Thursday, September 22, 2005

Our Hell is Every Weekend, But It's All I Have to Believe In

As you all may know, Sundays are a prime day for real estate. Not this week. We got an offer on this crap-shack house today. We haven't accepted it yet, but i have no idea what's going on or what will go on.

Last night, we all had to help our grandparents move. I kinda like their new house. It isn't too big, actually, it's kind of small. But we missed Lost, so we taped it, and are hopefully going to watch it soon. I can't live without figuring out what's in the hatch! Dang hatch, ruining my life.

Speaking of tapes, i also taped the season premire of The Office (US) on Tuesday, there was such a "Heck yes!" moment, but I'm not going to say, if you don't know who the characters are and have not seen it yet, I'm not the spoiler-giving type.

1) "How was shooting today?"
{shot of him getting hit with a ping-pong ball}
"Don't do that AGAIN!"

- Sample of Style Too!: The Animationing!

2) Watching: Strongbad_email.exe Disk 4 (101-130)

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