Friday, September 9, 2005

I Have a Question...You're Crazy.

Alright, so there's this girl, right? And she's really crazy, right? But she's my kind of crazy. She's cool.

-School Daze-

1: Did more of that list from yesterday, kinda boring, but at least we didn't have to do anyhitng.

2: Nothing, again. Just socialized again today.

3: Got textbooks. Got homework.

4: Did some fun problems. Pretty cool. Mor Fonder is getting a little cooler. Hasn't yelled at anybody yet.

5: Worked with partners. I joined someone i actually liked that also didn't get a partner. We got done fast.

6: Tryed to guess what things were in boxes. POretty fun. Not to hard. It was actually not to 8th grade-y.

So that's it. There's-a my book. Be back Monday where, hopefully, I'll have something WAY more exciting.

1) "If you take advantage of her, you are going to a special place in Hell. The place reserved for people who do things to children and people who talk at the theater."

- Firefly

1b) "It's the most powerful gun in the world. It is my favorite gun. I want you to have it. It's alot better than what you got."
"She has a name."
"Mine does, too. I call it Vera."

- Firefly

2) Currently playing: Animal Crossing - Gamecube

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