Tuesday, September 6, 2005

Stuff My Sister Won't Care About/My Golden Post

Yes, this is my fiftieth post. Happy, i am. You see there, that's my Yoda.

Alright, on to what my sister doesn't give a flying sack of crap about. Next generation videro game consoles. (Liz, scroll down a bit.)

1) Nintendo Revolution
This is the one I'm really looking forward to, It's gonna have great new games and cool new features and plays DVDs and all the other old games.

  • Plays all other old system games
  • Great launch titles
  • Plays DVDs
  • Looks rrll rrll cool


  • Old games aren't free
  • DVDs played with special thing, sold seperately

2) Playstation 3

This also looks fantastic. Cool cool games, great speed and graphics and greatness


  • Three times the power of Xbox 360, 35 times the power of PS2
  • Awesome looks
  • Cool gaems


  • The price is going to be incredibly steep

3) Xbox 360

I am not a really big Microsoft fan, seeing as they own Rare and Bill Gates is weird. But anyway. I don't know much about it, so i can't really say anything.

So tomorrow, I'm going to school. I haave everything ready for tomorrow. I just wanna get it over with.

Also, I have been spammed. Idiots left "comments" telling me to check out their "weight loss site", or their "Texas poker strategy site". Everyone knows that this is all these tards have any time for. They're lonely dorks whose only hobby is saying crap and scamming people off. I hope no one else has to deal with those no-life crazies.

1) "If she's there, say "nobody". Okay, who's there?"


"Okay, now i don't know what's going on!"

2) Currently listening to: B-Sides - Damien Rice

1 comment:

weas said...

I'm not sure at all about what console to go for. Maybe that'll be the subject of my next blog post (don't mind if I steal that, do you?)