Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Malapropism

So, about my 2nd period teacher. In Health 2. There's this thing about her. I'll explain it like i did to everybody else.

OK, she says "et cetera" alot, which i wouldn't mind, if it were said correctly. But in this particular case, it's...not happening. The word is used in such an awful way. She says it like the medication Excedrin. "Excedra" is the pronunciation. It angers me. I don't know what to do. But something i have done is started a semester-long tally of the number of times this false word is uttered. So far, we're at 14. I excpect it to pop up many more times in the coming weeks. 

I mean, my god, it's complete word murder. Worder, if you will. You probably won't, but i most certainly have. It is simply ridiculous. 

Learn how to talk, kids.

Viva la Blog...a

I've seriously been considering discontinuing this blog and relocating, but on a whim, i decided against the matter. So, without further adieu, here's the first of MANY posts in the coming days.

School was underway a few weeks ago. Let's run down the classes.

1. Chemistry. It's a pretty easy class. And the teacher is pretty cool. 

2. Health 2. This is an extremely easy class. More on the teacher in the next post. 

3. Concert Choir. The new choir director is freaking amazing. She actually cares if we're good or if we aren't so good, and works us until we get things right. 

4. French 2. It's hard to grasp the traditions of the class, and i haven't taken French since 9th grade. But it's not that complicated. So, i'm glad.

5. Geometry. Easy. Teacher is new, but she's okay.

I know i should've told you all this ages and ages ago, and for this i apologize.

1) "You're a weird looking smiley face!"

                     - overheard in the DM hall

Friday, September 12, 2008

Jeff Tweedy - People Talking During Concert

i'm sorry this is the first post this month.

i'll have more, i swear it.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Labor Dabor-est

So, tomorrow is the holiday before school. I'll nothing and have to like it. That sucks. But today, i did do something, which was this:

Went to Ross for school shenanigans. All i got was a hoodie. Went to Target. I got a shirt and a new bag, thank Jesus. I've had the old for too long, and it just looks like i'm carrying a load of crap on my back. Seriously, though. I might give it to someone who needs it. Know anybody?

I can't believe it. Tuesday is the first "school night". And Liz gets to do all the crazy crap she wants. It's weird. Really weird.

Thursday, August 28, 2008


Tuesday was pretty fun too. Taco salad for dinner...and then after that, Ariel came over, and her, Sam, Liz and I went bowling, and then we played pool and then rented movies again and went home. The movies? Strangers With Candy, and OpenCam, some gay thriller. And by gay, i do mean homosexual. I'd never say it otherwise. I didn't watch it. Wasn't in the mood for "thrills." The other one was okay. The show is sooo much better.

Yesterday? Nothing.

Today? Went to Taco Bell for Cody's birthday. Then now i'm here. Good times.

1) "Here's my story. [reading title card] Stranglers...with...[fades out] I guess we'll never know."

- Srangers With Candy [movie]

After the Fellows of Post-Spring Months Have Departed

During this last summer week, i've done quite a lot so far. And there's onl about 1 and a hlaf days left, and then a few more next week. Yes, i'm pissed, but whatever.

Monday: I went to the Oregon State Fair. Main reason? To see Weird Al for the first time in ages. And let me tell you guys, it was pretty fantastic. The songs? Um...let me see...

  • Fun Zone
  • Polkarama!
  • I'll Sue Ya
  • Canadian Idiot
  • White and Nerdy
  • You're Pitiful
  • Trapped in the Drive-Thru [snippet]
  • I'n In Love With the Skipper [snippet]
  • Eat It [s]
  • Couch Potato [s]
  • Pretty Fly For a Rabbi [s]
  • A Complicated Song [s]
  • Bedrock Anthem [s]
  • Confessions Part III [s]
  • Do I Cree[ You Out [s]
  • eBay [s]
  • Ode to a Superhero [s]
  • Fat
  • Weasel Stomping Day
  • Smells Like Nirvana
  • Close But No Cigar
  • Bob
  • The Saga Begins
  • Yoda
  • It's All About the Pentiums
  • Amish Paradise
  • Gump
  • Wanna B Ur Luvr
After Fat, he introduced the band, and left for a while. By a while i mean, about 2 minutes or something. Then he came back and did these.

We All Have Cell Phones, So Come On, Let's Get Real [encore]

And right after that, he did the unexcpected. He played freaking Albuquerque. Yes, that Albuquerque. He even did the extra long version, with every sort of donut you could find, and starting the song over when he loses his train of thought. It was fantastic. I can't wait to do it again.

And the fair was good too.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


So...It's been years, but in 2008, i guess the real Olympic fever swept across my father, and he initiated the family Olympics. By family, i mean Sam, Liz, Dad and I. The events?

  • Mario Party
  • Aggravation
  • Mario Kart
  • Mario Golf
  • Mario Kart battle
  • Super Monkey Ball bowling
  • Super Monkey Ball soccer
  • Mario Tennis
Yeahhh! Anyway, I'm not that good. I haven't won a thing yet. 

So...This is the first post from Safari. I like it. It's all...Apple-ey.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Number Five With a Bullet...And a Few Doobies

I'm seeing Pineapple Express later. So...there that is. It's gonn' be sweetz.

Anyway...see you later.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Need Creepiness?

Don't Stop by Innerpartysystem

The Biggest Little Mistake

I get it, do you? Probably not. Haha, you suck.

So, Assassin Night III was on Tuesday. 'Twas Ben, Ariel, Sam, Mike, Mike, Kelsey, Spencer, Kira and I. Yes, both Mikes came, it was weird. Not really, but whatever.

Anyway, since then, it's been cripplingly hot. I want a job like crazy, and i have a new IPod. How, you ask? Well, Liz's beau bought her one, so i inherited the old one. It takes forever to put stuff on it and take stuff off, but dammit, i can listen to This American Life! I love that show so much. You have no idears.

Mom's birthday is on Monday. Cool. And then the 25th is the fair/Weird Al. I'm excited. The first time in like, 8 years. Taste it.

1) "You know, DC. We love what you do. But you know...that you're toxic."

- Nickel Creek

Monday, August 11, 2008

I Might Remember

Wednesday: Assassin Night II. I came this time. I couldn't last time because of Foo Fighters. Who all was there? Ben, Spencer, Kelsey, Kira, Leah, Jake, Sam, Me. It was at Kelsey's aunt's house. We were soread around a nice place. We played about four or five games, then went inside for a drink break. After that, it was time for me to find the ultimate hiding place. Jake put me on top of the roof of a small little houselet, i think i'd call it. I sprawled out and was never found. The next game, i hid under a picnic table and was almost not found.

After that, we went for Otter Pops and talked for about ten minutes then all went home.

Oh, and i bought Viva la Vida by Coldplay. It's simply wonderful.

1) "Game over, yeaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!"

- The lyrics to my new favorite song

2) Currently listening to:
Viva la Via or Death and All His Friends - Coldplay
Hiroshima [song - Ben Folds
Bitch Went Nutz [song] - Ben Folds
A Weekend in the City - Bloc Party
Fleet Foxes - Fleet Foxes
Narrow Stairs - Death Cab for Cutie
Interventions and Lullabies - The Format

A Breath

The next morning, i woke up. and then the next day happened. I did nothing this day. We shall go on now.

August 3rd: Went with that one girl to see our friend Leah sing for Portland Teen Idol at that Hillsboro Festival. She was tres good.

Monday? The 4th? Nothing, if i recall correctly. But sometime between Saturday and Tuesday, Sam and I walked to the shopping center deal and rented movies, got ourselves a kickball for...kickball, and groceries. by that i mean grocery.

More on kickball: Tuesday, we planned on having a kickball tourney at the park by our house. A slew of people were planning on coming, but it ended up being just Ariel, Sam, Liz and I. We played for five seconds, then went to Brookwood and played walball for another five seconds. Then we all went and saw Step Brothers. Best Will Ferrell movie in a while, in my opinion. We went back home and rented Requiem For a Dream and Thirteen, the latter i had seen already.

Requiem For a Dream is crazy, and freaky, and messed up, and very good. I can't quite explain it, but just check it out.

And then Wednesday-right now.

Not Viewers Like You

This recent silence has been brought to you by an anonymous donor.

I have no clue what i've been doing instead of posting. Drugs? No. Never.

Anyway, i think i'm going to detail the big stuff in seperate posts, small crap in combined ones. Okay. Let's start with the first.

Mom's company picnic at Oaks Park. It was Liz, Mom, Sam, Cody, Deja and I. People showed up fashionably. Then we went. Same thing as last year. We got there, ate, and immediately went to crazy things. I didn't do the Screaming Eagle, mostly because i didn't feel like dying that night. So, we did random things and got refreshments. I don't know if it was that [it probably was] or the inability to control things, but i puked on a ride for the first time in my life, people. First time ever. Now strangers think i'm one of those kids. I promptly went to the bathroom to wash it off the back of my shirt. And when i say bathroom, i mean outrageously unclean suckhole of a suckhole. It puts all the regular suckholes to shame. Honestly, it does. So, shortly after that, we walked to the car as the lights were all flickering off for closing time. We got home. I slept, then the next day.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Put On Your Shoes, Kids!

You're not doing anything today!

At least that's what i believe.

More on this dilemma later, if it actually exists.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Baked Goods

In the third part of my fair story trilogy, let's examine the aftermath of one sunny afternoon.

I had applied sunscreen before i left, even the "trouble areas." Meaning the back of my neck. This did not succeed, as i had a wicked sunburn there for four days.

I had to walk around in shirts that wouldn't touch my back, or no shirt at all. I never went outside

And now i'm peeling like crazy. But i can wear normal person shirts now! Halle freaking lujah.

I want my schedule! People are getting them already, and i waaaaaant mine. Meh. It's no fairs.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Thrilling Heroics

Let me tell you a story. An epic of sorts. This takes place on last Thursday.

A normal day at the fair. Full of farm animals and fried and frozen treats. This story is about a young man, a young man who is too afraid to get sick and waits for other people on rides.

This boy, stood there with his girlfriend's purse at his feet. He shielded his eyes from the hot, global warming-cured sun. All of aa sudden, he heard a noise. A buzzing noise.

With his shaded eyes, he saw the black figure flying in front of his face. There it was. Flying, buzzing, flying, buzzing. Feeling quite pathetic and freaked out, he swung his open palm, and struck the insect across the face. The creature fell, assumingly to his or her death.

The end.

Guys...i smacked a bug in it's dirty bitch face. I'm so cool, it's not even funny.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Fare Away

So, i went on an adventure to the fair on Thursday. And this is a report on it. Really? I do those? Yes...yes i do. Here it is.

I awoke at 8:45 in the morning. I met the party 9:30. We skedaddled on over after that. We hung, rode rides, ate, drank, sno-coned. And i'm doing it again this Friday! Friday! Friday! Actually, no, i'm not. I'm going to Oaks Park again for my mom's company picnic. Again. Yehhhhhhahhh! Free popcorn/cotton candy!

Spaced came out on DVD. I want it. I WANT it. I'll be lost without it. Honestly.

1) "Oh! Look at my wrist! I have to go."

- Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog (4th Act is planned! Holy eff!)

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

But You Weren't Hoooonest

Liz comes back home today. We pick her up at 9:30-ish? That's when the plane lands. So...yeah. It's been a long couple of weeks.

So, my life has not been the most eventful the past few days. Is that my fault? No. I realized i wanna do alot of stuff though. Like learning how to ride a bike and learning piano and becoming famous and getting a job. Oh god. That's alot of work. But...i can do it?

I don't really know why i haven't been posting much lately. I mean, i'm doing stuff still. Am i too lazy? Do i just not care? Is the blog dying in front of my face? Eh, probably. Maybe a title change will make me motivated. It'll be...what, my third? Geeze, alot of questions in this post.

1) "When the fans found out there was going to be a movie, they were angry? Oh that's not the word? They were happy!"

- Joss Whedon

2) currently wanting to own like crazy crazy crazy - Spaced: The Complete Series

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Sometimes You Win...

The shins on Yo Gabba Gabba!

That Was Something to Shout About

I haven't posted in 10 days! Merrrrhhh, sorry.

The truth? Nothing's happening. Nothing too fun. I saw Foo Fighters the other week, and that's the funnest thing in a while.

Mom's company picnic coming up, and then Weird Al at the fair. Liz's been gone, i've been bored. Not entirely bored though, so...that's good.

Ben took me to Ikea the other day. It's pretty cool. Go.


1) "What are you doing?"
"Texting. It's important, or i would stop."

- Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

2) please go to:

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I Just Wanna Feel Attrac...tive...Today.

I feel gross today. I needsa shower.

Liz leaves tomorrow for South Carolina. And i'm seeing Foo Fighters. And then Friday, i'm also busy. I'm available today though!

Eh, whatev. This isn't working out for you and me. I'm gonna end this post. I can't think.

1) "Now do you see why i'm so FUCKING ANGRY?"
"Fuck yeah!"

- Shaun of the Dead

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

A Life Lesson Told in Six Words

Don't trust people you don't know.

Alright, so this is a post about anyone, it could be anyone. [Lily Allen (have you heard her new stuff? it's great.)/]

The plan this morning was to go to the zoo. Deja, her brother and their friends from wherever were going, Oh...wait, did i say plan? Far from it.

No specific time was set, so it ended with with me getting called at about 8:45 asking if i could be at the MAX stop at 9. Seeing as dad wasn't up and about yet, and i needed money, I asked if 9:30 was possible, to which i heard a flat-out "no." by strangers on the other end. so...the idea was shot down like a fighter jet in the American Revolution. (Get it? 'Cuz they weren't...nevermind.)

I suppose i'm over it now. It's just that i haven't gone to the zoo, just for the zoo in a long time, and then going with possible new friends? Cool. But nahhh. This brings me to another point:

A sincere thanks to the Minus Ones. Minus Ones? Those are what, exactly? Well, sometimes, in a fit of anger one would exclaim "Screw them all!" Even thought they might not mean all of them in that group. The oners that aren't being "screwed" are what i call Minus Ones. The people that are still good, and haven't burned you in any way. And they aren't guilty by association to the Screwees.

Watched Moulin Rouge for the million billionth time last night. I still cried, and i realized i forgot how fantastic that movie was, And still is. If you still haven't seen it, go fuck yourselves, San Diego.

Funding for the post was provided by the Minus Ones Foundation, and contributions from Viewers Like You. Thank you.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

A 4th

Huh. Yesterday. Let's begin with the night before.

My friend Mike called and asked me if he could come over, and if he could bring Ben. So, he came, but Ben didn't, was just us.

The night started with watching half of Jeopardy! and then me eating dinner. We had a plan after i ate to go for a walk to our friend Mark's house. Mike called Mark, he didn't pick up. So, then our plan was to walk to Deja's and tell her we were walking to Mark's. So...we did that.

We got there, hung out for a while, then walked to the Esplenade. We went to the Dollar Tree and Target, because they were closing, then back to her house. He hung out hour? Then Mike and I went back to Safeway and got drinks. Instead of the S and S Mart by my house. Then we walked back to the house, and passed out.

The next morning was the 4th of July Parade. A family tradition. Deja and her pesky, apex of annoying brother were there, 'cos i told them to be. Although, he wasn't too bad. So, that went on and about, and then the fam plus Sam went back home, then to my aunt's house for lunch. It was just a tiny bit cramped, but it was still fun.

And we adopted our new cat. Koben/Smokey. More on her in the coming...times.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

We Are Pioneers

On Friday, i recieved a phone call from Ben. He tells me that him, Kelsey and Peter are going to downtown Portland on Monday. And he needed me. Yeahhhh. And also they were going to Kelsey's house to rehearse and work out exactly what we were going to do. Rehearse what? Well, the plan was to go downtown and film us just doing stupid stuff. So, we practiced and talked about what we going to do.

We met on Monday morning at the MAX station. Kelsey's bro Spencer was the cameraman. We boarded, and talked about stuff. We got to Pioneer Place, and entered. Our first activity: Kelsey must drag herself across the floor, as if that's her way of getting around. She couldn't do it without smiling, so Ben did. After that, it was about 1:00, so we all ate. And by all i mean Peter, Ben and Spencer. After eating, we went around to perform our next task. But while doing that, we saw a guy with a vacuum...he looked like a ghostbuster. We followed him and sang the theme siong to Ghostbusters. Then we did random other things. Such as walking along that blue path thing, carrying me in a sheet into American Eagle, pretending to hurl over the escalator into the fountain. One of our skits involved dancing like crazy mofos on the skybridge. We did, and at one point Ben was sexy dancing with Peter, and some guy walked by and went "Yeah! Get it!" it was amazing.

We exited the mall, and roamed the streets and did other things. Played hockey with Dollar Tree sticks and balls, not pucks. We ran down the street, prompting some guy to yell, "Go! Go! Go!" We were stopped by a guy with a clipboard, who asked us a question, which is our qoute today. Ben, Spencer and I put on sheets and other things, and pretenndeed we were a cult, chanting and singing weird things. People started singing with us, and called me Harry Potter! Although it could've been Spencer. After that we walked to PSU after taking the street car. We saw some people proteesting fur at some store. Ben and i satrted dancing to their song. "Hey hey! Ho ho! [something] furs have got to go!" They asked us to cross the street and join them and get some info, but we declined. We sat on a bench and talked about some things for a while. We took the MAX to the Rose Garden for our finale. We ran through the fountain things there for about 15 minutes. We hopped back on the MAX home. And we ended the day. We ended almost the funnest day ever.

1) "Why such small sticks?"
"They were only a dollar."
"Where's the puck?"
"Mother Nature's the puck."
"Mother Nature's the puck. That's the best line i've ever heard."

Monday, June 23, 2008

The Subject is No Longer Tabuu

Yes, i cleared it. The Subspace Emmisary. And i went back to get Wolf, Jigglypuff and Toon Link. Surprisingly? I don't really like fighting with Sonic. Sure, he's fast, and he has a cool throw, and does the ball thing, Snake, Pit and R.O.B. are fine with me.

So. last night was awesome. Sam, Liz and I decided to walk to the Esplenade, to get stuff from Safeway and to take Be Kind Rewind back. Really good movie, by the way. On our way back, Liz and i rode in a shopping cart. Which i'm hazy on if it's against the law or not. Probably. Went to Deja's, hung out for a bit, then went back home. We planned on staying up all night, and got energy drinks. I made it until 3:45, and i don't know about the other two yet. Still...good times.

1) "You know who else has hands? The devil! And he uses 'em for holdin'!"

- Walk Hard

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Here Comes...Oh Wait, Nothing

So yeah, that pretty much sums it up. I haven't been doing virtually ANYTHING fun the last few days. That's...bad. But at least for the first time in my life i wanna actually do crap during the summer. Not just loaf around at home. So...that's good.

SSE has still been a little bit of a whore to conquer. It's about everytime i play, i know where i'm going at one point, and then they throw me back somewhere else, and then i have no idea again. It's fantastic! But not really.

Mmkay. Now i'm satisfied. I still have Be Kind Rewind that i haven't watched yet. But i need to wait for Sam + the fam. Holy crap, that is a sitcom. It should be.

1) "THING!"

- what everyone says when they see a Smash Ball

Some Very Valid Questions (In My Opinion)

Do you ever have dreams where you're in a PE class and the game is to see who can wash a dog the fastest?

Are you ever so bored that taking a shower seems like something that's really fun?

What should you do on a Sunday afternoon when nobody's available?

Why can't i think of another question i had earlier?

Why was i born someone who always forgets things? I mean, not always, but alot of the time.


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

In a Yellow Sub(space Emissary)marine

I know i should probably be posting more now, since it is summer and i barely do anything. I haven't really done anything in two days. Sad.

So, Saturday was nice, my dad's sister's family came over, and they brought their Wii. They are letting us borrow it while they go to Florida. So, they came, and we had a barbecue dinner. Sam came over and hanged for a while, then left, then came back to sleep over. Then Sunday came, and blah blah, more hang outage. Then they left for the airport, and my sister and Sam left for getting ready for camping the next morning.

On Monday morning, my dad and i went to my grandparents' house to mow their backyard. Then we went to 7-11 and got Slurpees. Yeahhhh. And then we went to Blockbuster to rent a game. Super Smash Bros. Brawl. More on that later. Then we went to Taco Bell for lunch.

I went over to Deja's later to watch Damn Yankees, cuz apparently we're doing that as our musical next year. We only liked 3 of the songs. Pity.

Subspace Emmisary's Great Maze is pissing me off. Royally. I keep dying and for no reason. I have no clue where to go. It's awful. I'm going to have to look at the FAQ for it. But, other than that? Excellent game.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

HCT 2008: IDCR

On Sunday. Liz, Chip, Sam and I went to thge 2008 Honda Civic Tour. Headliners: Panic at the Disco. Supporters: Phantom Planet, The Hush Sound, Motion City Soundtrack.

We got to the Expo Center fomr the MAX, and rode the yellowline through the Portland ghetto, if you will.

When we arrived, the line was kinda...long. but not too long, so whatev. We waited, and waited. For a few minutes, and then we started to move. And a few seconds later, we were inside the Expo Center. There were quite a few people there in front of us, but as i said, there wasn't that many. We waited more, and more. And then Phantom Planet began.

Songs [i remember]
Do the Panic [w/Ryan Ross from PATD]
Big Brat

Grade: C

And then they stopped, and they plugged their album alot. They were okay. Better on disc though. After them, we went to find Cody, Amy and Mike. They were sitting, cuz PP sucked. While we were there, The Hush Sound started, Liz, Chip and I ran to get spots back.

Songs [i remember most of them]
Wine Red
Sweet Tangerine
Don't Wake Me Up [w/Brendan Urie from PATD]
Lion's Roar
Medicine Man
We Intertwined

Grade: B+

They stopped, and we pretty much stayed where we were. Then, holy crap. Motion City Soundtrack.

Attractive Today
My Favorite Accident
Last Night
Fell in Love Without You
Everything is Alright
LG Fuad
The Future Freaks Me Out
This is For Real
It Had to Be You
Broken Heart
Make Out Kids
Time Turned Fragile

Grade: A

Oh god, i lost my ess during their set. I knew almost all the songs from the very first note, and went crazeh. It was the greatest.

And then, the main event. Panic at the Disco.

We're So Starving
Nine in the Afternoon
She's a Handsome Woman
That Green Gentleman
Northern Downpour
Pas de Cheval
Behind the Sea
Folkin' Around
Mad as Rabbits
The Only Difference Between Martyrdom and Suicide is Press Coverage
Time to Dance [acoustic]
Lying is the Most Fun a Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off
But it's Better if You Do!
I Write Sins, Not Tragedies
I Constantly Thank God for Esteban
There's a Reason These Tables are Numbered Honey, You Just Haven't Thought of it Yet

And then it was done. Mind you, those setlists are not in any order. Except in the order that i thought of them.

When it was over, Liz went to go buy a shirt, and that took a while, and we got the 11:45 train back. We stopped at Rose Quarter, and Dad and Mom picked us up. Then we went home all tired an such. And i had school the next day. Luckily it wasn't finals. But i was still tired. That night, i was so effing out of it, and i was saying everything i thought in this really tired and weakish voice. It was kinda hilarious, now that i remember it. But anyway, i collapsed in bed, and blah blah blah.

The end, kids.

If You're Going, Then Go. Go Go Go.

My final day of sophomorism was today! That was awesome. Speaking of, i think i did excellent on the algebra final.

Today was my two month anniversary. It was great. Right after school, we went home, and then went to the park until about 3:30. Now i'm here.

I don't know what my plans are for the weekend. Although tomorrow i'm seeing The Happening. Can't wait. Yay. It's gonn' be great, yo.


1) "Oh...Todd...You took the hallway door from the shower."

- Samantha Who?

Monday, June 9, 2008

The Streets I Used to Own

So, the seniors are gone.

Today was so empty. Nobody was there. And by nobody, i mean alot of people weren't there. I was uber tired from the night before, more on that later. I slept in choir, and i had to be woken up. Good thing we weren't singing though, so yay.

And then future today was empty again, except people visited. I saw Kung Fu Panda yesterday. It was gud.

Finals start tomorrow. Gross.

1) "Skidoosh."

- Kung Fu Panda

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Irony Board

So, yeah. This week's been great/auuughhhh. Here's why.

On Thursday, it was the seniors' last day. In choir, they sat down all the seniors and Ms. Butler talked about them all, and gave them flowers. It was crazy emotional. I cried. Yeah, that's right. I admit it. And the rest of the day i was hugging everybody and blah blay blah. Yes, the blay was intentional.

And then after school, Kelsey's bro was auditioning for Encore, so Sam asked me if i tried out. I said no, to which he was angry. He said, "Just ask her right now if you can." So...i did, and i auditioned. The results would be posted the day after.

Then later that night, we picked up Liz's boyfreeeend from the airport. It was nice.

So, Friday rolled around. Everything felt so weird with no seniors. It was sad. Lunch was almost by myself. And boring, of course.

I got out of school and my dad picked me up. Got home, got ready for the commencement ceremony, and went. It was about an hour and a half, but it seemed like longer. J. Mo sang, and Sam did the Star-Spangled Banner. Which was good. Very good. And Leah, Daniel and Wil did a song too. Then the everlasting list of names for diplomas. I cheered for about a fourth of the people. And then it ended, and then blah blah blehhhh. We did stuff, and then more things., And here's today.

Liz's grad party is today. Then Ben and Kelsey's. Then Enchanted Forest on Sunday, then PATD!!!!!!!

1) "Hah. Mah nayme's Been Fawlds."

- The Making of Songs for Silverman (i don't really know why i chose's really not that funny to read.)

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Fluffy Fluffy Fluffy Fluffy Fluffy Fluffy Fluffy Fluffy Fluffy

It's Toonces' birthday. She's nine years old.

So, yesterday, i went to Cody's grad party. Good times. It was full of crazy random crap. Karoke, beach ball action, football, jamming, wrestling with Mike and Sam. Sam tackling Aaron. Watching Walk Hard, opening gifts, and then me going home. There was more stufff that went on, but i totally forgot. Cuz of the drugs! Not really. I'm responsible.

So, it's the seniors' last week this week, and then it's mine. I needs to do some work, folks. So, bye.

1) "It's instinctive!"

- Sam after tackling Aaron

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The "Story" So Far

So, a couple of people i know (i don't talk to them enough to call them my friends) have made YouTube videos. The Real World: Suburbs Episodes 1 and 2. Cold check 'em, kids.


In honor of Russell Brand getting his own talk show in the US, i decided this post's title would be British. So...there you go.

Anyway...Memorial Day Weekend...what did i do...? Oh yeah, now i rememberz.

Friday: Sam came ober, we all watched Walk Hard. I only watched the first hour, and hen Dej came over and we went to the park, which was awesome. We be'd little kids. Then we walked back and Sam was gone, and then blah blah.

Saturday: Uh...nothing. Sam came over.

Sunday: Went over to Deja's for dinner. Watched Juno. Saw Indiana Jones with Sam and the fam.

Monday: Went to Deja's to "help" clean out her garage with her annoy-box of a little brother. And by "help" i mean sit on a stool and yell at people.

Err...that be it, kid.

Stroke of Amazinginging

So, i thought today was going to be awful, and just all around bad, but it wasn't. i just hung out with my cousin and played Guitar Hero. It was great. On my second try of a song, i actually finished it. It was incredible, my friends.

So, i didn't go to school today, i went to Roseburg. Why? Not saying.

It was a pretty long drive and my leg hurt, but after that it was gold. We got to my aunt's house, talked for a few minutes, then they all left, and it was Bryce, uncle Marty and I. I finished Reptillia by The Strokes, and tried Weezer, Tenacious D and finished others. I tried Knights of Cydonia on expert, and my brain exploded. Then everybody else got home, and we hun g out for a while, and then went to lunch. Dakota Street Pizza. Which, by the way is the best pizza place in the history of mankind.

I used my last cideo game quarters trying to get Kermit our of the crane machine, and failed. I had his arm, dammit,l but it totally bailed on me. Then Bryce tried and got it. And now I have a stuffed Kermit that I'm taking everywhere. Every freaking where.

We went home, and now i'm here. We got here about 50 minutes ago. It was nice.

1) "You done gone smell blind, son."

- Walk Hard

Friday, May 23, 2008

June? Have You Seen Rain Lately?

Today was rather stange. Why? I don't know. What about this?

I had a doctor's appointment that didn't last nearly as long as i thought it would, which was good. I went to the last part of first period.

My teacher left 2nd halfway through, and we had a sub. We found out who our next choir director would be today during 3rd. And almost nobody was present. The lunches were extended to 45 minutes, and it was excruciatingly boring. And we found out the Sadie Hawkins was canceled.

4th was normal, and 5th, we had a test and a sub, and a couple of people were acting like complete assholes. I mean that in every sense of the word. God, they were jeks. During a test too.

So, i'm doing something with the girl later. Yeah. It will be amazing, and will make up for everything remotely sucky that went down today. Cool.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Pardon the Descent

Into a hectic life.

Friday: Sadie Hawkins Dance! And then 3 day weekend!

Tuesday: Something i have to do. It'll hurt, probably alot, but i have to do it. Because i love my family. Very much, and they need to be supported.

June 3rd: choir concert
8: PATD/MCS/Phantom Planet/Hush Sound
11: Outta school
16-17: Camping trip maybe

There's more stuff, but i can't remember it. And i have a doctor's appointment on Friday. Good times...

Sunday, May 18, 2008

I Figured, Since It's Been 3 Days and All...

You guys'd want a post. Here's one.

Yesterday was very nice. I got up and i had to clean. I helped vlean the house and blah blah blah. Why? The grandparents were coming over to watch the NASCAR race and have a barbecue. Yeah.

Mom went to the store and bought things and took Liz to work, which she got off of at 3:00. But she was late, so...we had to wait a half hour. And while out, Mom bought Walk Hard and Talladega Nights. Good effing times.

So, the GPz came and we waited for Liz a bit, then went to get her. And then Sam came, and then Ariel came and we had dinner.

When that while thing was done, we went to the park to play Cranium, which we barely did. And then Deja came, and then we went home, and then played American Idol...blah blah blah again. And then everbody left. And then i watched Walk Hard and SNL. Again i must say, good effing times.

Sorry i didn't make that more exciting. I don't feel like making things exciting., It's hot and gross.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Sifl and Olly Season 2 Episode 14

Here you go.

Everyone Wants Some Sunny and Dull

Sunny and DullHey, gang.

Not much going on. Bike lessons and band practice haven't gone on since last week. Nothing's really happened that's fun since prom.

My monologues are going well, and by that i mean, i read them and they got good reactions. Today in drama 2 we played leadership games after we finished watching Our Town. So...that was fun. Choir was fun too. That's pretty much it. We had a lame sub in 2nd, so that was fun too...

And now that's it.

1) "Two guys on roller skates! That's way hotter than one."

- Ladies of the World (Flight of the Conchords)

Sunday, May 11, 2008

The Silent Wonder Years


Your Melody (Ballroom) Sounds As Sweet As the First Time it Was Sung

Here's the story.

I got up. Ate. I went with mom to the store and the florist to pick up Sam and I's corsages for our respective dates. We got all that crap, and went home. A couple hours later, Sam and Liz arrived, with Liz's new hair, and our aunt came over to help with Liz's makeup. Then 5:00 rolled in, and we went to pick Deja up from her cousin's birthday party. So, we all took pictures at Round Table in our prom outfits. Classy, i must say.

After that, we all piled in the car. I opened the car door for her, of course. Then we drove, and kinda got lost, on the way to Sungari, where our dinner reservations were. The place was very fancy. And we acted like kids. Good times.

After dinner, we found the Melody Ballroom, and we were an hour early. We parked and went in to use the bathroom. And the dude's bathroom smelled very bad. Not like bathroom, but something very different and bad. Let's not get graphic.

So, we walked to a mini mart and Sam and Deja got ice cream and then we sat in the car for a while, then walked back. We waited a while for Ben, Ariel and everyone else cool. After a few minutes, we just went in, got a table and looked around while dancing.

Finally they came, and the party got better. The night was full of dancing and Ben and I got almost everybody in a conga line. To the song Girlfriend by Avril Lavigne, of all songs. Again i say, good times. They played Thriller, and OK Go, and Footloose, and other crazy things you'd not expect to hear at a school dance, among all the crap that kids call music today.

So, the shindig ended, we walked back to the car. Saw some...crazy things...and then got in the car.

We ended up getting crazy lost, due to the overabundance of one-way roads. Freaking freaky-ass Portland. We were almost on our way to Washington at one pont. It was crazy. But, Deja thankfully got us unlost. And then we went home, after 20 minutes of driving every which way. I was tired. Like, totes tired, so i went to sleep shortly after. And then today happened.

Happy Mother's Day, kids.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Promenade Left

The plan? Here it is.

We pick Deja up from some thing, then we go to dinner at some place, then on to the Mekidy Ballroom, where our prom is to be held. Then prom, bleh blah blohh.

I can't wait. Folks, this will be fantabuloustasic.

And now, i leave you with Existentialism on Prom Night by Straylight Run.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


I opened my phone just now, and it said i had a voicemail. Hmm, let's listen.

Okay...It's from the Obama campaign. Erase.

How odd. Why am i being solicited when i'm not even a voter? Or of voting age?


Monday, May 5, 2008

So You Can Act. But Can You Do it on a Bicycle?

So, without realizing it, i did a crapload of stuff in the past two days.

Sunday: I got up, ate, and got ready to go out with Liz and Mom. Liz had to work, and i had to go prom shopping. I got myself a suit, tie and belt. Oh my yay. After the sis got out of work, we went to the park before dinner to have a jam/writing session. We only cam up with potential band names and album titles. We had dinner and caried on with the day.

Today: Went to school. After that, we went to the park again with Sam and we had our first bike-riding lesson. Also, i worked on the beginning of a song during 2nd period. Woot.

S0, our final for Drama is to do a monologue audition of two contrasting monologues. We then searched and scowered monologue books. I found one of my two. And this may sound 100% conceited, but i read it damn good. I know full and well that that sounds really full of myself, but i think that i read it very well. My other one's probably gonna suck, whichever one i find.

Running Mayfete shows for people who didn't get to see them tomorrow night. Cool...?

1) "You do not want to take Liz's food."
[flashback] "WHERE'S MY MAC AND CHEESE?!"
[Liz flips table on it's side]

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Rasping on My Chamber Door

So, last night, despite my severe voice problem, it was pretty good. I did okay.

So, tonight's closing night. It should be great. Come see it if at all possible. It should only be the greatest thing ever.

Prom in one week from today. Holy shizzmonkeybuckets.

Dad's friends come over to see the play/hang tonight-ish. Yay for that.

1) "Check, check. Check one two, buckle my shoe, three four, shut the door."

- Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film for Theaters

Friday, May 2, 2008

Where Are Your Chords?

Wdnesday's choir festival: Hated the idea of going, but it turned out to be great. The edutacator gave me many compliments, and the choir as a whole. Good day.

Yesterday: Unplugged at lunch. Liz sang, people loved it. Deja's last performance of the plau, due to girl scout camp. Boo.

Today: Spartquake. Good freaking times, gang. It was great.

I can barely talk now. I've got the sickies, kids. My life sucks, in a major way. I have to do the play twice more, and wow. Uggghhhhh.

I'm trying the best i can to get my voice back. This might suck.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Oh, Mayfete. You're the...Fete to My May.

Mayfete kicked off for everyone yesterday. With the boring assembly.

Today was Unplugged during both lunches. Good times. There was a kid who sang Jason Mraz awfully though.

Tomorrow...i won't be there, but there will be a petting zoo and a huge game of Red Light, Green Light. Tear. I won't be there.

Thursday: Unplugged again, and the talent show.

Friday: Spartquake! Can i wait? No.

Come see the play on the 1st-3rd of May.

2) currently about to download: Can't Say No by The Helio Sequence

Sunday, April 27, 2008

About 2/5 of the Voices Have Silenced

So...first weekend of VFtHS: Aight.

Friday was awesome. Not a metric ton of people, but still a modest amount. My parents, grandparents, aunt and cousin came. So, yay to them. And they all met the girlfriend, about that? I met her grandparents too, which was also nice.

Saturday: About 2.4 people in the audience. Not really, but not alot. The show also wasn't feeling the best. Not many people saw it though, so...good. I was told we were good though, so also cool.

I've had a mind-numbingly long weekend. I'm ready for it to be over and for Mayfete to begin! It's gonna be 'mazing! One acts, Spartquake, yeah.

1) "We...have...been the Police Convention in Miami Beach! And we were invited because...they invited everybody."

- Reno 911!: Miami

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Hurry, Little Children

Finish the play
So i can get
Home todaaaayyyyy

Dress rehearsal tonight lasted forever. Son of a bit-chuh. I even left early, because dad might have killed somebody.

Tomorrow's might be longer. It's the final dress, and good. Honestly. I'll try to get someone to take me home, so my dad doesn't flip a piano. Why a piano? I really don't know. Don't ask, i don't know the answer.


Everyone just needs to calm the frick down.

Ever since about Monday, everbody, and by everybody i mean alot of people, have been acting incredibly distraught. It's incredibly difficult to understand why every one has to be such bithces and also how come their days can't be unicorns and rainbows like mine almost always are. Even though today, i was feeling like a tiny bag of crap.

Physically, not mentally. I was a little tired as well, but other than that, i'm fine.

Flight of the Conchords and Cloverfield came out yesterday. Woooo.

Play in 2 days. Errbody should come.

1) "If you can't think of anything, just start talkin' about poopin'."

- Cody Fletcher at lunch

Monday, April 21, 2008

Heavy Lourde

So, today...evertone was all weird. Nobody was there. And i mean, "there". Alot of people were physically at school, but whatever. It's just that no one seemed in their right minds.

I have no idea why, but choir tour took a heaping emotional toll on tons of people. I'm kind of happy i didn't go, but kinda not.

Dress rehearsals start today. I'm ready as i'll ever be for the opening night, and am working out a pep speech in my head. I'm gonna melt me some faces.

I still need to get my costumes ready. So...Lemme go do that.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Like The City in Alaska?


So, Wednesday was a pretty crazy day. Dad bought the one disc version of Juno, so Liz went back to Target after school to get the right one, and brought it back home. It was for later that evening. She was leaving to Canada the next morning and she had a sleepover with Cody, Sam and Ariel. Ben came over and we watched American Idol.

So we watched almost half of the movie, and went to sleep.

The next morning, we all went to IHOP, and it was great. We went back to the house real fast and dad and the other kids left. I made my lunch and came back later to also deliver Liz's coat and Sam's Skittles. And they were off.

Friday was also great n' crazy. Right after school, i went to dinner with Deja and her family. Then we went to Poynter's musical, which she choreographed a number for. So yay. We also saw the talent that were going to be freshmen next year, and i can't wait.

Saturday...nothing happened.

Today...nothing will happen except everybody gets back from Canada. Also yay.

I watched The Pursuit of Happyness last night. Good flick.

1) "I could go to the basement and get some water. And those were good times."

- Lewis Black

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

How Come You Did That?

The play is in a week and a day. Oh my jesus. My life doesn't need this. Actually, it does. Whatever.

Choir concert was last night. Meh. Sam asked Liz to prom in front of everybody. It was the almost greatest ever.

1) "I wouldn't say i was pregnant, per se..."

- Sam

2) currently listening to: random...things.

Monday, April 14, 2008


Today was Monday. I didn't do much. I had first period, and half of second. Then i went no a mobility lesson. Goot back at 4:00. Got a liter of Diet Coke. Gonna drink the rest of it at rehearsal later.

Aight. Just telling you guys things. I have nothing amazing to add, so...Deal with it.

1) "Function! Function damn you!"

- King of the Hill

2) currently listening to: Strange Apparition by Beck

Sunday, April 13, 2008

S'Bin Fun

So, mom and i went to the Goodwill outlet bins today. Nothing too exciting. Bought nothing. Looked at bikes. Woo.

Went to Safeway. And other things.

Went home. Ate. Played Donkey Kong. Bleh. Okay.

The washer is probably walking right now..

1) "Nothing to see here. Just a rapist with a gun to his head."

- Reno 911!

No, It is So Not Sunday

I want to do things. This is bullcrap. I suppose i could get off my arse and find something fun to do, but no. Meh, it's all good. Hackey sack!

Well, Friday was certainly a night to remembah. Battle of the Bands. Hosted by Vivian Noller and Madison Wellington. Both were excellent MCs. Telling stories about lollies and doing their best Jaggers.

They also threw out lollies, one of which i got. It was tres bien.

So, the bands were:

Couch: Oh my god. How about never hearing them again? That'd be...great.

Florentene: Ben Noyes, Cody Fletcher, and Mark McSpadden's band. So, i automatically have to like them. But i actually did. They could all sing, so...that's good.

Mangfald: I knew people in there too, and they were really good.

Green T: Prety good. Not bad.

Band Geeks Unite!: They were okay.

So, they all played. And the top 3 were:

Couch: REALLY?!

Florentene: YEAH!

Mangfald: Also yeah!

Mangfald won: We all rushed the stage. Well, not really going up onto the stage, but we went up to it. The song they played was roickin', and all the people from the other bands came on and danced around like fools. Then we all went to Red Robin. Then we went home. Yay.

1) "We don't need Justin."
"Yeah we do. It says "dance crew must have 4 members. That was fast! Wanna go get some pizza?"

- Kickin' it Old Skool

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Ew...I'm Busy

The next few weeks are full of business. I have a choir concert on the 15th, and on the 30th is our festival field trip. The week coming after next is Mayfete shows, and opening night of the play. And it is also a day after the huge ass field trip, which i'm going to be tired as all get out from. Fun times.

Anyway, i must go fix myself some dinner before i go to rehearsal later. See y'alls.

1) "Booger sounds so gross."
"Call it something else."
"What else would you call it?"
"Nose poop?"

- Liz and Sam

2) currently wanting to won: Colin Meloy Sings Live!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Foamy Justice

So, i recently found out who the "fire"-extinguishing, seat-ripping, shit-thrower-around-er is. It's someone in the play, and someone else in the play's brother. The former, i did not see doing this at all, for any reason. The latter...well, i don't know the guy, so...Can't really say. Anyway, i just have this to say.

I know anger can sometimes get the best of us. The very best, and put it in kind of a stranglehold and not let go. It may feel as if nothing matters anymore, i don't know. But that is absolutely no excuse for the blatant disrespect of what some people call their home away from home. I am one of them. Theatre is one of my few ways to express myself. It disappoints and angers me to almost no end, what happened. But, life goes on, we may have to find someoone else for the parts, i have no clue. what's going to happen. All i know is, i'm not going to respect anyone who does anything like this, ever.

Well, on a lighter note, today was actually pretty fun. Choir was fun, even. Not boring like usual. And Wednesday is Sing on Your Way to Class Day, so get ready for that, chillinz.

1) "Hello, my name is Ayahhh!"

- Ariel at lunch

Sunday, April 6, 2008

A is for Applesauce

...My favorite meal. Not realy though. But i had some last night...

Anyway, Thursday was great, actually. In first period we had a sub, so we almost didn't do anything, because we only ran the scenes i wasn't in. It was grand.

So, regarding the fight in the theatre the other day: One of the members of the cast was partially blamed for it. We all thought it wasn't him, and that he would never do anything remotely like that. He was not allowed to go into the theatre until he got clearance from the administration. The cast thought this wasn't right, and to show that, along with our temwork and togetherness, we decided to have practice outside. It was very nice outside, and i felt like part of something really meaningful.

Friday was also really cool. Sam, Liz and i went to see our friend Leah play at Insomnia, the coffee shop which i found out is not that far from our house. She was really good.

Saturday was really cool as well. Ben, Jake, Leah, Ariel, Mike and Kyle went to Kelsey's house and had Sweeney Todd night. After the movie, we had a massive, and epic pillow fight. When Ben and i pranked Burger King. It was fantastic.

And now it's today. School tomorrow. Blah blah blah.

1) "Frank's sick."
"Since when?"
"Since twenty years ago."

- Hot Rod

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Granum Style some odd circumstances, and the longest and strangest story i've ever heard, we now have our old car back instead of the new one. We'll look for a new one sometime when we really need to. We ordered the part we need, so...yeah. But do not ever go to the Thomas Auto Sales across from the Royal Moore or whatever. It's now awful in my mind.

So, yesterdayduring rehearsal, Arron was doing his scene. Or about to. He kept debating, before starting, whether he should be a method actor and take his pants off or not. The scene calls for him to be wearing a leotard. So, he finally did. Now, whenever does something with np pants, they're doin' it Aaron Granum-style.

When the 1st period Drama 2 students entered the theatre this morning, the state of the room was abysmal. There was a ripped seat in the front row on the left side. We were then told that people came in at about 9 o'clock last night and had a fight over "some girl missing her period." or something like that. Chairs were thrown around and things were turned upside down. And apparently the janitor, who i now consider to be a huge moron, heard the fight, and didn't even bother to call the cops. That is ridiculous. Investigation continues, and i'll probably have some more information tomorrow. In the meantime, Jazz Cabaret is tomorrow, so that's cool. Bye.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Hails Yeah

Yesterday, we got a 2005 Chrysler Toan & Country. And what a van it is. I has room to almost stand in, three rows of seating, and secret underseat compartments! Finding that out was awesome. More about that later.

So, today, mom and i went to Blockbuster and Safeway. (i totally just accidentally typed custer instead of buster.) We rented 2 games and a movie. They wouldn't all fit in the glovebox, so my mind went from there to "maybe i can put them under the seat." There was only plastic to the floor. But! i noticed a small handle. I tried to open it, thinking it was a door of some tiny sort. It was a drawer. Inside it was an unopened owner's maual. Mom was happy, and so was i. Good story, right?

Then, at Safeway, i saw my friend Kasi, and mom saw my aunt's friend. We got done shopping, and an old man was our bagger. Why a man that old was on bag duty, and not some pimply-facded teenage boy is a mystery to me that i'm too lazy to investigate. But, i can tell you, he's an awful bagger. Ripped bags a plenty. And i wasn't wearing a coat, and it was hailing and raining. I ran to the car got in before i drowned standing up. Could you imagine how messed up that would be? Anyway, we loaded the groceries in fast and drove him. An adventure, it was.

And i got really nasty Robatussin for my sickness.

1) "You were scared to try the new flavor of Dr. Pepper!"

- Accepted

Friday, March 28, 2008

Words and Phrases I Wish to Say More Often Than I Do Now

  • "far out"
  • "groovy"
  • frickiting
  • "son of a stuff"
  • "P.D.Effing A." (but this time...LOUDER)
  • "blimey"
  • "frick on a stick with a brick"
  • "radical"
  • "jive turkey"
  • "foolish sucka"
Good day.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

El Endo

Spring break is almost at a close. Damn.

So, i've now listened to all of Panic at the Disco's new record, and i do say i really like it. Very very different from their first, which is a good and bad thing. When i first heard tiny little clips, i thought, "I don't know..." But hearing it all with the broad instrumentation and harmonies...they sound like they're a real band now. Their lyrics are hardly "emo" now. I might like it more, not unlike how did with The Killers' sophomore album "Sam's Town." One i learned the words, and could sing along with them, it was a great album. I think it will be the same with this one.

Today was calm but enjoyable. Cody came over, and we got drinks at the 7-11 close by and watched Across the Universe. Second time opinion? It was alot better than the first time i saw it. I don't exactly know what happened, but something did, and i liked it alot more.

Tomorrow's plans: I'm afraid i have none. Sam i think wants to do something, but his car is "out of commision" as he puts it. He got it stuck in the mud on his way to work yesterday, and now i don't know what's happening. But he wants to come over, i think. I'm not the sure-est i can be.

We might get a new car this week. I think we're going for a Chrysler Town and Country, or some other one i can't remember the name of.

I also think we're going bowling/arcading on Saturday? No idea, but we'll see.

And on Monday, i go back to school. Barf. And Jazz Cabaret is next Thursday. I'm SO happy for that... [sarcasm/]

I'm not going to do Dailies today. Why? I've had a mystery cough that came out of complete frickiting nowhere for 5 days now, and i feel like death approaches. I hate it, and so should you.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Spring Broke

So, yesterday was pretty fun.

I woke up, and woke Liz up too. We ate and waited for Sam to pick us up. He came, we drove to the MAX stop by the fairgrounds. We rode until we got to the Pioneer Place Mall stop, we went up to our mom's office, and we went out to lunch at Greek Cuzina (spelling error?). After that, we went to 2nd Avenue Records to look for Panic at the Disco's latest. They have no CD section, we felt like idiots. We walked around the mall. That was...okay.

Then we got back on the train and after we got back, we drove to Target to buy the CD, and then to Blockbuster so Liz can get a membership. She started to flake out, and got a gumball. we talked her into getting a free membership, and we rented Eagle cs. Shark and Dan in Real Life. I've now seen both. Both are great. The end.

1) "Do you want free cheese? you save 60 cents. I'll give it to you."
"No, no cheese."
"Why? It's free cheese."

- Eagle vs. Shark

3) currently feel like: death.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Time Flew, No Phones Rang

So, yesterday was mildly odd. Actually, so was today.

I got up at 6:30. Why? Because choir had a field trip to go on really early. I got ready by 7:00, then Cody picked Liz and I up. We went to Dutch Bros. and got coffee. We got to the school. We hopped on the bus to Glencoe to attend the District Choir Festival practice. With all the high school's training and concert choirs. We were all getting tips after we performed, so the practice lasted 4 hours. 4 Freaking hours, my friends. Almost forever, i sat.We then got out, and went to the Esplenade to go to eateries. I went to TacoTime with Liz and Sam. We got back to the school, where we had to go to fourth and fifth periods. Eww.

Today: I just felt weird for no reason. Maybe because we had a concert? I don't know.


1) "Do you know if she wears a bra...? You wanna see a bra?"

- Rocket Science

2) currently listening to: Robots - Flight of the Conchords

Monday, March 17, 2008

Spring Breakaway

So, the new trimester started today.

1. Drama 2B (It's really cool now, since alot of IB Theatre people joined the class. It rules.)
2. American Studies (Alot of cool people up in it)
3. Choir (New girl)
4. Algebra 1C (Back to the teacher i had first trimester. So, yays.)
5. Biology 2 (Meh. That's all.)

This trimester should be fun. Nothing that intolerable, so that's good.

Choir concert on Wednesday that i don't really want to go to, but i have to, so guhhhhhhh.

Rehearsal tonight, which i do want to go to, so yay!

I have a post to end right now, and i don't know how to. Sad.

1) "Going to spaaaaaaaace...on the advice of a toddler!"


2) currently listening to: A-Punk by Vampire Weekend

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Saturday, March 15, 2008


Funniest ever. Almost.


I haven;'t spoken to all you alls in about 4 years, we go.

Rehearsals for the play have been going amazing. We get exponentially better every single day, i swear it. I have to memorize Cody and I's scene by Monday, so...I'll do that.

Finals were Wednesday and Thursday, and they were much easier than i'd expected. I think i did pretty good on my Algebra exam, which is really good for me.

New trimester starts Monday! I'm deathly excited.

I'm in the middle of Being John Malkovich, and it's really good and funny so far.

Jonah Hill hosts SNL tonight! That should be amazing.

I have nothing to do this weekend! Ugh.

1) "Warning: Candy made entirely of sawdust."

- Invader ZIM

2) My playlist. Oh yeah.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Saturday, March 8, 2008

A Denominator Gathering His Spectacles

Today went good. The aunt and cuzz came over, and Liz and got our new glasses, finally. I took 47 years, but i still got them.

After that, we got coffee. Not me though. I got my new usual strawberry vanilla smoothie. It's the best thing i've tasted in my life. Almost.

My life has been going pretty well lately. Play rehearsals have been really good, and helpful. Our director is the greatest. For serious. I really can't wait to do this play. It's going to be sensational. I urge you to see it if you can. It's a very real play, and we're already doing great. So, come during the last week in April and the first in May! I love it.

In other news, Ben and Leah got calls from PTI. Cody, Kelsey and I did not. It's not really a big deal, but i'm still PO'd. I don't think i was THAT bad...whatever.

PowderTuff volleyball was Thursday. That was pretty fun.

I have a pretty dern big project due either Wednesday or Thursday in English class. I should start on it, but i probably won't until tomorrow.

Amy Adams and Vampire Weekend are on SNL tonight. Wow.

1) "Stop fogging up my windooooooooows!"

- Sam yelling from inside his car

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Let's Get Back to My World

Alright. Friday was alright. After schol, we were figuring out what to do that night. We as in, Liz, Cody, Sam and I. We were trying to decide whether to stay in and rent a movie or go out and see one. We decided on the latter. We went to see Semi-Pro. I liked it. It wasn't the greatest, but i still liked it. It wasn't as "ridiculous" as i wanted it to be. Like Anchorman was. But still, it was okay. When the movie ended, we saw Beverly with some other people. It was great.

Anyway, after that, we went straight home. I was the tiredest, so i went to sleep.

Yesterday, I was very happy. Well, not until this happened. I was going to go audition for Portland Teen Idol with Sam, but he had something else to do, and didn't want to anyway, so i decided to go with Cody and Kelsey. I got the word on Friday that he auditioned already, so i got a tiny bit angry because i jumped to conclusions and thought he wasn't going to go the next day. But, alas, he was.

He picked me up at 5:30 and he called Kelsey, and she was in the car with Ben. He was going too, even after he told us that he thought it was stupid and made fun of Leah and Cody for talking about it one day. We got there and filled out our forms. We turned them in and went to the holding room. Which was the Hilhi theatre. Some lady from the Argus was there, and she interviewed us all. I think her daughter was there. I'm not sure but she was staying by her the whole time. She was just a tiny bit annoying. She was going to go right after me.

So, Kelsey went, then we stood close to the stage and Ben and I waited for our turns. Ben went, and then they called my number. I went back to the boys' dressing room. The judges present asked me my name and what school i was from. When i told them Hilhi, they said "So you're familiar with this space, huh?" Yes. Yes i was.

So, i went on and sang my 30-seconds of "Selfish Jean" by Travis. And they said that i had a good song choice, and that i had a good stage presence, and that i didn't come off as nervous at all, even though i kind of really was. It was a really fun experience. I'll know if i made it through on Monday, i believe. I fnot, no big deal. If i do make it, get ready for the hurricane, mofos.


- Semi-Pro

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Don't Get Me in Rant Mode!

Seriously, don't.

Well, you unfortunately already have, AC Flora.
It seems the funsing for construction at my former high school have been cut. The buildings are in a complete state of decay and disorganization. The more pictures i see of this atrocious event, the sicker i get. I'm honest here. That was no exaggeration. I literally felt sick to my stomach.

Mold on walls, things broken, the small, dirty "new" bathroom, exposed pipes in the band room, doors off their hinges, and so much more. If you want to see the damge, the evidence that this absolute horror is going on , i strongly urge you to go here.

I don't necessarily believe in a god, but if i did, i would be praying as hard as i could that this would get better, and that the blind, foolish idiots who don't give a shit about this tragedy would see the fatal error they have made.

I applaud the people who attended the school board meeting the other day. I feel deeply proud of you guys for showing that you cared. Remember: Keep fighting. I know it will probably be very hard and you'll have to deal with all kinds of people who get in your way, but i know you can do it. Of all people, it's you guys who can do this. I believe in you. If i were there, i would be doing everything i could right now. But, unfortunately, i can't. It breaks my heart that i have to sit here and rust and not be able to do a thing. You have no clue how much it hurts.

You guys can do ths without me. And you will.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The (Cast) List

Twas posted outside the door a few days ago. My name was on it. It was...the greatest.

What part did i get? i don't know. We will see.

The initial meeting is tomorrow. We will find out there.

1) "There's a cello in your house now."

- Rocket Science

2) still haven't listened to: All of One Cell in the Sea by A Fine Frenzy

Sunday, February 24, 2008

1.5-2 Things About to Kill My Social Life

As The Iron Giant plays on HBO, i think about how just sitting at home, doing nothing is beginning it's end. Why? I'll sure the heck tell you why!

1) the freaking play: Rehearsals will be Monday through Thursday at 5:45. If I'm casted, which, come on, is a big possibility.

2) Portland Teen Idol: Auditions are in 6 days, and woo, i might get in. I mean, it's not American Idol, and I think i can sing alright. If i don't get in though, it's not really a big deal. It's not my "dream" anyway.

Aight, that'

Ooo...i ordered new glasses yesterday. Finally. They're gonna look kamazing. Did i mention i'm say "kamazing" now? Yeah, i am.

I should also mention that i'm glad the Independent Spirit Awards exist. Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to see Rainn Wilson and Phillip Seymour Hoffman wrestling. Or see people forgetting how to read. It's the greatest.

And the Oscies are on tonight. So...woo-e for that one.

Saturday Night Live was finally new last night, and it was great. I cannot wait until; the next onw. Ellen Page and Wilco! Eeee.


- I Drink Your Milkshake (SNL)

Monday, February 18, 2008

From an Elevator


Bloody Sundae

President's Day 2008 for me? Not the best.

We were going to get new glasses! But wait...something's wrong. I don't REALY know what, but it is, so we don't get them today. Nice try though!

Also, drama llama is visiting town again. It will blow over, but no one knows how soon.

And i saw Jumper. Not a very good movie.

But, i had a sundae just now, so everything's fune.

School tomorrow's going to be...great?

1) "Lincoln's a chick!"

- Rocket Science

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Second Weak

Thursday Guys and Dolls: Really good. We were all expecting it to be awful. Since Tuesday in front of the sixth graders was. We chalked that up to it being morning and having a weekend to forget everything and stupid little kids. At least i did. But Thursday was great. Truly.

Fridau: Went to Red Robin after. Leah and Sam sang on helim. People speaking on helium never ceases to get me into laughing fits. Liz came to the show, and it was an 0kay night.

Saturday: It was breought to our attention by the people who went to see Century's matinee of Greae that they had posted a sign reading "Spear the Sparts", those immature bastards. So, we chose to dominate our closing performance. And we did. It was our best night. And the cast party afterwards was amazing. Honest. I lurved it.

Tonight: I watched Rocket Science, cuz we rented it at Blockbuster. It was pretty good. So, yayzers.

No school tomorrow. Also, yay.

1) "I just don't know what to do anymore."
"This is the girl's"

- Rocket Science

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

FAWMing Over You

Go to Search for my name. I joined, and have posted 6 songs so far.

OK, whatever, bye.

Forget Valentine's Day Shows!

So, we did our musical in fron tof stupid tiny children today.

It sucked a big fat rock.

About 60% of the cast was sick, and that includes me. I went to bed coughing, and i woke up nearly dying. There was grossness all over me, and i only went to school for the play. I called my dad after and he picked me up.

I had an O and M lesson tonight, and we were going to a movie. Dammit! I coulda seen National Treasure! Meh, s'okay.

A bunch of people want the show for Thursday canceled. We're all too sick, and if it doesn't improve by tomorrow, i don't know what we're going to do.

I don't know why we did it in front of sixth graders anyway. They're stupid and don't laugh at crap. Hee, crap...

1) "He sounded pale."
"How do you sound pale?"
"I don't know. But he did sound a bit feverish."

- Psych

2) currently waiting for: American Idol

Sunday, February 10, 2008

The First 2

Guys and Dolls week 1 Wrap-up.

Friday: It was really nice. The fam came except for Liz, who had to work. Ben and Sam were very sick. Ben was passing out, and throwing up, and Sam was also doing the latter. Ben called in sick to work, and Sam had to go. We'll tell you more about that later. We went to Red Robin afterwards. Ariel took me, and we blasted "Without Love" from Hairspray on the way. Her, Sam and I ordered water, because we were dirt poor, and then we left before we got it.

Saturday: Also nice. We were told Saturday crowds were really dead, but this one wasn't. Mom, her friend and my aunt came. Sam was feeling a little better. Ben had a 101 degree fever. Also, his boss made him go to work this morning. Sam had to go to a meeting earlier that day, and he threw up in one of the theaters, and they sent him home. We went to Shari's after, because Red Robin had a 46 day wait. Our waitress was a freaking jerk. She really was. It was obnoxious. I also leanred we're doing the play for Mentor Bridge. Woo...woo.

So, Thursday's comin' up. On...Thursday.

1) "We know what it happened, we just need to know why. Which reminds me, Gus. When are you getting us tickets to the Who?"

- Psych

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Here Be One'a Dem Blogz Again

So, the play has suddenly grabbed my life by the neck and is dragging it around.

Dress rehearsals have been going all week. I think it's beginning to feel like a play, in the week we're doing it.

Well, if you can, come see it.

Feb. 8, 9, 14, 15, 16
Hilhi Theatre
7:30 PM
$7 for students, $8 for adults
Treats on the 14th.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Besiegin' the Region

Regional Acting Competition was today at Hilhi. We hosted many schools. I don't know the exact total, but it was alot. I worked as a timer for performances from 9 to 5. If the scene ran past 4 minutes and 30 seconds, i hold the red card up. and it lets them know they have 30 seconds until time is up. 5:00 was their limit, but they had a 15-second grave period. at 5:15, they have to immediately stop.

I got a ride to the school from Ben. It was snowing when i walked outside. On a Saturday, when school is not involved. Whatever, wheather.

We got to the school, and met other people there. We waited for more workers and schools, and then we had the short, 5-minute welcome assembly. Then we were released.

I went to LA5, my favorite room in the Language Arts building (Mr. Halloman!). First round was monologues. Those were pretty good.

Next was duo scenes. Those were okay. I had to stop one pair. It made me feel like a big jerk. But, them's the rules.

Then monologues again. This group was really good.

Then duos again. Really good.

Then, lunch. We didn't want the monstrously expensive food the school was serving, so Ben, Spencer and I went to Carl's Jr.

When we got back for the 2 o'clock round, it was again monologues. Really REALLY good.

Duos: pretty good

Mnologues: goooood

Duos: It was the first group i saw again, so...nothing new.

I stayed in the same room, so i didn't get any music, or i didn't see anyone from our school's scene.

But, there was this one guy. He was really really good in everything he did. He and this other dude did a scene from Assassins. I now want to see this realy badly. And some other bloke did a monologue from some play called Talk Radio. I want to see this really bad too.

It was a nice day.

Friday, February 1, 2008

15 Minutes

...Can change everything. In the course of fifteen simple minute4s, you can feel the exact opposite emotion you were feeling before.

I don't know why this happened, but it makes me me sick to my stomach. It makes me shake down to my very core. It cracks my foundation.

This day has turned me inside-out.

I just don't know what to say. And no, i don't want to talk about it.

But, we'll get through this. We're strong as hell, and together we're invincible.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Where Did You Come From? Where Did You Go?

So...winter formal was really nice/weird.

Sam came and picked us up, and we got ready. We went to the ATM and then the school. We got tickets and went in.

Ben and Ariel were there, surprisingly. Even after they said they wouldn't.

So, the music selection was mostly craptastic. They obviously played Soulja Boy and things of that sort. But they also played Macarena and Cotton-Eyed Joe, and some techno song that's great. And the Cha-Cha Slide. Ben asked the guy if he was going to play anything good, and he said they were going to play Thriller, but alas, there was no Thriller. Although Ben did get a bunch of guys from the play and we did some of our Luck Be a Lady dance.

Well, we got many drinks, and sat down numerous times, but it was still great.

When it was over, we went to Safeway and got some Ben and Jerry's. My hands got all sticky and i needed to wash my hands. i got home and my bones were aching so bad, i could have cried. I'm serious. i went to bed shortly after.

And there's my day! [curtain closes, squeaks]


- Sam teaching me the Macarena (and now i know it)

Saturday, January 26, 2008

An Apology at Lunchtime

I'm sorry for the lack of posts this month. I'm just busy wih rehearsals and other things. I have a life, i guess, so this isn't all i do anymore.

So, my day was eventful yesterday. It was my sister's birthday, and we were going to go to Chevy's. Sam and I didn't know if we were going to get out of play practice on time, so we left early. We went straight from the school to Chevy's, and waited for no more than 5 minutes for everyone else. We sat down, and i ordered the Nachos Grande. Of course. We finished, and Liz got the birthday singing and ice cream. She ate that crap, then we left. Sam, Cody, Liz and I drove to Costco first, and we parked, and then we turned around and drove away. Let me explain why.

So, the day before, Sam and I went there, because his plan was to fill Liz's locker with Tic-Tacs. We went to Costco, and then we asked the weird lady with a thick Asian accent if you had to be 18 to get a card. She sent us over to the next desk. We went there and we asked the lady if we could get a card if we weren't 18.


Fine, wench. So we went back to the house and got my dad's card. That didn't work either because cards aren't transferable. Then we went and cleared out 2 mini-marts. So...we hate Costco.

So, we were going to get Cody a card last night, then we changed our minds. We drove to Burgerville and Sam got Liz and him milkshakes. Then went back home.

We watched Liz's newly acquired DVD of Hairspray, which, I'll admit, is a pretty good movie. At almost the end, Ariel came over, and after the movie, we went to see 27 Dresses. I'm sorry, but that movie sucked. It was so cliched and not very funny at all. And the two main characters didn't have any chemistry. It simply didn't work.

So, we came home and Liz went to bed. And then i did too.

And now here i am, writing about it.

Also, I'm going to Winter Formal tonight. S'gonn' be sweet.

1) "So i hear you're going to be gone for a while. How long are you leaving us, Brenda?"
"...Just 9 months."

- Hairspray

2) currently wanting to see - Be Kind Rewind (February 22nd!!!!)

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

'Tis a Wonderful Night...Or Day After the Begninning

So, Oscar nominations were announced. Juno!!! Nominated for Best Picture, Director, Screenplay and Actress. Darn academy thinking it's going to entice us. We all know it's not going to win. Maybe screenplay. I'm pulling for screenplay.

And that bullcrap Enchanted got 3 out of 5 songs nominated. 3! I'll choke someone, i swear it. If Falling Slowly wins, i'll die happy.

Anyway, not much happened today. Rehearsal was canceled. Whatever. Bye.

1) "That bird better pray he don't screw up my credit!"


Saturday, January 19, 2008

Incident Site U.S. 447

So, last night was Cloverfield night.

Sam picked Liz and I up and we went straight to the theatre. We got our tickets from the Fandango machine and went in. We met everyone else, and there were tons of people there. We waited for a few minutes, and then they let us in. We filled up the entire back row. It was awesome. We waited, watched trailers, and then we saw the teaser for Star Trek. I was nerding out, i swear. I can't wait for it, at all.

So, after that, the movie started. It started with text, then went on with the movie.

When the monster first attacks, that's the exact moment when the film clutches onto you. And believe me, from then until the end, it doesn't even think of letting go.

It was spectacular. I was freaking out, getting scared, covering my mouth with my hand, grasping my leg, all of that. I will say this right now. This waas the best theater-going experience in my life.

After it ended, we went home, and Liz and I could not sleep. It's not like we tried to, but we just couldn't. I finally retired at about 1:00. And today, i tried looking up all i could on what happened, any theories, and things like that.

And seeing that it is a work of JJ Abrams, there had to have been some sort of background stuff that people wouldn't normally see the first time. So, i would love to see it again, and keep a close watch for anything i could not have seen the first time.

I STRONGLY reccomend this movie. That is, if shaky cameras don't make you get nausea.

1) "Matthew, of all the wrong pronounciations of that man's name, you seem to have stumbled upon absolutely the worst one."

- NewsRadio

The Innernette

Wanna learn about an exciting new product? Here it is.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

And if I Were a Field, You Would Be in Clover

So, I'm seeing Cloverfield tomorrow. I'm excited as all hell, my friends.

The musical has been going better and better each day. Today's practice only took us an hour. It's usually almost 2.

So...a few day ago, we had some snow, and school was delayed 2 hours.

That same day, i just walked into PE after changing. I got handed a pass to go the library. In my PE clothes and in the FREEZING COLD. I felt really awkward, and what i had to do took almost the whole of the period, so i basically changed for nothing. Sometimes, life sucks.


1) "That's Lenardo, i bet he wants to kill the prince."
"I'm Lenardo. Boy, do i want the prince dead!"

- some comedia d'el arte we're reading in drama

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Caused Co

So, yesterday was quite interesting. Mom had gotten an unexpected bonus check, and we wee sitting around discussing how to spend. We landed on getting Guitar Hero 3 and getting stuff at Costco. So...we got one of those done.

Costco pretty much is amazing.

We got a box of gum. Jucy Fruit to be specific. Some Vitamin Water, jerky, muffins, and other things. All the versions we found og the game were for the PC, thank you.

Then we were off to FYE, where they only had the X360 and PS3 versions. Then to Target, where we came the closest. They had a game and guitar seperate, which was 100 dollars total. there either. We went to get boxes of drink. We went to Gamestop, where they had the PS3 version. Uuuuggghhhh.

So, we've settled on ordering the game online. Sure, it's not instant gratification, like we love so much, but i still get it. Knights of Cydonia, people!

So, a couple of posts ago was my 500th. I can't believe i'm halfway to 1000. Actually, i kind of can. I lie. And now, I'm off.

1) "Pledge sucks. Do they advertise on this show? Oh, they do? Pledge is a fine product."

- Late Night with Conan O'Brien

2) currently listening to: Made of Bricks - Kate Nash

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Yesterday: What a Bitch

So, here's how my day went.

I had rehearsal after school, which took for-fucking-ever because our choreographer likes to keep us until we grow wizard-length beards.

So, we finally gt out, and Sam is taking me home. Ariel as well. Sam tells Ariel to go get the car and meet us at the sidewalk we were standing at. She siyts there for a few minutes, then we run over to her.

"The car won't start!"

So...We sit in the car for a few minutes, trying to think of who could give us a jump. Then some kid comes and says his mom can. So...she does. Luke decides he wants to tag along as well. We drive out of the school and to the Esplenade right past 7-11. The car dies...again. Some guy who was a tad creepy pulss us to the 7-11 parking lot and gives us a jump that lasts about 2 seconds. We all get out and Little M8iss Sunshine the car in to the Red Robin parking lot. We walk to Oil Can Henry's, which we found out did not sell batteries. We are told to mosey over to AutoZone, which we do.

I'm steping in huuuuuge puddles, and getting my socks almost dissolved from wetness. We get there, and we're told we need a bunch of handtools and time, which we do not have, because we are teenagers. So, we make the pilgrimage back to Red Robin, where we sit and get hot chocolate. Pretty much as soon as we get them, Luke leaves. Ariel orders fries, and later asks if we can make them bottomless. The guy does, and we get the check. The guy then says that the fries are on him.

Ariel's dad comes, gives her some clothes to change into, and gives Sam something too. I call my Dad, ask him to pick me up, and he does.

I got home at about 7:30-ish.

And now, here i am.


Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Tila, You're a Whore

I really felt like saying that. So, i did.

Anyway, yesterday was a nice first of the year. My sister, Sam and I went to different places. We went to Fred Meyer, and walked around for 2 minutes. Then we tried to go to Marshall's but they were closed. Then Burgerville, then Starbuck's, then Target. I bought Ferris Bueller's Day Off, cu it was cheap and i wanted it.

Then we went to Blockbuster and looked at movies and then went home. All in all, it was a fun day.

God, that was one crappy ending. I apologize. I didn't know how to bring that to a close. And now i can't either. I can already tell THIS is going to be a great day...

1) "So, Summer...Have you learned human emotion yet?"

- Serenity (cast commentary)

2) currently about to listen to for the second time: We're So Starving by Panic! at the Disco