Thursday, August 2, 2007

August And Burrows

Yes, my homie G's, it has become the month of August.

If i still lived in SC, i wuold be going to school on the 20th, but, i'm cool, so i start in September like a cool person would do.

But there is a downside to starting in September. I won't be able to talk to Casey every night for longer. Freaking South Carolina. She's like, awesome though! It upsets me to a big degree. I guess Friday and Saturday are going to be the highlights of my week.

I don't know if i've told you this yet, but i'm really afraid tat the drama/theatre department here at Hilhi is going to suck. I doubt it will be, but i know it will be alot different from last year. I just hope it's not as bad as i think it'll be. Hey, i'm bound to make friend with at least one mre person, right? Let's hope so. I'm a sophomore now, so i have more cred, i guess.

Speaking of sophomores, i found out i don't have to take ninth grade again. Why? Because you only need 3 math credits to graduate. So, i guess i've used up my year with 0 math credits already. So, haha, universe. You've done it again!

I want to dig a hole. I think we have a shovel, and i haven't dug one hole in who knows how long. If we don't have a shovel though, i don't think i'll be happy. Boo.

I just looked on Yahoo Movies, and it said that Once is playing at Fox Tower 10, so...take me there now, please.

I hope this is the plan for Mom's brithday: On the day of, her, Liz and I go see Superbad. Because it looks amazing. It has Michael Cera from Arrested Development, and Bill Hader, and Seth Rogen. It just looks really good, thank you.

OK, that appears to be all of it. Byesies.

1) Nevermind, i just hit my elbow on the desk, so i'm angry. Blerrrrgh.

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