Tuesday, October 4, 2005


So, appearantly, the girl i like knows that i like her. She says she figured out, which is good, because i didn't want someone to tell her, i wanted to be the one, you know? Man, if you count how many times i used a comma just now...

Question of da day: Why in the flying frick do people cheat? I mean, it's an easy way to win, but it's horrible, especially when it's in P.E..
Today, we played a formation of Dodgeball where it was everybody against everybody. When you got hit, neck and below, you were out. Not a single person besides me and one of my friends, and maybe a couple people that i didn't see took their out. There are no gold trophies or other incentives to "winning"! No one wins in P.E. games! Come on!

That's it for me. Here's Chip Donkman witht the Dailies!

1) "Hitler is a jerk!"

- The Vandals (It's a Fact)

2) Currently playing: Donkey Kong 64 (N64)

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