Thursday, October 13, 2005

2 Is A Magic Numba

Today was my third-to-last day at J.B. Thomas. Let the sulking commense. I only have two more days left! Im'a gonna cry. All those peoples i won't see ever again, but will probably email anyway...I gotta get their email addresses! Oh well, that is what Monday's for.

No school tomorrow. I feel sorry for those of you who do. All of ya'll need a little breaky-break, yeah?

Anydangway, i have nothing to do for Friday or Sunday. How i pine for fun...

1) It's fine. Just don't put anything on it. Or touch it. Or go near it."

- NewsRadio

2) Currently watching: NewsRadio: Season 1 and 2

1 comment:

weas said...

So you're getting pulled out of school at last, huh? I wish you luck...