Friday, August 31, 2007

'Sept Ember.

Tomorrow starts September. An okay month, in my opinion. And that's pretty much the only reason i titled this post with that particular one.

Anyway, can anyone gues where i went yesterday??

No? Okay, fine then. I went to the doctor. It was the first time we'd seen each other in 2 years, so it was nice. She had had a baby the year before.So, we quickly caught up somewhat, and then i got test results done. It was a very easy day.

However!! At some point in the next few weeks/months(?), i have to get blood work done! Oh goody. If you know that much about me, you know i despise bloodwork to it's very deep core. Just the though of someone sticking a very painful needle in the crook of my elbow and extracting blood from it conjures up painful memories in my mind. Well, i didn't have to do it yesterday, so i was thoroughly relieved. Maybe some day i'll just be like, "Hey, let's go remove some blood from my arm, and have it hurt duing the process. And also, let's get me a peice of medical bandage/tape and a wad of cotton on my arm that i'm not supposed to remove but is really annoying!"

Okay, sone with that hoosteroo. (I'm just getting the southern out of me. Actually, i think it's already out, or it never went in, thank god. I was just saying it to be ironic, and if you know where the word comes from, i applaud you."

Alright, so i just got my medical ID neclace in the mail. It's not my offical ID tag, but it's just something that will do for now. It has an extremely long chain on it that makes me look like a fool. "I HAVE DIABETES, PLEASE TEST MY BLOOD BEFORE TREATING ME" is displayed on the front of the smallest pendant ever. I mean, in comparison to the chain, it's ridiculous. I should totally take a picture or something, but now i'm not going to, because i said i should.

Anyway, on the subject of small things, i go back to school officially on Wednesday. I go for orientation on Tuesday, because i don't know where crap is at Hilhi yet. And no, i won't be glombed in with the freshmen, i'll be in a seperate group of nerwbies, thank god again. I'd look like a giraffe at a hamster festival. A VW bus amongst a crowd of go-karts. A luxury yacht next to a rowboat. Three examples is enough, let's move it along.

Along to nothing else, because nothing else is happening. Alrght, i'll probably do a sidey before Tuesday or something. Now read this.

1) "This is a DVD my mom recorded from shows." [places VHS on desk]
"Murray, this isn't a DVD."
"Yeah it is. Dubbed Video...Dub."

- Flight of the Conchords

3) currently considering: what shirt i'm gonna get.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Oh yes. I hope you knew this was coming.

In this post i will showcase Flight of the Conchords. I'll convert one person, i swear to god.

Bret has low self-esteem, Jermaine writes a song to help:

Bret writes a song for his girlfriend Coco:

The Humans Are Dead:

Issues/Think About it, Think Think About It:

They tell their manager Murray to cheer up:

oh yes.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

The Remaining Five

16) You're basically the first friend i had in Columbia. I trust you almost more than anybody. I'm sorry i haven't really called you in a while. You're my best friend, and i should act like you are.

17) Yeah, i'm talking about you again. Because i can't say anything bad about you. Ever. Not to say i'm looking for things that i don't like about you, because i'm not. Because i don't think i ever will find something bad about you, if if i did even think about looking for something. I love you, you know that.

18) You know what? I'm actually one of the smart people who does like you, and people who don't neede to learn alot more.

19)You need to leave her alone. I'm sorry, she's asked you a number of times, or so i'm told. And you still haven't followed through with it. If i were there, i'd be tempted to punch you in the face. I kind of am right now. You just really make me angry.

20) Could you hurry up? You're going to drive me mental over the next few years. Literally, i'll be in a padded room, counting.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Gimme Dat 411 (In-Depth Comprehensive Reportation! (Oaks Park Edition))

So, here's what happened.

Mom came home. We got ready. My sister's friend Cody came over, because he was coming with us. We all hpped in the car, popped in the latest mic CD i made, and drove off. We got directions from Google Maps, that weren't the clearest directions in the world.

So, we were lost for a few minutes. That was sure fun.

We finally got there and immediately went around to the picnic area to eat. I got some chicken, which the nastiest bee in the world would not leave alone. I would've punched it in the face, but it was way too fast.

After, we found the cooler with assorted ice creams, and got some. Then we trolled away to ride fun things.

So, we did that. My mother and i watched in horror as my sister and her friend rode the Screaming Eagle, which looks like the most horribly nauseating ride ever. I think they're still nuts for riding it...twice.

While they were riding it the first time, i met my mom's friend, who was only slightly intoxicated. Slurred speech and all. We all made a pact that we were all riding the roller coaster together. Right then and there. We had ridden it before. But this time it was with that man and his wife.

I have to say, it was not as fun the second time, as my back was slammed against the back of the car. It did hurt a bit.

After, we all got in line for popcorn, they had run out, and we were waiting for some new.

After that, we decided our finale was going to be the Ferris Wheel. The man operating said wheel was crazy. He was slightly chubby and had a beard, and was bald. And old. He kind of looked like a rumply old sea captain. It thought he was going to kill us.

After, we all drove home, and that was the end of an extremely seemingly long day.

1) Me: "Wow, this peach looks like a butt."
Liz: "Maybe it fell on something, and it got dented!"
M: "What would it have fallen on to make it look like that?"
L: "A butt!"

- at the grocery store

2) Currently listening to: We Are Pilots - Shiny Toy Guns

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Vietnam, Fish and Chips, Italian Opera

I'm in love with Hospital Beds by Cold War Kids. 'Tis a great song.

Wow, i'm ecstatic as i'll ever be right now. Getting metal-neck from DragonForce. Why? Because in the beginnigng of December, The Decemberists play three, count them, three shows in Portland. Decemberists as an early Christmas present? Yes please.

It's for their new "The Long and Short of It" tour. One night, The Long of It, will include all of their songs over 8 minutes, and the other, The Short opf It, includes shorter ones, which are yet to be announced.

I'm pretty sure i have enough money for ticket action. I might blow my face off if i don't get them. Seriously. And not two hours ago, i felt horribly sick to my stomach.

So, tomorrow night is my mom's company picnic at Oaks Park, Pretty much Oregon's only amusemnt park. It will be oodles of funcakes. Simply oodles. Rides a-plenty. Can you say, "Tilt-A-Whirl"? Because i sure can.

I think i shall have to give you In-Depth Comprehensive Reportation on Saturday. In the meantime, i'll be looking for ideas for side-posts. I think i have one already.

1) "I have to pee-pee."

- Psych

2) Currently reeling from: watching American Gun again.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Leaps and Bounds

In the past few days, i've made many daring decisions and hit some milestones.

Yesterday, i saw my first theater R-rated movie. Superbad, and it was way worth it, too. For my mom's birthday. For some parts, i kinda pretended she wasn't there, but i loved it. Michael Cera was so so good in this movie, i'm completely serious. I'd gavce it a rating of a A.

And i've made some long overdue changes in style. I got a slim fit Hellogoodbye shirt and some thight-in-the-leg pants. I've wanted them for a while. Oh yeah, we went school shopping today. Actually, today was part 1 of shopping, we're planning on the rest next weekend.

All i got were the shirt, the pants, a belt and some pens and paper. I'm probably going to get some shoes next weekend, and a bag, cuz i need one of those too. And a cool one, cuz two-strappers have officially entered the weird list in my mind.

And just a few minutes earlier, i took some dares in my class choices. I might be taking Musical Theatre or Hilhi Singers this year. proud of my bravery, or the little of it i have.

Alright, see you later.

1) "You have girlfriends?"
"Yeah. We've met them and everything."

- Flight of the Conchords

2) cl2: nothing in particular. And that was rather pointless

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Anything's On Youtube, Volume 2

This edition brings us a nice name change. Yeah, wasn't the last one too long? Me and my chronic laziness don't want to type it all.

Anyway, the featured video is a student project music video for Eli, the Barrow Boy by The Decemberists.

Of all the incredibly crappy fan-made videos, i found an actual good one, believe it or not. I was treading /orate once and people were talking about this, and saying it was good, and i thought, "Why not?" I watched it, and was impressed, surprisingly to me.

Alright, here we go. Be prepared to maybe cry.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Barcode Madness

Yesterday, after waiting for four things to be held at the library, we finally went there.

Liz wanted to find a book, and she knew which one. But, she did not have the knowledge of which section it was in. Since holds were self pick-up now, a fact that i found amazing, i was armed with four items, walking up and down the library looking like some sort of book nerd. Well, i did only have 1 book, and also, 2 DVDs and a CD. I'll get to those later.

So we went to the self checkout station, and after lookingh for the barcodes on the various items, i checked them out. Looking for barcodes, and then scanning them is not an easy task. But you feel quite cool when you do it.

The items i brought home with me were:

  • American Gun (DVD)
  • I Like You: Hospitality Under the Influence - Amy Sedaris (book)
  • Thumbsucker (DVD)
  • Pretty Little Head - Nellie McKay (CD)
I watched American Gun last night. It's very good, i'd recommend it. It does have alot of good folks in it too. Forest Whitaker, Marcia Gay Harden, Schuyler Fisk, Christopher Marquette, Donald Sutherland, and others. It made me cry almost twice. Okay, it actually did make me cry twice. I admitted it, you happy?

Pretty Little Head is Nellie's second album. Her first was much better, but this one's definitely good too.

I haven't watched Thumbsucker yet, i intend to tonight.

I Like You is a book on hospitality, and it is very funny. She talks about kids' parties and it has a list of games for the children to play, and it's hilarious.

OK, that's all i have to say about the haul at the 'brary.

Oh yeah, and possibly a YCLFAOY today, i don't know though.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

You Can Literally Find ANYTHING on Youtube. Vol. 1

Oh yes, i'm planning on making this a new thing. I'm hoping to do it at least once every two weeks.

Anyway, i shall give numerous examples of how anything possible can be found on youtube. Actually, this will probably happen every time something really random pops into my head and i wonder if it's on youtube, then it is.

This Volume's featured video is the theme song to the British comedy Two's Company. About an American author who hires a British butler, and hilariousness does ensue. I guess. I've only seen it once or twice, and it doesn't even run on PBS anymore. I'd only watch it for the song.

Anyway, here you go. Enjoy.

This Mr. Misses

I miss alot of people, and some of those people will not be missed anymore.

Why not? Not because i've decided to shun them for eternity, but becausei'm almost going back to school.

To see my friends that i had before i moved.

I actually am quite looking forward to seeing them in a few weeks. School starts on the 5th of September, and we need to make an appointment with the counselor to get our classes. Here's hoping i don't have to take theatre 1 again. With all the weird freshmen. [queeze]

Oh, you guys wanna know the only thing i did today? I bought headphones, oh boy indeed yessirree bobbidy bloohoo. They were five bucks, but i guess i like them.

1)"I did see some exoti marine life!"
"Homestar, all that's down there are cigarette butts."
"Aaand a bra."

- SB Email [mini golf]

which a-so gave us the gem...

1B) "Don't count on it monster man!"

2) currently listening to: 9 - Damien Rice

Saturday, August 11, 2007


That was kind of the obvious way to go with this one.

Anydangway, i might be the happiest person alive right now.

I mean, i've never said that without deeply meaning it before, and i did last night. It was the best night of my life, no doubt in my mind it was.

I know that i mean it in my heart and soul.

I swore long ago that i wouldn't be one of those people who totally get lost in love, but i can't help but do it now. I'm completely satisfied with my whole life. I have something to live for.

This is like an awakening for me, or something. I'm going to be so happy with everything, if something tries to stop me, i'll gladly shoot it down with my joyous joy. Alright, that sounded dorky.

I'm at risk of being more dorky and cheesy, so i'll leave now.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Freaking Grass

Having to grow and such. It's like, i can't go a week with out mowing a lawn.

Mowing lawns might be my least favorite chore to take care of. Although i do hate vacuuming because at the end my back hurts. But after lawn-mowing, i have these burns on my hands. Well, not like burns, like i burned them. It's like the feeling you have when you fall down on pavement. I have no idea why, but after, it's all over both of my hands.

Well, at least it's our lawn, so i don't have to mow the huge lawns of my grandparents. Seriously, have you seen their front lawn? It's fricken huge.

1) "How about playing 'Six Degrees of Kiss My Ass?'"
"First of all, that sounds like a very unpleasant game."

- Psych

2) currently listening to: Black Wave/Bad Vibrations - Arcade Fire

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Oh, Yes. One of These Again

1) Words can't express to me how amazing i think you are. Everything you do and everything you are just blows me away. As soon as we're done talking on the phone, I miss you. Seriously, talking to you will always be the highlight of my week. You don't haveany clue how much i think you should get away from that shitty town of yours.

2) Now, don't get me wrong, i think you're awesome, but you are as ignorant as you are awesome. The things you say about certain subjects is, pardon my French, but they are so incredibly stupid that sometimes i really wonder why i'm even friends with you, but i still am. It almost makes me sick.

3) I really really wish we'd have hung out more when we had the chance. That one day was literally one of the best days of my life. I wish i could've stayed forever.

4) I deeply wish i would've hung out with you at least once. I think you are one of the coolest people i know, seriously. I love you, and the person you are.

5) From the short time i knew you, i know right now, you are going to go places. And to big places as well. You impressed me so much and i can't believe i got a chance to know you. When you're big and everything, i'm going to tell my kids that i knew you way back when.

6) Oh, you. You can't go anywhere without making some stupid comment with no evidence whatsoever to back it up. I have no idea what happened to you. And try to let other people think for themselves too, and not spew your opinion venom at people.

7) I don't think you can be in a situation that's serious. And i've never ever seen you carry on an intellegent conversation. But i know in my heart you're a smart person, and that's what makes me sad about this.

8) Stop. You're totally not funny, so stop.

9) You're the biggest inspiration to me think i've ever had. You're honestly like a third grandmother to me. You made me want to embrace what i'm all about and tell everybody who doesn't like it to fuck off. I really do love you for that. After this year, i know deep down that i'm meant to do this and that i was born for thisI think this will take my life to completely new and thoroughly exciting places.

10) I really want to thank you for all your support through this year. I thank jeebus everyday that you're not that kind of person that shuns somebody else just because they want to do something you don't think they should.

11) You need to learn what love is. You think what you have now is love, i think it's sickening and ridiculous. Did you ever at all notice how uncomfortable i was around you? I felt like such an outsider, all the time. I know you tried a little to not do it, but not enough. At least you tried.

12) Oh, my god. You need a complete personality transplant. Nobody at all likes you. Do you hear me? Nobody at all. Not even me. I've been tolerant of you and people like you for a while, and i know that i've been tolerant for way too long. Next time you try and talk to me, i'll just walk away and pretend i didn't hear you.

13) I wish i would have talked to you alot more than i did. I actually thought you were quite cool. But you take my condescending jokes too seriously. I don't think i like that. Learn to laugh, person.

14) I really cannot wait to see you. I've heard so much about how great you are. I just hope you aren't as bad as i think you're going to be. I hope.

15) Sometimes i think you're a horrible person, but right now, i think you're going to turn things around and make yourself a much better person than you were a year ago. Because you pretty much have to.

I'm only doing 15. 20's too many. Or i might do the other 5 later.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Enough Small Boom, Let's Boom the Boom-a!

Oh wowties. The Flight of the Conchords EP came out today. I want it. It's only 5 bucks on Amazon, if someone wants to buy it for me...wink.

So, a while ago, i put about 54907546 things on hold at the library. And i wants them nowsss.

Yes i do. Word, indeed

Uh-oh, when yes's and word's abound, that means i can't think of anything. Bye then.

1) "Ah...Arrowhead."

- The Decemberists: A Practical Handbook

Monday, August 6, 2007


As of right now, i'm writing my 400th blog post.

I'm actually i got to share with you the past few hectic years of my life. I mean, honestly. I've covered two whole moves across the whole freaking country. That's a whole lot of goings-on in 2 years. And i can safely say, that i'm completely done with moving across the country. For real. For good. But if some people from SC wanna come move here, they're a whole lot more than welcome to do so. Honestly, i want you to experience how awesomely beautiful Oregon is. You'd not believe how amazing Portland is. We have better drivers, better language, bettter education. OK, i'm going to stop myself before i get carried away. Because i will. See? It's so good here, that i might get carried away talking about it!

OK, i went on the IFC website to see if i can watch the season premiere of The Business. I couldn't, they didn't have it up. But, i did see that they have the DVD os the first sasnon for sale. Also, the first season DVD of the Minor Accomplishments of Jackie Woodman. Both excellent shows. Now that i know they exist, i want them ever so badly.

Also, i just read the first 3 or so chapters of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I'd finished the 6th book the night before. Freaking Dumbledore, having to die on me like that. Bastard.

PS: If any spoilers are found ihn the comments section of this post, i will personally come to your house, shave your arm hair with a butter knitfe, and rip your eyes out with a spoon. And cut you open with a plastic fork. It's weird how all of these involve silverware. I didn't actually mean for that to happen. Huh.

1) "In my life, i never thought I'd say this. Ewww."

- Psych

1) currently listening to: Wincing the Night Away - The Shins

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Animal Crackers

Today, my mother, aunt, cousin, sister and I went to the Celebrate Hillsboro Festival, i guess that's what it was.

Anyway, we went there, and i suppose now they're doing this thing every year where they set a world record of some sort. Last year it was "Most People Wearing Balloon Hats," and this year, it just so happened to be "Most People Wearing Groucho Marx Glasses." Oh yay. Of course, me being the cooly dude i am, i participated, and now i have my own pair of glasses. To keep. Forever.

That makes me happier than a...thing that's happy...

So, that's the only thing i did today. But, we might go over to my other aunt's house to see my cousin, who's birthday was the other day.

Wow, nothing else to say...Oh well.

1) "Remember: Just because you're single doesn't mean you're alone. Unless you're really alone, like you fell down a well or something."

- I Hate My 30's

Thursday, August 2, 2007

August And Burrows

Yes, my homie G's, it has become the month of August.

If i still lived in SC, i wuold be going to school on the 20th, but, i'm cool, so i start in September like a cool person would do.

But there is a downside to starting in September. I won't be able to talk to Casey every night for longer. Freaking South Carolina. She's like, awesome though! It upsets me to a big degree. I guess Friday and Saturday are going to be the highlights of my week.

I don't know if i've told you this yet, but i'm really afraid tat the drama/theatre department here at Hilhi is going to suck. I doubt it will be, but i know it will be alot different from last year. I just hope it's not as bad as i think it'll be. Hey, i'm bound to make friend with at least one mre person, right? Let's hope so. I'm a sophomore now, so i have more cred, i guess.

Speaking of sophomores, i found out i don't have to take ninth grade again. Why? Because you only need 3 math credits to graduate. So, i guess i've used up my year with 0 math credits already. So, haha, universe. You've done it again!

I want to dig a hole. I think we have a shovel, and i haven't dug one hole in who knows how long. If we don't have a shovel though, i don't think i'll be happy. Boo.

I just looked on Yahoo Movies, and it said that Once is playing at Fox Tower 10, so...take me there now, please.

I hope this is the plan for Mom's brithday: On the day of, her, Liz and I go see Superbad. Because it looks amazing. It has Michael Cera from Arrested Development, and Bill Hader, and Seth Rogen. It just looks really good, thank you.

OK, that appears to be all of it. Byesies.

1) Nevermind, i just hit my elbow on the desk, so i'm angry. Blerrrrgh.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Take That, Sparta!

I'm almost at post 400, so, F you, Frank Miller.

I'm completely serious, i hate hate hate the idea of the movie 300. First of all, it's just people's heads getting chopped off at different speeds for 3 hours, and it's a completely fake movie. When i say that, i mean nothing in the movie is actually real. Not the plot, not the historical accuracy, not the set, nothing at all. I gues if you're either a stupid American or a really really straight man, then i guess you'd love, wouldn't you? Urgh, that movie makes me so angry.

Anyway, rant over. Bye.