Monday, August 6, 2007


As of right now, i'm writing my 400th blog post.

I'm actually i got to share with you the past few hectic years of my life. I mean, honestly. I've covered two whole moves across the whole freaking country. That's a whole lot of goings-on in 2 years. And i can safely say, that i'm completely done with moving across the country. For real. For good. But if some people from SC wanna come move here, they're a whole lot more than welcome to do so. Honestly, i want you to experience how awesomely beautiful Oregon is. You'd not believe how amazing Portland is. We have better drivers, better language, bettter education. OK, i'm going to stop myself before i get carried away. Because i will. See? It's so good here, that i might get carried away talking about it!

OK, i went on the IFC website to see if i can watch the season premiere of The Business. I couldn't, they didn't have it up. But, i did see that they have the DVD os the first sasnon for sale. Also, the first season DVD of the Minor Accomplishments of Jackie Woodman. Both excellent shows. Now that i know they exist, i want them ever so badly.

Also, i just read the first 3 or so chapters of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I'd finished the 6th book the night before. Freaking Dumbledore, having to die on me like that. Bastard.

PS: If any spoilers are found ihn the comments section of this post, i will personally come to your house, shave your arm hair with a butter knitfe, and rip your eyes out with a spoon. And cut you open with a plastic fork. It's weird how all of these involve silverware. I didn't actually mean for that to happen. Huh.

1) "In my life, i never thought I'd say this. Ewww."

- Psych

1) currently listening to: Wincing the Night Away - The Shins

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