Monday, October 31, 2005

Scary Scary...

Started today with about 6 hours of sleep in me. I woke up at 6:00 this morning. I just listened to morning radio for a couple of hours then went downstairs, took shot, and ate. And here i am. We better be getting the money today.I don't know what's going to happen if we don't.

I really cannot wait until I'm 17. I really want to see Saw and Saw II. The second one looks alot better than the first one looked. Teehee...see Saw...

Just checked for the new Halloween cartoon. Not up yet. The crowd grows anxious. Where is the profit of the Borhters Chaps?

to be continued...

1) "The Pirates of the Carribean was designed by Johnny Depp's great-grandfather, Mortekai Depp, who all the other designers were gay on."

- Brain Phelps (as Disneyland expert. Mark and Brian)

2) Currently watching: Halloween toon 2005 (not yet)


Anonymous said...

OK, why do you want to watch a movie about people being forced to cut off parts of their bodies, and then watch a sequal about the same thing, just a slightly different storyline? Gee, how original.

Darren Hicks said...

Thank you, anonymous. I find the story intriguing, and the movie title even warrants blood and gore. But don't you find alittle redemption in the fact that i'm waiting until i'm old enough to see it? My parents are awesome parents.