Monday, September 19, 2005

Holy Matrimony!

Went to a wedding on Saturday. It wasn't one of those four-hour ceremony kind. It was the fun kind with a D.J. and fun-times. Started off by us sitting down for about a half-hour, then the ceremony at 4:00, then fun and goodness until about 9:00. Out of the three that I've been to, this is the best one, i danced my butt off. My aunt, uncle, cousins and grandparents came from Roseburg for it.

Sunday, My other grandparents came over for the race. My other cousins came over, too. We found a really cool spot to sit at the park. It's under a bridge with train tracks on it. I don't think trains run there anymore. But i really don't wanna risk going up there and walking along the tracks.

Today was pretty good, nothing special. Oh, except tonight, according to me, is the TV event of the fall season. THE SEASON 3 PREMIERE OF ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT!!!!!!!! Alright, I'm good. It's on tonight at 8:00 on FOX, We need alot of viewers, people! This has now become my favorite show of all time.

1) "But, long pants! I was told long pants! They said long pants! Long pants! Glorious pants!"

SB email (Long Pants)

2) Currently watching (at 8:00) Arrested Development (ep 301)

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