Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Holy(?) Matrimony (i put the ? in there because of the hippie)

Last week, all of the people in the class had to give their speech about themselves. I slid by on Friday. On Monday, i wasn't there, and today, the teacher said, "We have one more speech." I thought it was me, so i started to get up, then someone else got up there. Free. But then after the person went, the teacher said, "You ready to give your speech?" I was, but i didn't necessarily want to...But i did, and everyone liked it. What the heck was i afraid of?

This weekend, my cousin i getting married. Appearantly, they're getting married by a former priest who is a quote, "hippie". This should be interesting...

Also, why does no one leave me comments anymore? It's making me feel unloved.

1) (I'm sorry, i have to do this) "Bob Loblaw, no habla espanol."

- Arrested Development

2) Currently watching: Upright Citizens Brigade - Season One


weas said...

I haven't been commenting because I'm out of witty things to say...

EksFaktr said...

Um... question. Who told you she was mean? Why would I be marrying a mean woman, Darren?

I'm not angry yet. I'm just curious as to the source of this information, as it's definitely not reliable.

Darren Hicks said...

The stories i've heard from Grandma and others. An Liz, i tried to address it as politely as i could.

Anonymous said...

Stories from Grandma and others? Who are these others, that's what I'd like to know. And what stories?
I'm just curious to know what is being said about me, behind my back, that I should be made aware of.
I'm not mad, although I should be. I've got more important things going on in my life right now to be bothered with petty immaturities.

-Maijken (your soon-to-be cousin-in-law)

Darren Hicks said...

I don't have a problem woth anybody, can we just forget that I said anything? Let us all just make believe like i didn't say a word, aight? Even though i posted it here. Let me just brush this dibacle away.