Sunday, September 25, 2005

It Was The 05/05/05 Party, It Only Happens Once Every Billion Years!

Alright, I, to this date, have watched the season premiere of The Office 4 times, obsessive, aren't I? Well, at least I'm not one of those freaks who sees Star Wars 50 times every week. But you know what a cool movie to re-issue to theaters, even though it's out on video? The Incredibles. It is definitely one of my favorite movies of all times. I'm gonna show it to my children. I hope the not-liking-"old"-movies gene isn't passed down.

So, today, my aunt might be coming over to give my sweet, sweet DVDs back. I honestly cannot wait until i get them back. I miss season 1 of Arrested Development soooo much! I miss it so!

Last night was the premiere of Alias in syndication. I think i might start watching it next season, but i said that last year and that never happened. I don't know what I'm going to do. I might even start watching Smallville, too. I saw the last part of the season finale last Thursday, and it was so cool.

You know what else? I might even wait a week to see Serenity. I mean, if it does anything like it did at the test screenings, i will be packed everywhere across the country. We need enough money for a sequel! I think it might be 50 million dollars od something like that, so it won't be too hard.

1) "You know Jayne, my days of not taking you seriously certaintly are coming to a middle."
"Dammit, Mal. I forgot my line."

- Firefly gag reel

2) Currently watching: Strongbad_email.exe (1-4) commentaries

As a little tiny side note, this is my 64th post. My favorite number, and second favorite Nintendo system. First is the SNES.

1 comment:

Darren Hicks said...

I'm, soorry Canadian/}