Wednesday, September 14, 2005

All Of Us Sing About It

-School Daze-

1: Almost finished poster.

2: Sat and listened to speech about PE rules. They didn't wanna make us run because of picture day.

3: No homework, started a new map. Kinda hard.

4: No homework because we had to take our pictures in period 4. And i got my (school) ID card. I like it better than last year's, but i don't like it that much.

5: Had to check out books, but i didn't find one so i have to get one from home.

6: Measured things. Not too fun.

Alright, not much there. Writing this is starting to get boring nd the cat just jumped on my chair. *pet pet*.

1) "It's spelled Raymond Luxury Yacht, but it's pronounced "Throatwobbler Mangrove.""
" You are a very silly man, and i do not want to interview you."
"But i want to be on television!"
"Well, you can't!"

2) Currently listening to: The Dandy Warhols Come Down by The Dandy Warhols

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