Wednesday, September 7, 2005

Back tooo Shkoool...

Today, i came to school. It was great. Here's the new feature!

-School Daze-

Period 1: Leadership. Elective class. Do stuff to help the school, collect recycling, paint stuff, ee-tee-see. My teacher, Ms. Murray, is cool so far.

2: P.E. Nothing today, just layed down the ground rules. Blah blah respect, blah blah effort. Mr Y. is the coolest P.E. teacher on the dang planet.

3: Social Studies. Nothing today, just layed down the ground rules. Mr. Harris is my friend's dad, so i may have an in.

4: Math. See above for period synopsis. Mr. Fonder, I kinda already don't like him, but anyway, that'll develop in a couple of weeks, maybe.

5: Language Arts. Weirdo pulled the fire alarm. Ms. Summers is coo, i guess.

6: Science. Measured ourselves and wrote down stuff. Mr. Deering is already a-pretty-pretty cool.

So, that's it, I think you've heard secrets...

1) "You ripped out it's head, then shoved it down it's throat. Then you took it, stuck it in a blender, ate it, and barfed it back on to a cassette tape."

- NewsRadio

2) Currently listening to: Mr. A-Z: Jason Mraz

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