Wednesday, October 5, 2005

The R-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-ribbons!

Remember that chick that was crazy? She ain't no more. Well, she kinda/sorta is, that i know of. Well, she and one of her friends, for Red Ribbon Week, made little red ribbons and stuck them everywhere in the school. A really cool idea, no? And today, i said to her, in a stupid voice, "I like the ribbons in the halls!" and she looked at me like I was the crazy one, weirdness. When i see them on the ground, i pick them up, i'm sure none of you would do any different.

So, my dad says when we're on the drive down, my mom is thinking of getting one of them DVD things for me and my sister in the car. Yeah, awesome.

1) "Bird, bring us a vole."
"What's a vole?"
"I don't know, that's why i want one."
{bird attacks Bill, Bill screams}
"Well, i guess Bill's a vole."

- King of the Hill

2) Currently listening to: Harvey Danger - Little by Little

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