Saturday, August 25, 2007

Gimme Dat 411 (In-Depth Comprehensive Reportation! (Oaks Park Edition))

So, here's what happened.

Mom came home. We got ready. My sister's friend Cody came over, because he was coming with us. We all hpped in the car, popped in the latest mic CD i made, and drove off. We got directions from Google Maps, that weren't the clearest directions in the world.

So, we were lost for a few minutes. That was sure fun.

We finally got there and immediately went around to the picnic area to eat. I got some chicken, which the nastiest bee in the world would not leave alone. I would've punched it in the face, but it was way too fast.

After, we found the cooler with assorted ice creams, and got some. Then we trolled away to ride fun things.

So, we did that. My mother and i watched in horror as my sister and her friend rode the Screaming Eagle, which looks like the most horribly nauseating ride ever. I think they're still nuts for riding it...twice.

While they were riding it the first time, i met my mom's friend, who was only slightly intoxicated. Slurred speech and all. We all made a pact that we were all riding the roller coaster together. Right then and there. We had ridden it before. But this time it was with that man and his wife.

I have to say, it was not as fun the second time, as my back was slammed against the back of the car. It did hurt a bit.

After, we all got in line for popcorn, they had run out, and we were waiting for some new.

After that, we decided our finale was going to be the Ferris Wheel. The man operating said wheel was crazy. He was slightly chubby and had a beard, and was bald. And old. He kind of looked like a rumply old sea captain. It thought he was going to kill us.

After, we all drove home, and that was the end of an extremely seemingly long day.

1) Me: "Wow, this peach looks like a butt."
Liz: "Maybe it fell on something, and it got dented!"
M: "What would it have fallen on to make it look like that?"
L: "A butt!"

- at the grocery store

2) Currently listening to: We Are Pilots - Shiny Toy Guns

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