Friday, September 30, 2005

You Can't Take the Sky From Us!

Serentiy opens today. I've decided that I will wait for my bandana to arrive in the mail to see it to show my Browncoat pride. Joss is boss!

Today was the walkathon for the hurricane(s). I was sweating so much but I'm lucky i slabbed on the de-odor-cake. And, as a little bonus, it poured down rain, so we 8th graders walked throughout the school halls, and the stupid sevvies had to run in the gym! Ha-ha! Me and my friend Sarah were walking through the halls yelling, and when people told us to shut up we yelled, "FREE COUNTRY!" It was hilarious. I yelled, "Steve Holt!" also. No one knew what it meant, i was so sad. Pwople are so out of the AD loop!

1) "Tejamo!"
"I love you!"
"Great, not I'm late."

2) Currently watching: Arrested Development - Season 1/Strongbad_email.exe Disk 4 (101-130)

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