Saturday, August 4, 2007

Animal Crackers

Today, my mother, aunt, cousin, sister and I went to the Celebrate Hillsboro Festival, i guess that's what it was.

Anyway, we went there, and i suppose now they're doing this thing every year where they set a world record of some sort. Last year it was "Most People Wearing Balloon Hats," and this year, it just so happened to be "Most People Wearing Groucho Marx Glasses." Oh yay. Of course, me being the cooly dude i am, i participated, and now i have my own pair of glasses. To keep. Forever.

That makes me happier than a...thing that's happy...

So, that's the only thing i did today. But, we might go over to my other aunt's house to see my cousin, who's birthday was the other day.

Wow, nothing else to say...Oh well.

1) "Remember: Just because you're single doesn't mean you're alone. Unless you're really alone, like you fell down a well or something."

- I Hate My 30's

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