Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Maybe She Doesn't Believe in Friends.

Alright. There's this girl on my bus. She's never said a word out loud on the bus or even near it. I like people like that. I want to get to know her kinda. But maybe she doesn't believe in friends. Hmm...

-School Daze-

1: Started our posters for stuff this week. Meh.

2: Did our first run. It was incredibly easy. Like, just really easy.

3: Almost finished assignment from yesterday. Just finished it just now.

3.5 (lunch): At lunch, the grades are seperated anymore. I have to eat with sevvies. That also means that none of my friends except a couple are in my lunch. That means that i miss hijinks and chaos! HIJINKS AND CHAOS! I hate this school.

4: Easy math.

5: Something else easy.

6: Did something easy. Yeah, sometimes school is boring.

1) "Does anyone know where i can get one of those necklaces with a T on it?"
"Actually, that's a cross."
"Across from where?"

1 comment:

weas said...

"But maybe she doesn't believe in friends. Hmm..."

Or maybe she's just shy. I mean, I'm like that too sometimes (back when I rode the bus to school last year, I was usually the creepy silent dude). So...I guess you could try going and talking to her.

Just don't take my advice to heart. I ain't no Dear Abby, if you catch my drift.