Thursday, August 9, 2007

Freaking Grass

Having to grow and such. It's like, i can't go a week with out mowing a lawn.

Mowing lawns might be my least favorite chore to take care of. Although i do hate vacuuming because at the end my back hurts. But after lawn-mowing, i have these burns on my hands. Well, not like burns, like i burned them. It's like the feeling you have when you fall down on pavement. I have no idea why, but after, it's all over both of my hands.

Well, at least it's our lawn, so i don't have to mow the huge lawns of my grandparents. Seriously, have you seen their front lawn? It's fricken huge.

1) "How about playing 'Six Degrees of Kiss My Ass?'"
"First of all, that sounds like a very unpleasant game."

- Psych

2) currently listening to: Black Wave/Bad Vibrations - Arcade Fire

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