Sunday, October 16, 2005

Cat Go Gone

Yesterday, i went to the wedding. I was a good one. Nothing to boring or long, it was the perfect length. The newlyweds look very happy together, and i'm very happy for them.

In other news, today, my sister is going to the mall with her friends and my dad is off to his friends' house, so it's just me and mom. We're going to walk to Hollywood Video and get some things. Then tomorrow i'm going to my second-to-last day of school. Yeah, very sad.

Also today, our beloved cat Snowball is to be adopted by one of my mom's work friends. Tears to come.

1) "It rains all the time in my mind, have a nice day!"

- Andy Milonakis Show

2) Currently watching: Strongbad_email.exe Disk 4 (101-130)

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