Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Oh, Yes. One of These Again

1) Words can't express to me how amazing i think you are. Everything you do and everything you are just blows me away. As soon as we're done talking on the phone, I miss you. Seriously, talking to you will always be the highlight of my week. You don't haveany clue how much i think you should get away from that shitty town of yours.

2) Now, don't get me wrong, i think you're awesome, but you are as ignorant as you are awesome. The things you say about certain subjects is, pardon my French, but they are so incredibly stupid that sometimes i really wonder why i'm even friends with you, but i still am. It almost makes me sick.

3) I really really wish we'd have hung out more when we had the chance. That one day was literally one of the best days of my life. I wish i could've stayed forever.

4) I deeply wish i would've hung out with you at least once. I think you are one of the coolest people i know, seriously. I love you, and the person you are.

5) From the short time i knew you, i know right now, you are going to go places. And to big places as well. You impressed me so much and i can't believe i got a chance to know you. When you're big and everything, i'm going to tell my kids that i knew you way back when.

6) Oh, you. You can't go anywhere without making some stupid comment with no evidence whatsoever to back it up. I have no idea what happened to you. And try to let other people think for themselves too, and not spew your opinion venom at people.

7) I don't think you can be in a situation that's serious. And i've never ever seen you carry on an intellegent conversation. But i know in my heart you're a smart person, and that's what makes me sad about this.

8) Stop. You're totally not funny, so stop.

9) You're the biggest inspiration to me think i've ever had. You're honestly like a third grandmother to me. You made me want to embrace what i'm all about and tell everybody who doesn't like it to fuck off. I really do love you for that. After this year, i know deep down that i'm meant to do this and that i was born for thisI think this will take my life to completely new and thoroughly exciting places.

10) I really want to thank you for all your support through this year. I thank jeebus everyday that you're not that kind of person that shuns somebody else just because they want to do something you don't think they should.

11) You need to learn what love is. You think what you have now is love, i think it's sickening and ridiculous. Did you ever at all notice how uncomfortable i was around you? I felt like such an outsider, all the time. I know you tried a little to not do it, but not enough. At least you tried.

12) Oh, my god. You need a complete personality transplant. Nobody at all likes you. Do you hear me? Nobody at all. Not even me. I've been tolerant of you and people like you for a while, and i know that i've been tolerant for way too long. Next time you try and talk to me, i'll just walk away and pretend i didn't hear you.

13) I wish i would have talked to you alot more than i did. I actually thought you were quite cool. But you take my condescending jokes too seriously. I don't think i like that. Learn to laugh, person.

14) I really cannot wait to see you. I've heard so much about how great you are. I just hope you aren't as bad as i think you're going to be. I hope.

15) Sometimes i think you're a horrible person, but right now, i think you're going to turn things around and make yourself a much better person than you were a year ago. Because you pretty much have to.

I'm only doing 15. 20's too many. Or i might do the other 5 later.

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