Tuesday, August 14, 2007

This Mr. Misses

I miss alot of people, and some of those people will not be missed anymore.

Why not? Not because i've decided to shun them for eternity, but becausei'm almost going back to school.

To see my friends that i had before i moved.

I actually am quite looking forward to seeing them in a few weeks. School starts on the 5th of September, and we need to make an appointment with the counselor to get our classes. Here's hoping i don't have to take theatre 1 again. With all the weird freshmen. [queeze]

Oh, you guys wanna know the only thing i did today? I bought headphones, oh boy indeed yessirree bobbidy bloohoo. They were five bucks, but i guess i like them.

1)"I did see some exoti marine life!"
"Homestar, all that's down there are cigarette butts."
"Aaand a bra."

- SB Email [mini golf]

which a-so gave us the gem...

1B) "Don't count on it monster man!"

2) currently listening to: 9 - Damien Rice

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