen Lynch

Sunday, September 25, 2005

It Was The 05/05/05 Party, It Only Happens Once Every Billion Years!

Alright, I, to this date, have watched the season premiere of The Office 4 times, obsessive, aren't I? Well, at least I'm not one of those freaks who sees Star Wars 50 times every week. But you know what a cool movie to re-issue to theaters, even though it's out on video? The Incredibles. It is definitely one of my favorite movies of all times. I'm gonna show it to my children. I hope the not-liking-"old"-movies gene isn't passed down.

So, today, my aunt might be coming over to give my sweet, sweet DVDs back. I honestly cannot wait until i get them back. I miss season 1 of Arrested Development soooo much! I miss it so!

Last night was the premiere of Alias in syndication. I think i might start watching it next season, but i said that last year and that never happened. I don't know what I'm going to do. I might even start watching Smallville, too. I saw the last part of the season finale last Thursday, and it was so cool.

You know what else? I might even wait a week to see Serenity. I mean, if it does anything like it did at the test screenings, i will be packed everywhere across the country. We need enough money for a sequel! I think it might be 50 million dollars od something like that, so it won't be too hard.

1) "You know Jayne, my days of not taking you seriously certaintly are coming to a middle."
"Dammit, Mal. I forgot my line."

- Firefly gag reel

2) Currently watching: Strongbad_email.exe (1-4) commentaries

As a little tiny side note, this is my 64th post. My favorite number, and second favorite Nintendo system. First is the SNES.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Krazy-Krazy Weekend

I like the letter K, so what?

Today, the people accepted our counter-offer for the house. My dad says we'll be out of here in a month. I think I'll believe it when it happens, you know? This is one of those situations. You never know, especially with what happened last time. As Aunt Josephine once said in Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events: Book the 3rd: The Wide Window, "I'm afraid to death of realtors".

So, yesterday I was visiting MySpace, following people's friends and I looked at some girl's profile that i looked at just to see who it was. It was this girl at school that i thought was mean and kind of stuck-up, i kind of think she doesn't remember me from last year. Anydangway, i found out she likes The White Stripes. This of course,being one of my favorite bands. It was interesting. I would've never thought she would like them.

1) "I don't have a son"
Narrator: "He does."
"But if i did, i would take him to a cabin in the woods. Or promise him i would take him and then not take him. But the one thing i would not do is not promise him i would take to a cabin in the woods, and then not take him!"

- Arrested Development (ep 301)

2) Currently listening to: 1651 songs at random (Winamp)

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Our Hell is Every Weekend, But It's All I Have to Believe In

As you all may know, Sundays are a prime day for real estate. Not this week. We got an offer on this crap-shack house today. We haven't accepted it yet, but i have no idea what's going on or what will go on.

Last night, we all had to help our grandparents move. I kinda like their new house. It isn't too big, actually, it's kind of small. But we missed Lost, so we taped it, and are hopefully going to watch it soon. I can't live without figuring out what's in the hatch! Dang hatch, ruining my life.

Speaking of tapes, i also taped the season premire of The Office (US) on Tuesday, there was such a "Heck yes!" moment, but I'm not going to say, if you don't know who the characters are and have not seen it yet, I'm not the spoiler-giving type.

1) "How was shooting today?"
{shot of him getting hit with a ping-pong ball}
"Don't do that AGAIN!"

- Sample of Style Too!: The Animationing!

2) Watching: Strongbad_email.exe Disk 4 (101-130)

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

I Don't Know What You're Talking About! You're Interrupting My Activities!

I'm talking about this kid in school who everybody hates, even me. He just thinks out loud, WAY TOO LOUD AND WAY TOO MUCH. I'm done with all of that.

Well, Arrested was awesome last night. I taped it and am going to watch it for a third time tonight. Yes, a third time. You know what's horrible though? Only 2 million people watched it! Come on, you jerk-idiots! Just watch it, please! I'm am begging, on humble knee. Why, America? Why?

1) "Pom-Pom's head is orange, right? So, his brother's head would naturally a bulldog!"

- SB email B-4 (Family Resemblence)

2) Watching: Arrested Development - The Cabin Show (ep 301)

Monday, September 19, 2005

Holy Matrimony!

Went to a wedding on Saturday. It wasn't one of those four-hour ceremony kind. It was the fun kind with a D.J. and fun-times. Started off by us sitting down for about a half-hour, then the ceremony at 4:00, then fun and goodness until about 9:00. Out of the three that I've been to, this is the best one, i danced my butt off. My aunt, uncle, cousins and grandparents came from Roseburg for it.

Sunday, My other grandparents came over for the race. My other cousins came over, too. We found a really cool spot to sit at the park. It's under a bridge with train tracks on it. I don't think trains run there anymore. But i really don't wanna risk going up there and walking along the tracks.

Today was pretty good, nothing special. Oh, except tonight, according to me, is the TV event of the fall season. THE SEASON 3 PREMIERE OF ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT!!!!!!!! Alright, I'm good. It's on tonight at 8:00 on FOX, We need alot of viewers, people! This has now become my favorite show of all time.

1) "But, long pants! I was told long pants! They said long pants! Long pants! Glorious pants!"

SB email (Long Pants)

2) Currently watching (at 8:00) Arrested Development (ep 301)

Saturday, September 17, 2005

How 'Bout This One? Donk.

1) "So, Mike. How do the ping-pong balls talk to the computer?"
"Well Matt...The ping-pong balls...Can talk to the computer!"

2) Currently watching: Strongbad_email.exe (Disk 4, 101-130)

Thursday, September 15, 2005

The Best 52 Megs I Ever Spent!

The other day was just a casual visit to the Browncoats forum, nothing special, just looking around. Then, all of a sudden, I saw the thread topic: "Firefly gag reel, the full 13 minutes". I rented the DVDs a couple of months ago. the gag reel was only about 4 minutes. DVDs? I feel ripped off, royally. It is one of the funniest gag reels ever when you see the full 13 mins. I feel so used.

In other news, I'm sone with the School Daze period by period analysis. It's 'tarded. I'm just gonna make fun of people and point out some highlights.

So, yeah. None of that no mores. Also, i think The Dandy Warhols are one of my favorite bands now.

Also, I used some of my Browncoat points to buy a CD sampler of score from Serenity! W00t!

Song: Dandy Warhols - Not if You Were the Last Junkie On Earth.

1) "First take off your shirt, then sand off your nipples."

- Strong Bad Email 135 (

2) Listening: DW Come Down

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

All Of Us Sing About It

-School Daze-

1: Almost finished poster.

2: Sat and listened to speech about PE rules. They didn't wanna make us run because of picture day.

3: No homework, started a new map. Kinda hard.

4: No homework because we had to take our pictures in period 4. And i got my (school) ID card. I like it better than last year's, but i don't like it that much.

5: Had to check out books, but i didn't find one so i have to get one from home.

6: Measured things. Not too fun.

Alright, not much there. Writing this is starting to get boring nd the cat just jumped on my chair. *pet pet*.

1) "It's spelled Raymond Luxury Yacht, but it's pronounced "Throatwobbler Mangrove.""
" You are a very silly man, and i do not want to interview you."
"But i want to be on television!"
"Well, you can't!"

2) Currently listening to: The Dandy Warhols Come Down by The Dandy Warhols

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Maybe She Doesn't Believe in Friends.

Alright. There's this girl on my bus. She's never said a word out loud on the bus or even near it. I like people like that. I want to get to know her kinda. But maybe she doesn't believe in friends. Hmm...

-School Daze-

1: Started our posters for stuff this week. Meh.

2: Did our first run. It was incredibly easy. Like, just really easy.

3: Almost finished assignment from yesterday. Just finished it just now.

3.5 (lunch): At lunch, the grades are seperated anymore. I have to eat with sevvies. That also means that none of my friends except a couple are in my lunch. That means that i miss hijinks and chaos! HIJINKS AND CHAOS! I hate this school.

4: Easy math.

5: Something else easy.

6: Did something easy. Yeah, sometimes school is boring.

1) "Does anyone know where i can get one of those necklaces with a T on it?"
"Actually, that's a cross."
"Across from where?"

Monday, September 12, 2005

I Don't Care Who You Are, Busses Are Like an After-School Retreat. Unless You're Friends Aren't On It With You.

I am happy today. Here is my daiye.

-School Daze-

1: Nothing to do. Worked out who's gonna work on posters and which ones.

2: First day of official PE. But guess what? They split us up, boys for one class and girls for the other. It's horrible. This isn't the '50's!

3: Started a really easy assignment. Really easy.

4: Another really easy assignment.

5: ANOTHER really easy assignment.

6: Did an experiment, then watched Bill Nye, Bill Nye r00lz.

And then after school, we all found out what our bus driver's name was! It's Donna. Donna's a cool name. And she's pretty cool, too.

So that is it.

1) "You're denying me treatment because I'm a fajita quesadilla?"
"No, you don't have insurance."

- Taco Ball commercial

2) Currently not doing anything.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

A-Pretty-Pretty Good Website: Death By Caffiene?

Select you drink, type in your weight. See how many of that drink you have to actually drink before you die.

Friday, September 9, 2005

I Have a Question...You're Crazy.

Alright, so there's this girl, right? And she's really crazy, right? But she's my kind of crazy. She's cool.

-School Daze-

1: Did more of that list from yesterday, kinda boring, but at least we didn't have to do anyhitng.

2: Nothing, again. Just socialized again today.

3: Got textbooks. Got homework.

4: Did some fun problems. Pretty cool. Mor Fonder is getting a little cooler. Hasn't yelled at anybody yet.

5: Worked with partners. I joined someone i actually liked that also didn't get a partner. We got done fast.

6: Tryed to guess what things were in boxes. POretty fun. Not to hard. It was actually not to 8th grade-y.

So that's it. There's-a my book. Be back Monday where, hopefully, I'll have something WAY more exciting.

1) "If you take advantage of her, you are going to a special place in Hell. The place reserved for people who do things to children and people who talk at the theater."

- Firefly

1b) "It's the most powerful gun in the world. It is my favorite gun. I want you to have it. It's alot better than what you got."
"She has a name."
"Mine does, too. I call it Vera."

- Firefly

2) Currently playing: Animal Crossing - Gamecube

Thursday, September 8, 2005

Root-Toot, Root-Toot-Toot...That's Flowers, B****!

That title has nothing at all to do with this post. I just thought of it.

-School Daze-

1: I kinda forgot what happened in Leadership today, nothing important though. I think...Oh, i remember now. We all made a list of 10 things we think it takes to be a good leader. Meh

2: Nothing again in P.E., open gym. I just socialized.

3: Pre-Geography Test. Mr. Harris is still cool. Some of the questions just made me feel stupid.

4: Mr. Fonder is kinda cool now, dunno why, hasn't yelled at me yet. We did problems. Assignments stary Monday.

5: Um...did some thing in Language Arts. Had to find stuff in the book. Working with partners tomorrow.

6: Went over what's what in the classroom. Then played some game where we...I don't wanna waste my time explain it.

That's today, in a nutshell. NUT! AAAAAH-Hahahahahahaha...

1) "Yeah, I ate a big red candle..."

- Anchorman

2) Currently playing: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Gamecube ver.)

Wednesday, September 7, 2005

Back tooo Shkoool...

Today, i came to school. It was great. Here's the new feature!

-School Daze-

Period 1: Leadership. Elective class. Do stuff to help the school, collect recycling, paint stuff, ee-tee-see. My teacher, Ms. Murray, is cool so far.

2: P.E. Nothing today, just layed down the ground rules. Blah blah respect, blah blah effort. Mr Y. is the coolest P.E. teacher on the dang planet.

3: Social Studies. Nothing today, just layed down the ground rules. Mr. Harris is my friend's dad, so i may have an in.

4: Math. See above for period synopsis. Mr. Fonder, I kinda already don't like him, but anyway, that'll develop in a couple of weeks, maybe.

5: Language Arts. Weirdo pulled the fire alarm. Ms. Summers is coo, i guess.

6: Science. Measured ourselves and wrote down stuff. Mr. Deering is already a-pretty-pretty cool.

So, that's it, I think you've heard secrets...

1) "You ripped out it's head, then shoved it down it's throat. Then you took it, stuck it in a blender, ate it, and barfed it back on to a cassette tape."

- NewsRadio

2) Currently listening to: Mr. A-Z: Jason Mraz

Tuesday, September 6, 2005

Stuff My Sister Won't Care About/My Golden Post

Yes, this is my fiftieth post. Happy, i am. You see there, that's my Yoda.

Alright, on to what my sister doesn't give a flying sack of crap about. Next generation videro game consoles. (Liz, scroll down a bit.)

1) Nintendo Revolution
This is the one I'm really looking forward to, It's gonna have great new games and cool new features and plays DVDs and all the other old games.

  • Plays all other old system games
  • Great launch titles
  • Plays DVDs
  • Looks rrll rrll cool


  • Old games aren't free
  • DVDs played with special thing, sold seperately

2) Playstation 3

This also looks fantastic. Cool cool games, great speed and graphics and greatness


  • Three times the power of Xbox 360, 35 times the power of PS2
  • Awesome looks
  • Cool gaems


  • The price is going to be incredibly steep

3) Xbox 360

I am not a really big Microsoft fan, seeing as they own Rare and Bill Gates is weird. But anyway. I don't know much about it, so i can't really say anything.

So tomorrow, I'm going to school. I haave everything ready for tomorrow. I just wanna get it over with.

Also, I have been spammed. Idiots left "comments" telling me to check out their "weight loss site", or their "Texas poker strategy site". Everyone knows that this is all these tards have any time for. They're lonely dorks whose only hobby is saying crap and scamming people off. I hope no one else has to deal with those no-life crazies.

1) "If she's there, say "nobody". Okay, who's there?"


"Okay, now i don't know what's going on!"

2) Currently listening to: B-Sides - Damien Rice

Monday, September 5, 2005

A Pretty-Pretty Good Website: Musical Pants

People send in a request for a song, paid or for free. They give instructions on how to do the song like, what style, beat, length. This guy does every style. He does them prooty good too. Check it!

Come Check Out My Brilliant Games!

Today, I got new shoes. So far, they're awesome. And also, I just want school to start already. Come on! It's been long enough! Stupid seventh graders going on Tuesday. HAARGH! I also just want the new season of Arrested Development to start! We haven't seen a new episode since April! Just make it the 19th already! Gosh! Well, I should just be happy that we even HAVE a new season of AD. Stupid FOX.

Also, we rented WarioWare: Mega Party Game$ for the Gamecube. It's great. It only costs 10 more dollars to own it. I hope we decide to buy it.

1) "Are you Tio?"
"Oh, you're gonna be in a como."

- Arrested Development

2) Currently playing: WarioWare: Mega Party Game$ - Gamecube

Friday, September 2, 2005


Last night, we got a call for a showing, get this, 11:00 - 2:00. Yeah. We go today and we get back and no one showed up. Uggh!!!
Well, my last four days of freedom start tomorrow. Then, I'm all set for school. I'm ready, I'm not afraid of the academic mind-games of the man!

1) "I'm not just some...trophy wife."
"What contest in Hell did I win?"

- Everybody Loves Raymond

2) Currently listening to: Astro Lounge - Smash Mouth

Thursday, September 1, 2005

To Be Serious For Once

I pray for all people in New Orleans. I know you all have to move everywhere from the Super/Astro Dome and all in-between. I wish i had money to give, but if i did, it would give it all. After seeing the news coverage and the city submerged in something that isn't even water anymore, covered with petroleum and oil. It will take a while to rebuild the city, i know. But hey, it could be much worse.

I'm Getting There...

Alright, cannot wait till school starts. It always seems that whenever i get out of school i'm soooo happy, and when it gets close to it starting up again, i'm soooo happy. Yeh, It's cool.

Last night i got my "school" clothes, I gots...

  • System of a Down shirt
  • Monty Python shirt
  • two pairs of jeans
  • button-down, blue shirt

The MP and button-down shirt make a sweet combo.

1) "I'm in a glass case of emotion!!!!!"

- Anchorman

2) currently watching: Distraction (Comedy Central)