Thursday, September 15, 2005

The Best 52 Megs I Ever Spent!

The other day was just a casual visit to the Browncoats forum, nothing special, just looking around. Then, all of a sudden, I saw the thread topic: "Firefly gag reel, the full 13 minutes". I rented the DVDs a couple of months ago. the gag reel was only about 4 minutes. DVDs? I feel ripped off, royally. It is one of the funniest gag reels ever when you see the full 13 mins. I feel so used.

In other news, I'm sone with the School Daze period by period analysis. It's 'tarded. I'm just gonna make fun of people and point out some highlights.

So, yeah. None of that no mores. Also, i think The Dandy Warhols are one of my favorite bands now.

Also, I used some of my Browncoat points to buy a CD sampler of score from Serenity! W00t!

Song: Dandy Warhols - Not if You Were the Last Junkie On Earth.

1) "First take off your shirt, then sand off your nipples."

- Strong Bad Email 135 (

2) Listening: DW Come Down

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