Thursday, October 20, 2005

I'm Gonna Get That Season 2...

I went to the mall today. As you know, it's a five-day weekend. I went a lesson with my vision teracher. It was fun, i guess. I got $26 from her for birthday money. I went to Sam Goody and bought the Jim Gaffigan CD/DVD. So far, it's hilarious. Also, when in Sam Goody, i was looking at the TV DVDs and saw Arrested Development Season 2, took it off the shelf, hugged it, and put it back. Yeah, pretty weird, ah? Anyway, this might be my last post in a while, but maybe tomorrow i'll do a little mini-post.

Also tomorrow, packing like crazy is gonna happen again. And we're going to be taken out to dinner at Outback Steakhouse by our grandparents. It shall be a great feast for all.

And, as a token of my gratitude, here is a Cavalcade 'O' Quotes!

"There's only one man I've ever called a coward, and that's Brian Doyle Murray. No, what I'm calling you is a television actor. "

- Arrested Development

"Butt dance again, like the rhythm's down your pants now."

- Strong Bad Email (Bottom 10)

"Blah dee blah blah, ba bleh dee blah bloo, i don't care, just get him some pants."

- Strong Bad email (Long Pants)

"Let me tell you a little story about acting. I was doing this Showtime movie, Hot Ice with Anne Archer, never once touched my per diem. I'd go to Craft Service, get some raw veggies, bacon, Cup-A-Soup... baby, I got a stew going!"

- Arrested Development

"Hi, I'm a stupid, lazy door. I'm so stupid and lazy, I won't even OPEN UP!"

- Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends

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