Thursday, September 8, 2005

Root-Toot, Root-Toot-Toot...That's Flowers, B****!

That title has nothing at all to do with this post. I just thought of it.

-School Daze-

1: I kinda forgot what happened in Leadership today, nothing important though. I think...Oh, i remember now. We all made a list of 10 things we think it takes to be a good leader. Meh

2: Nothing again in P.E., open gym. I just socialized.

3: Pre-Geography Test. Mr. Harris is still cool. Some of the questions just made me feel stupid.

4: Mr. Fonder is kinda cool now, dunno why, hasn't yelled at me yet. We did problems. Assignments stary Monday.

5: Um...did some thing in Language Arts. Had to find stuff in the book. Working with partners tomorrow.

6: Went over what's what in the classroom. Then played some game where we...I don't wanna waste my time explain it.

That's today, in a nutshell. NUT! AAAAAH-Hahahahahahaha...

1) "Yeah, I ate a big red candle..."

- Anchorman

2) Currently playing: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Gamecube ver.)

1 comment:

weas said...

Here's a tip - go into your Blog settings and turn on Word Verification so you can get rid of these damn spammers.