Friday, September 23, 2005

Krazy-Krazy Weekend

I like the letter K, so what?

Today, the people accepted our counter-offer for the house. My dad says we'll be out of here in a month. I think I'll believe it when it happens, you know? This is one of those situations. You never know, especially with what happened last time. As Aunt Josephine once said in Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events: Book the 3rd: The Wide Window, "I'm afraid to death of realtors".

So, yesterday I was visiting MySpace, following people's friends and I looked at some girl's profile that i looked at just to see who it was. It was this girl at school that i thought was mean and kind of stuck-up, i kind of think she doesn't remember me from last year. Anydangway, i found out she likes The White Stripes. This of course,being one of my favorite bands. It was interesting. I would've never thought she would like them.

1) "I don't have a son"
Narrator: "He does."
"But if i did, i would take him to a cabin in the woods. Or promise him i would take him and then not take him. But the one thing i would not do is not promise him i would take to a cabin in the woods, and then not take him!"

- Arrested Development (ep 301)

2) Currently listening to: 1651 songs at random (Winamp)

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