Saturday, October 29, 2005

Just Throw That Away...

We have been doing alot of clearing things out of places today. My room is currently in about 7 boxes. I have no earthly clue what's happening with my bed. I think we're giving it away. I don't necessarily care what happens to it.

We also have been doing alot of packing up what we're taking on the road. Guess what? Since our money comes Monday, i think we're laving either on my birthday or the day after. I would like to leave the day after, but i don't care either way. I think I'm gonna go write a good-bye email to my friends.

1) "Me and Dad are going out for ice cream."
"Can we come?"
"I'm sorry, it's not for kids."

- Arrested Development

2) Currently listening to: Jim Gaffigan - Doing My Time

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