Thursday, September 29, 2005

My Name is Earl...Brand Popcorn

Lost was pretty flibbity-flibbin' cool last night. Bet you never heard and/or read that before.

Today was Corpse Bride day. I was happy. It was so shiny! It was alot like Nightmare Before Christmas. It was very good. And, bonus, i got to leave school to see it! My sister ordered popcorn and got a My Name is Earl bag. I wonder if like, one time, he stole popcorn from somebody and now he's making his own for people. It was pretty good.

1) "My name is Earl. Onew time i stole a hot dog...cart."

- Do i really need to say?

2) You already know what I'm currently watching. Gosh! Well, not currently. A couple hours ago.

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