Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Oh, Boy

Well, the annoying kid wasn't in school today, again. Can't complain.

I heard the new Stephen Lynch song today and it is hilarious. It's called "Vanilla Ice Cream". You can hear it at:

Well, I have a question. Why do people like to lie to you? I mean, in school. This dude came up to me, i knew him, he knew me. We weren't necesarilly freinds. But if you played "Six Degrees of Seperation" you'd link us. Anyway, he came up to me and siad, "You know her? She likes you." I didn't believe he was telling the truth. So then he walkks over to her and told her that he told me that she told him. Idiot. I said to her, "I knew he was lying." And she replied, "I know." But what if it's true, you know? I makes you think.

And today, one of my friends told me, "I'm gonna tell that girl you like that you like her." I'm like, "No, you're really not." But then he walks off and comes back and says that he just did. Later i saw her and asked, "Did Victor tell you anything?" and she spoke back, "Who's Victor?" So, yeah. He's a lyin' liar too. Don't listen to anything that anybody says.

1) "Maybe your feeling love?"
"I know what an erection feels like!"

- Arrested Development (ep 302)

2) currently watching: Arrested Development: Season 1

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