Monday, October 31, 2005

Alright. If This Isn't Final, I Don't Know What Is: Scary Scary Chapter 2

Still no H'ween toon from TBC. This is ridiculous. It'll be up tomorrow, probably. I'll then probably have to wait acouple of weeks before i see it.

Yes, tonight is the last night at our house. We are leaving the town tomorrow. Things are going to be hella quick, if you know what i mean. We're are probably going to wake up early and will have to shuffle and skiffle through every box of crap and load and pack and store and stow and every house-moving related verb known to man. And folks. I'm ready for this bitch.

1) "What are you doing?"
"Inserting my banana bag. Which sounds dirty, but it's not."

- Grey's Anatomy

2) Currently playing: Super Mario Advance

Scary Scary...

Started today with about 6 hours of sleep in me. I woke up at 6:00 this morning. I just listened to morning radio for a couple of hours then went downstairs, took shot, and ate. And here i am. We better be getting the money today.I don't know what's going to happen if we don't.

I really cannot wait until I'm 17. I really want to see Saw and Saw II. The second one looks alot better than the first one looked. Teehee...see Saw...

Just checked for the new Halloween cartoon. Not up yet. The crowd grows anxious. Where is the profit of the Borhters Chaps?

to be continued...

1) "The Pirates of the Carribean was designed by Johnny Depp's great-grandfather, Mortekai Depp, who all the other designers were gay on."

- Brain Phelps (as Disneyland expert. Mark and Brian)

2) Currently watching: Halloween toon 2005 (not yet)

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Just Throw That Away...

We have been doing alot of clearing things out of places today. My room is currently in about 7 boxes. I have no earthly clue what's happening with my bed. I think we're giving it away. I don't necessarily care what happens to it.

We also have been doing alot of packing up what we're taking on the road. Guess what? Since our money comes Monday, i think we're laving either on my birthday or the day after. I would like to leave the day after, but i don't care either way. I think I'm gonna go write a good-bye email to my friends.

1) "Me and Dad are going out for ice cream."
"Can we come?"
"I'm sorry, it's not for kids."

- Arrested Development

2) Currently listening to: Jim Gaffigan - Doing My Time

Thursday, October 27, 2005

43x2 = This Post, Ya'll

Alright, we're still in Oregon! Appearantly, we're going to get the truck when we get our house $$$, which might be tomorrow. So, we might be loading tomorrow. I'm so ready for it. We're most likely going to be on the road for my birthday, so i'll probably get a jerky stick wrapped in a bow. I'll be happy, anyway.

Guess what? About a month ago, i ordered that Serenity stuff. Remember that? Read back entries for the info. I ordered a bandana and a CD sampler of score from the movie. I finally got it on Monday! After about five years. Oh, me...

1) "Wallace and his pudding cup..."

- Veronica Mars

2) Currently listening to: Serenity: Select Music From the Film

Monday, October 24, 2005

Don't Mes Too Much With Your Hair. When You're 40, It'll Look 85.

That's from that Baz Luhrman song, "Everybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen). I think it's a very cool song. We just got back from Roseburg today.It was fun, at least we got to see our family again. I packed 5 boxes today. My cousin copied all the Coheed and Cambria CDs for me. So far I've only heard Second Stage Turbine Blade and part of In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3. Thry have huge album titles, and huge albums. the first one is 55:10, if i believe, and the second is over 70 minutes. But i kinda see why they're Drew's favorite band of all time. We've got lots and lots of packing to do tomorrow, so i will say goodbye for one last time, because this might very well be my last post in a while. If i can, i'll post tomorrow. See ya'll.

1) "Guess what i have?"
"A hat made out of lemons?"

- The Brak Show

2) Currently listening to: In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3 - Coheed and Cambria

Friday, October 21, 2005

It's The Final Countdown!!!!

Three days until total domination. Three days until my world takes an incredibly sharp turn. I plan to see all of you in a couple of weeks. If not, then i have been abducted or murdered. Just kidding, of course, but not really. Ooo, now i'm gonna be all techie and stupid. I'll c yall l8r.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

I'm Gonna Get That Season 2...

I went to the mall today. As you know, it's a five-day weekend. I went a lesson with my vision teracher. It was fun, i guess. I got $26 from her for birthday money. I went to Sam Goody and bought the Jim Gaffigan CD/DVD. So far, it's hilarious. Also, when in Sam Goody, i was looking at the TV DVDs and saw Arrested Development Season 2, took it off the shelf, hugged it, and put it back. Yeah, pretty weird, ah? Anyway, this might be my last post in a while, but maybe tomorrow i'll do a little mini-post.

Also tomorrow, packing like crazy is gonna happen again. And we're going to be taken out to dinner at Outback Steakhouse by our grandparents. It shall be a great feast for all.

And, as a token of my gratitude, here is a Cavalcade 'O' Quotes!

"There's only one man I've ever called a coward, and that's Brian Doyle Murray. No, what I'm calling you is a television actor. "

- Arrested Development

"Butt dance again, like the rhythm's down your pants now."

- Strong Bad Email (Bottom 10)

"Blah dee blah blah, ba bleh dee blah bloo, i don't care, just get him some pants."

- Strong Bad email (Long Pants)

"Let me tell you a little story about acting. I was doing this Showtime movie, Hot Ice with Anne Archer, never once touched my per diem. I'd go to Craft Service, get some raw veggies, bacon, Cup-A-Soup... baby, I got a stew going!"

- Arrested Development

"Hi, I'm a stupid, lazy door. I'm so stupid and lazy, I won't even OPEN UP!"

- Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Everyone Has This, I Think...

Today is my 82nd post. It seems that 82 and sometimes 83 are the numbers i always spew out at random. I think everyone has that sort of disease. Like Weird Al and 27 and the Upright Citizens Brigade with 23. Tell me your number(s). It'll be fun!

Day off, conferences today through Friday. Next week, me and my sister are going to kill each other in the back seat of the car.But, we might have an animal in-between us, so they might be the referee. That better be how you spell that.

1) "Wow, that baby looks alot like his daddy."
"Yes it does, it also kind of looks like the mommy."
"What are the odds?"

- Jim Gaffigan

2) Currently drinking: Diet Sierra Mist

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Today Was a Brand Style, Indeed.

Today i woke up and got ready for my very last day at JB Thomas Middle School. I had to get a withdrawal slip from the counseling "center". I then went to all my teachers and got stuff and checked all of my books back in. It all made me feel very sad. Then the day was over before i knew it. I almost cried on the bus on the way home. Well, not really, but seriously. It was very sad.

1) "Why do we need television shows, anyway? Why don't we just have a block of commercials for thirty minutes that previews the promos that are coming in the next promo commercial block...commercial promos...?"

- David Cross (Breaking Ground: The Making of Arrested Development)

2) Currently watching: Saturday Night Live: 25 Years of Laughs

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Cat Go Gone

Yesterday, i went to the wedding. I was a good one. Nothing to boring or long, it was the perfect length. The newlyweds look very happy together, and i'm very happy for them.

In other news, today, my sister is going to the mall with her friends and my dad is off to his friends' house, so it's just me and mom. We're going to walk to Hollywood Video and get some things. Then tomorrow i'm going to my second-to-last day of school. Yeah, very sad.

Also today, our beloved cat Snowball is to be adopted by one of my mom's work friends. Tears to come.

1) "It rains all the time in my mind, have a nice day!"

- Andy Milonakis Show

2) Currently watching: Strongbad_email.exe Disk 4 (101-130)

Friday, October 14, 2005


Today is Free Friday, or Free-iday, or whatever you wanna call it.

And guess what else? Next week i have a five-day weekend! Yeah, then the next Monday, we all head down to Roseburg and get our money for the house, then we *sigh* drive across the flippin country. Wow, it's all coming so fast now. I can't believe i only have two days to see all of my friends ever again. This is very sad. How i mourn for the "loss" of my friends. Maybe it'll be one of those things where i move back here after college or whatever then i see all them again. I have no idea what'll happen between a week from Monady and when I'm almost 25.

Also, today, home appraisers were going to come here at nine. Here it is, 10:23, haven't showed. Gosh!

1) "Get me a vodka rocks."
"It's breakfast, mother."
"And a piece of toast."

- Arrested Development

2) "Currently listening to: 1 Million Ways - OK Go

Thursday, October 13, 2005

2 Is A Magic Numba

Today was my third-to-last day at J.B. Thomas. Let the sulking commense. I only have two more days left! Im'a gonna cry. All those peoples i won't see ever again, but will probably email anyway...I gotta get their email addresses! Oh well, that is what Monday's for.

No school tomorrow. I feel sorry for those of you who do. All of ya'll need a little breaky-break, yeah?

Anydangway, i have nothing to do for Friday or Sunday. How i pine for fun...

1) It's fine. Just don't put anything on it. Or touch it. Or go near it."

- NewsRadio

2) Currently watching: NewsRadio: Season 1 and 2

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Holy(?) Matrimony (i put the ? in there because of the hippie)

Last week, all of the people in the class had to give their speech about themselves. I slid by on Friday. On Monday, i wasn't there, and today, the teacher said, "We have one more speech." I thought it was me, so i started to get up, then someone else got up there. Free. But then after the person went, the teacher said, "You ready to give your speech?" I was, but i didn't necessarily want to...But i did, and everyone liked it. What the heck was i afraid of?

This weekend, my cousin i getting married. Appearantly, they're getting married by a former priest who is a quote, "hippie". This should be interesting...

Also, why does no one leave me comments anymore? It's making me feel unloved.

1) (I'm sorry, i have to do this) "Bob Loblaw, no habla espanol."

- Arrested Development

2) Currently watching: Upright Citizens Brigade - Season One

Monday, October 10, 2005

Now, Dangit! Now!

It's official: Serenity is one of my favorite movies. I saw it yesterday, and i really have to say, it was incredible. See it while it's in the theatres! WARNING: Spoiler haters be warned!!!!

I was left in a state of mini-depression after Wash died. He was the majority of the comic relief!! Anyhow, the movie was very kick-butt and awesome.

In other news, the SNL on Saturday was very funny. Jon Heder was the host. The monologue was hilarious.

1) "Ladies and gentleman, this is your captain. We may expect some slight turbulance, and then...explode."


2) Currently listening to: DK64 Soundtrack

Friday, October 7, 2005

I'm Tryin' To Quit, Man...

I'm trying as long as i can to refrain from using Arrested Development quotes in my Dailies. Since the next episode is pre-empted due to America's Passtime. If you don't know what that is then you are sadly brainless.

So glad tomorrow is Saturday. Jon Heder (Napoleon Dynamite) is hosting SNL.

I now have the urge to listen to angry songs, just by listening to the angry "1, 2, 3, 4" in Song For The Dumped by Ben Folds Five. That song is awesome. I'm just rambling on now. I'm gonna stop.

1) "All this sleep is making all of us crazy."
"Don't you think you're overreacting talking gumball machine?"

- The Simpsons

2) Currently playing: Donkey Kong 64

Thursday, October 6, 2005

Call Me, And We'll Try To Wake Her Up

I dunno why i didn't say this yesterday, but i was walking with my friend, and she saw the girl i like in the window of her bus and she yelled, "HI, DARREN'S GIRLFRIEND!" What's up with that?

Today was okay, nothing special. I really need to get my Browncoat stuff before we move. It's beginning to make me slightly angry.

1) "Sometimes, we play, "Who Can Fit the Most M&Ms in Their Mouth?""
"YOU play that."

- The Office (US)

2) Currently listening to : X&Y - Coldplay

Wednesday, October 5, 2005

The R-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-ribbons!

Remember that chick that was crazy? She ain't no more. Well, she kinda/sorta is, that i know of. Well, she and one of her friends, for Red Ribbon Week, made little red ribbons and stuck them everywhere in the school. A really cool idea, no? And today, i said to her, in a stupid voice, "I like the ribbons in the halls!" and she looked at me like I was the crazy one, weirdness. When i see them on the ground, i pick them up, i'm sure none of you would do any different.

So, my dad says when we're on the drive down, my mom is thinking of getting one of them DVD things for me and my sister in the car. Yeah, awesome.

1) "Bird, bring us a vole."
"What's a vole?"
"I don't know, that's why i want one."
{bird attacks Bill, Bill screams}
"Well, i guess Bill's a vole."

- King of the Hill

2) Currently listening to: Harvey Danger - Little by Little

Tuesday, October 4, 2005


So, appearantly, the girl i like knows that i like her. She says she figured out, which is good, because i didn't want someone to tell her, i wanted to be the one, you know? Man, if you count how many times i used a comma just now...

Question of da day: Why in the flying frick do people cheat? I mean, it's an easy way to win, but it's horrible, especially when it's in P.E..
Today, we played a formation of Dodgeball where it was everybody against everybody. When you got hit, neck and below, you were out. Not a single person besides me and one of my friends, and maybe a couple people that i didn't see took their out. There are no gold trophies or other incentives to "winning"! No one wins in P.E. games! Come on!

That's it for me. Here's Chip Donkman witht the Dailies!

1) "Hitler is a jerk!"

- The Vandals (It's a Fact)

2) Currently playing: Donkey Kong 64 (N64)

Sunday, October 2, 2005

I Don't Know, But I've Been Told...

By my fazhah, if everything goes right, we'll be out of here in three weeks. This makes me all sad inside. I'll have no more oppurtunities to see all my friends again, and that is very disappointing. And all the family i might want to see just one more time.

Well, it's not all that bad, there's still people i can get away from finally. I need to do some sereious finding people and talking to them, preferably people i like and talking to them.

Song: Adam's Song - Blink 182

1) "Then, a magical bird, me in a beak, appears. Then, a puff of smoke, and I'm gone. And who should appear in the cage--"
"A guy who kinda like like you?"
"No! Even if that was how i did it, how'd the look-alike get up there?"
"He was hiding behind this mirror?"

- Arrested Development

2) Currently watching: Arrested Development - Season 1