Tuesday, August 14, 2007

You Can Literally Find ANYTHING on Youtube. Vol. 1

Oh yes, i'm planning on making this a new thing. I'm hoping to do it at least once every two weeks.

Anyway, i shall give numerous examples of how anything possible can be found on youtube. Actually, this will probably happen every time something really random pops into my head and i wonder if it's on youtube, then it is.

This Volume's featured video is the theme song to the British comedy Two's Company. About an American author who hires a British butler, and hilariousness does ensue. I guess. I've only seen it once or twice, and it doesn't even run on PBS anymore. I'd only watch it for the song.

Anyway, here you go. Enjoy.

1 comment:

hannyloulou said...

OMG!! That's hilarious. I used to watch that show too...Hadn't thought of it in a looong time...