Sunday, August 26, 2007

The Remaining Five

16) You're basically the first friend i had in Columbia. I trust you almost more than anybody. I'm sorry i haven't really called you in a while. You're my best friend, and i should act like you are.

17) Yeah, i'm talking about you again. Because i can't say anything bad about you. Ever. Not to say i'm looking for things that i don't like about you, because i'm not. Because i don't think i ever will find something bad about you, if if i did even think about looking for something. I love you, you know that.

18) You know what? I'm actually one of the smart people who does like you, and people who don't neede to learn alot more.

19)You need to leave her alone. I'm sorry, she's asked you a number of times, or so i'm told. And you still haven't followed through with it. If i were there, i'd be tempted to punch you in the face. I kind of am right now. You just really make me angry.

20) Could you hurry up? You're going to drive me mental over the next few years. Literally, i'll be in a padded room, counting.

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