Sunday, December 31, 2006

_____ of the Year Awards Pt. 3

TV Episodes of the year:

Lost (Live Together, Die Alone)
Arrested Development (Development Arrested)
24 (Season 5 finale)
The Office (The Convict)


Wii Sports
Gears of War (haven't played it though)
Guitar Hero II (in-store demos rule)

Wow Award:

Somebody gets shot over a PS3
Amerca's new obsession with hairless vaginas (Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan)
Jackass Number 2
K-Fed has an album

Well, that's about it. Good luck to those winners and losers in '07

Almost There (Again)

2006 is almost dead. It makes me kinda sad. This was an okay year for me. I loved it. Now it's leaving.

Time passes so effing quickly. I hate that it does. I wish i could go back and relive some stuff. But i can't. And it sucks.

1) "I'm so sorry that Poppy died. Can i get a quick show of hands of who's coming to my party tomight?"

- Strangers With Candy

2) Currently singing in-head: various selections fom Animusic 2

Saturday, December 30, 2006


That's what she said.

I asked someone out (i finally got my balls back) and she said yes.

God, i am so happy.

I am in the greatest mood. She might come over or we might walk around the mall and bother people. Whatever it is, it will probably be awesome. That is all.

1) "Didn't you send him an invitation?"
"Maybe it got "deleted!""

- SB Email (Labor Day)

2) cl2: microwave

3) Someone IM me: Deehomsarro2007

4) I just read the last Foxtrot daily strip. It was nice.

here it is

3 More Days

Until 2007.

I expect many great things in '07.

Spiderman 3
Shrek the Third
Moving back to Oregon

So, i hold my breath and wait for the new year.

Friday, December 29, 2006

He's Dead

Saddam. Enough said.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Postcards From 10 Miles Away

It seems my father really wants to move back to Oregon, and now i kind of agree. I had no idea of what was going on and now i do. But i just don't want to go through all of that hotel and car trip bullshit again. And i need to see if something works out by the time i leave. I need everyone of my friends here to swear they'll keep in touch with me and talk to me and all of that. If it wasn't for them, i would have no reason to live here. They helped me so much and i love them for it. They have no idea how much they mean to me.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

_____ Of The Year Awards Pt. 2

Bad news of the year:

James Brown
Wii-haul of wrist straps
PS3 = $600
Google + Youtube

Best videos of '06:

OK Go - Here it Goes Again

Boombox Blast:

White and Nerdy (shoo-in)

D*ick in a Box (Uncensored)

Good news of the year:

(not to be a Nintendo fanboy or anything of the sort, but the've had a rough go) - PS3 = $600
Wii browser free until June 2007
The Office Season 3 = 25 episodes
The Shins on SNL!!

Pt. 3 coming soon

None Anymore

I have no courage to ask somebody out now, 'cuz someody had to ruin it!

I'm just really bored. I still need to find someone to do anything with before the break ends. Somebody especially, but once again, i have no more courage. Someone call that wizard guy and take me to Oz.

1) "Now, the moment you've all been waiting for. This is the part of the show were we all stare into the sun until we all go blind!"

- Al TV

2) Currently: Crane Wife 3-ing

Monday, December 25, 2006


Yep, we opened our beloved gifts last night and our stockings this morning. It was good times. Here's your list.

What I Got:

  1. The Crane Wife by The Decemberists (thanks Liz)
  2. Reno 911!: The Complete Third Season Uncensored! (It's a little better without bleeps)
  3. socks
  4. underwear
  5. A new hoodie! (Well, technically, a jacket, but who cares?)
  6. CD-R 10 pack
  7. Worms 3D (PS2)
  8. The Essential Klaus Nomi (those mofos over at ruined it. The case was incredibly destroyed and there was no padding in the box either, mom's filig a claim to UPS)


  1. Sweet Tarts
  2. shaving cream
  3. razor
  4. marichino cherries (hells yeah)
  5. candy cane
  6. Push Pop thingy
  7. ornament filled with candy beans
  8. gum

So, X-Mas was excellent for me, not.

We're about to go eat lunch or something to that effect. See ya later. I'll leave you with Christmas Dailies.

1) "He looks like a pink nightmare!"

- A Christmas Story

3) Currently about to rock around the Christmas tree.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Yeash, Already: The ______ Of The Year Awards!!!!!!

Alright, gang. Here we are, almost at the ver end of 2006. What a crazy year. Well, sort of.

Best Albums:

The Life Pursuit - Belle and Sebastian
Black Holes and Revelations - Muse
The Black Parade - My Chemical Romance
Yes, Virginia - Dresden Dolls
Sam's Town - The Killers
Straight Outta Lynwood - Weird Al Yankovic

Best TV:

The Office
Lost (Season 2 Finale)
Wonder Showzen (many attepmts to get canceled, Horse Apples)
SNL (strong improvement)
Arrested Development

Talladega Nights
Serenity (Again! Even though it was in 2005, i don't care)
Little Miss Sunshine
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

Scum of the Year:
Kevin Federline
Kevin Federline
Kevin Federline

Part 2 on the way

The Day Before Tomorrow

Is Today, Christmas Eve.

I've been pushing the "each of us chooses what we do" idea to the clan, i haven't gotten a response exactly.

Well, I'll report tomorrow on what we did, what i got, and whatever else.

Until then, here are some Dailies and extra posts to tide you over. You'll probably see alot of these in the next few days, i'm trying for 300 before 2007.

1) "This song is for Jack White. And me. I dedicate this song to myself."

- Sufjan Stevens (Austin City Limits)

3) Currently shaking: boxes

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Only 2/ From Mr. Deeds On

More days i need to say?

And so starts the "argument" the family has every year: Do we open all prezzies on X-mas Eve or morning? I like opening them all on Eve, but Liz and Mom, i think, are hounding the X-Mas morning thing. We've opened them all on the 24th for 2 years now, and still we disagree.

This year, i could honestly care lees. I've decided that i don't care.

So, anyway, i still really need somebody to do something with for the break. My new semi-crush is elsewhere, so, nothing there. I'm desperate.

Also, we rented two movies yesterday, and we watched them both. Little Miss Sunshine and Click. Click was okay. LMS was excellent. I already wanna watch it again. It was very good. I encourage you to see it.

Has anybody noticed the declining quality in Adam Sandler's movies? I mean, as far as I'm concerned, Mr. Deeds kinda sucked just a little. 50 First Dates, funny in parts. Sorry if you disagree, but yeah.

1) "What time is it?"
"3:00 in the afternoon."
"Oh, good. I thought i'd overslept."

- Black Adder

2) Currently about to play: Mario Kart: Double Dash!!

3) Thought: "What if we're robots?"

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

A Longer Post

I know, these haven't been too long nowadays, so I'l try to stretch this one out.

You remember that incredibly subtle note i wrote about that friend of mine who i asked out and rejected me totally? I'm completely over that. We're till friends, and i like that. I have just faced the fact that i might never get a girlfriend and possibly die alone. That's all there is to it. Although, i do have alot of friends who are girls, so one of them is bound to like me. I shouldn't say that.

Not much is really going on in other fields. I sure wish they were. That would make things more exciting.

I really need to do something with somebody over the break. I am not kidding. I'm going to be very bored and mopey until i have somebody to do something with. Most of the people i wanna do stuff with are away in Texas or Sri Lanka or Mercury or something. It pisses me off, dammit!


Well, i saw the new Fall Out Boy video yesterday, it's full of hilarious inside jokes. It's actually a good video. And song. You know what? I'm starting to LIKE Fall Out Boy more and more.

1) "Where does a song come from? Inspirado."

- Tenacious D


3) Currently about to eat: Sonic Cheesecake Bites.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

(Mostly) Crih-Mih Videos


Digital Short:

Metalocalypse 120: The Metalocalypse Has Begun pt1 + 2:

The Shins Live:

(Teh Shins: Invadin' SNL 1-13-07. I screamed like a schoolgirl when i found out.)

Outkast cover (excellent):

Peter Griffin's Christmas Album:

Alright, enjoy.


Yes, gentle children, I'm off school until the 4th.


Thursday, December 14, 2006

No, Vella

I had to write a novella for Creative Writing, and i am so putting it on DeviantART. Go read it now.

Thursday, December 7, 2006

How Sad

I'm home!

The only thing i'm freaking out over is whether i'll be able to go to the drama club party tomorrow night. I rrlly wanna go. Gah.

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

My Nasal Area is Hurty as Hell, And I'm Not Gonna Take it Anymore!

Heehee, Network/UHF.

See, here's the thing. (We have to take our...clothes off! (so sexy)). [/Gym Class Heroes]

Anyway, here's what happened. Monday, the area around my eyebrows/nose started to hurt, like that sinus infection i got a couple of years ago came again. I think this time for revenge.

Because on Tuesday, it got hella worse. That's right, hella worse. It hurt, it really hurt.

Then today, i couldn't concentrate in English class. It just hurt really bad, and it still does, my friends. My fazha says we'll get me some medicine tonight, and maybe keep me home tomorrow. I am just sick of this, and i know something's wrong, this just doesn't happen for 3 straight days.

1) This is what scientists call "The hellawhack shiznit that goes on inside your brizzle.""

- Blue Man Group

2) currently listening to: The Last Polka by Ben Folds

Monday, December 4, 2006

Douse the Lights! (We Sure Are In For A Show Tonight) Pt. II

Well, it's all over. Here's a rundown from Wed. to Sun.

Wednesday: Rehearsal went well, blah blah blah

Thursday: Last rehearsal, good one too.

Friday: First show. The crowd was okay, my family came.

Saturday: The crowd was absolutely amazing, couldn't have had a better one. Mom taped the show, i met the guest director odf the next play.

Cast party: We went to Yesterday's and I messed up Avery's gay jeans. He might kill me. Afterwards, Andi gave me a ride home. Oh her...

Sunday: Good show, bad crowd. That's all.

1) "Dat guy would be da belle of da ball."

- The Office (US) (long story)

2) CL2: Cindy by Tammany Hall NYC

Friday, December 1, 2006

Almost There

The play is in approx. 2 hrs. and 49 min. away. Freakinnnnnnnnnnng outtttt!

'Kay Bye.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Vidyas A-gain!

Chauncey's History Lesson

The Color Purple

Welcome to the Black Parade

Acoustic Curves

Stick Figures

JD (Just Dailies)

1) "You think my aunts are sweet ladies, do you? Nooooo!"

- Milo (A&OL reheasal "outtake")

2) CL2: We Will Become Silhouettes by The Postal Service

3) Currently needin' a shave and hair cut...2 bits.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Douse the Lights! (We Sure Are In For A Show Tonight) Pt. I

The play is in two days.

Monday: The rehearsal -- well, let me put it this way -- It sucked a big fat rock. People were forgetting lines, blocking, the whole schmear. We wroked on it though. That brings us to...

Tuesday: It was alot better. It felt better. Everbody was doing better. I felt comfortable.

Today: Rehearsal hasn't happened yet. Need to look over notes again when I get back to school tonight.

Well, I hope to have part dos on Mon. Until then, I'll be seeing you.

1) "Anyone of you wanna be a "can't-hack-it"...pantywaste...who wears your mamma's bra, raise your hand."

- On Tour With Hellogoodbye

2) CL2: My Heart is the Worst Kind of Weapon by Fall Out Boy

3) "Bully!"

Sunday, November 26, 2006

About 5 Days.

So, we all had a nice 5-day weekend, right? I did!!!!

Wednesday: I don't remember! AHHHHHH!!!

Thursday: Went to my uncle's house and ate, hung out with cousin Lucy, the citest baby in the history of ever.

Friday: Went to Bailey's house where me, Chris, Bailey and David ran lines and...played Wii. I bowled and boxed. It was very great.

Saturday: Went to school for tech for the play. Got my costume together finally, helped get more props and hats, hung out with people, went to Moes' for lunch, David got me a frosty at Wendy's, blah blah.

Today: Nothing. Shocking.

That's it. And guess what? Five days from today is the play.


I'm panicking, don't know why, i know my lines. The rehearsal is tomorrow, that's probably why. I'm afraid I might freeze.

1) "[cough] Idiot!"
"[cough] You're the idiot!"
"[cough] Nice [cough] comeback!"

- The Office (US)

2) Currently listening to: Casimir Pulaski Day by Sufjan Stevens

Thursday, November 23, 2006


Teenagers scare the living shit out of me
They could care less as long as someone'll bleed
So darken your clothes, or strike a violent pose
Maybe they'll leave you alone, but not Me

- My Chemical Romance

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

I Just Can't Take This

I swear I can't.

My father says we're going to move back. Don't get me wrong, I love Oregon to death. And we'll be a whole lot closer to family again, and I'll see all of my old friends again, but not I know and like way too many people to move back. He says we're moist likely moving after the school year, but nothing is too certain. I just don't want to do that all over again, you know?

Also, Something else has really been bugging me. It is personal, so I'll try to be subtle.

Have you ever had a friend who is in your grade and they say to you that "you make the world make sense"? And then you sort of ask them out to the fair and they reject you and start going out with a freaking senior? Yeah, me too. Not so subtle, but who could give a shit?

God, I need to sulk. You people don't get your precious Dailies today.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


I'm very depressed and I do not want to talk about it.

About a Week

Well, I've been sort of...gone, haven't I?

Well, the parentals decided not to pay the internet bill, so we had to wait until they sent us some sort of kit to get us up and running again. Freaking BellSouth.

Well, the past week has been eventful. This weekend, I went to the Best Buy store and I bought Wonder Showzen Season 2 and Sufjan Stevens' album Illinois, in which the cover states, "Sufjan Stevens invites you to come on feel the Illinoise." Good stuff.

WS S2 is full of crazy good times as well, including a featurette on the art of Mindfudgery. It comes with a storybook in it too. It's so great.

Well, I'm back now, so stop your whining. I know you.

1) "If you think you're going to get out of this by pretending you're insane, you're crazy!"

- Arsenic and Old Lace

2) Currently feeling the Illinoise.

Thursday, November 9, 2006

Well, Didn't See That Coming

Yesterday, i was feeling like crap ever since 2nd period. It kept getting worse and worse until finally, I puked my guts out at 4th period. Not in the classroom, but over the porch of the classroom. Good times.

So, i hanged out in the office until school was over, they couldn't get a hold of dad because his cell phone was temporarily disconnected (money troubles) abd I didn't know he had mom's phone.

So, the day got over, I got a ride, and I got home. My Office DVDs came. I watched the first one only. I couldn't keep any food down.

Alright, I need to go eat some nasty-smelling soup.

1) "Shower her...with diamonds! [card is clubs] sauce...shower her with club sauce!"

- Arrested Development

2) currently watching: my new DVDs...wahaha

3) Thought: "And i say lalalalala after everthing i say! Lalalalala!"

Tuesday, November 7, 2006


Panic! At The Disco vs. The Dresden Dolls

Tenacious D - The Pick of Destiny

They Might Be Giants - Boss of Me (Pop-Up Video)

Stupid Yet Awesome Holiday


Anyway, this post comes a bit early because, and this is really mindless, we 'ave Election Day off. Yes, i know, we don't vote. But apparntly, they feel we need school off. So far, i haven't done a thing. Basically, i've been waiting for my Office DVDs to get here. They'll probably come tomorrow. I really hate ordering things.

1) "Let me tell you something. There's nothing i'd like more than to send you new kids back on the boat to where you came from."

- Strangers With Candy

2) Currently watching: SWC - commentaries.

Sunday, November 5, 2006

I'm Not A Lending Library, But Pretty Darn Close

Yeah, i wanted to add this. Cuz, you just cannot have too many kitty pictures.

So, i promised somebody i'd lend them season 1 of Scrubs, and i did. Yep.

So, i have to write 5 pages of a 1-act play for Creative Writing, i should really get on it.

Just a quick update, I'll catch you later.

1) "You should really use some astringent on your face, because sreiously, it's gross."

- Totally Awesome

2) Currently watching: Arrested Development - Season 1

Thursday, November 2, 2006

Quince, Quinze, Same Difference

My birthday (yesterday) was relatively good, surprisingly.

OK, first off, we had a delayed start 'cuz thwe teachers had meetings and the like, so i got up 1.5 hours later. Then i wentto school, had an okay first period, then 2nd came.

As soon as i walked in the door, Heather handed me a bag of candies. I thanked her, of course. Also, English and Rachel gave me a bag, which had a gift in it, the new Killers CD. I'm loving this day alot at this point. Then i went to luch, blah dee blah, rehearsal after school went good. Talked to grandparents, aunt and cousins. Got a card from mom and dad, and I'm getting the British Office box-set in the mail soon.

Today was alright. Got a card from grandparents, $40. Aw yeeuh.

1) "My favorite part of the song is the "5 gold rings" part, people go berserk at this point. People run in from another room to sing this part."

- Eddie Izzard: Dress to Kill

2) Currently watching: The Office: Season 2

3) "Ooh, Oz-y!"

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Half of Me

So, i had no scrubs bottom. So i went on Halloween as a half-doctor. By went, i mean, went to school.

Second period today was interesting. The weirdest substitute in the world decided it was his day to invade my life.

My fourth period had to leave and we had to go to a different room with a new teacher. She was alright.

After school rehearsal ended early and the teacher gave me a ride home! Why? Because she is that cool.

In closing, today was pretty frigged up.

1) "Just wanna say, i hate you all, and i bet there is something i can bust each and every one of you motherlovers for. That's not why i'm here. Let's watch a flick."

- Strangers With Candy

2) Currently wanting: Good birthday

Sunday, October 29, 2006

If You're Gonna Be A Dog Then At Least Be A Good Dog.

C'mon now and sit boy sit!

That's from the Dandy Warhols song "Smoke It". And i love it.

So i expect to have another crappy birthday this year. We're having xome sort of money problem, so i expect only some things. Small things. But you never know, i could get some sweet green from family. Friends might give a damn about me too. That'd be great.

So, this weekend has been somewhat good. I got some DVR stuff outtathaway [The Vines/} like North Country and some Dead Like Me episodes. I only have 2 more left! Sad, it died before it's time.

So, last night's episode of SNL might've been the best one in years. Hugh Laurie/Beck + cameo by Borat = wow.

1) Oh yeah, that was the title.

2) Currently watching: Firefly - The Complete Series

Friday, October 27, 2006

The 15th Script

There was apparently a script for the 15th episode of Firefly which never got shot. Would any of you kids like to see it?


I Now Only Resort To Phonetics

So, i had the idea of titling this post Re Her Sull. That is pretty lame. I'll try to steer my post titles as far away from phonetics as i can. Just kidding. Sometimes that can kick such major arse.

So, rehearsal was great yesterday. I did some blocking, interacted with Milo (the guy playing the Jonathan to My Dr. Einstein in the play)and the guy who plays Teddy, i don't know his name. Pity.

Friday, everybody! Wednesday means i turn 15. Quinze. 1-5. I have no more.

Also, yesterday i tought my 2nd period class how to play Quick Change, and we played alot of it. Awesome-ity, 'twas, 'twas.

So, yesterday, i saw a trailer for The Nomi Song, a documentary on Klaus Nomi. I was fascinated by the trailer and am now interested in his music. Does anyone have any? Probably not.

1) "Get to the part where you pee!"

- MST3K: Poopie!

2) Currently watching: DiG!

3) Current drinky: Diet Cheerwine

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Zool, Nay, Zill!

Yeah, if you have a cold, you know what kicks major arse?

Nasal spray.

Walgreen's Nasal Mist to be exact. It worked like pixie magic on me. There! A cure!

Unfortunately, that is all i have to convey.

Oh, wait. One week from today is my birthday. Ad i may change my costume from Gob to JD from Scrubs. I already have the scrubs top, and i can just do that. Alright, done now.

1) "Hey, Marzipan, this is all your friends calling you to tell you we hate you! And you owe us some money! And you said you'd bake us a cake!"

- Marzipan's Answering Machine 12.2

2) Currently wanting really badly: Wonder Showzen Season 2 and The Office (UK) Complete Series

3) Funny song: Sex Changes by The Dresden Dolls

Sunday, October 22, 2006

The Cheat? Where's My Puke Pail?

Actually, i don't need one yet. Fortunately.

I'm sick, everybody! How effing awesome is that? Not as great as you might think. I hate being sick. It sucks on ice.

I've a;ready done one of my rituals. I watched Sick Day on my Homestar Runner DVD. Now I need to go make me some hot tea. I make alot of that. It kinda helps.

And something odd, Weasel is also semi-sick. Huh...

1) "Seamus, i told you my toys are not playtings! Can't i have anything for my own in this house? Godblessit!" [long pause] "Let's eat!"

- Strangers With Candy

2) Currently listening to: Pink Bullets by The Shins. (New Shins CD in January!!!!!)

3) Currently blowing my nose with: Paper towel!

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Save Ferris (For Last)

Today was special.

We went to the fair. It was pretty good, surprisingly. We got there and got something to eat right away. I had some awesomely breaded corn dog. Yeah. Then we went inside some building to see if Mom's jewelry had won anything. It was on the top shelf, dead center. She didn't win anything, but that was pretty cool. Then we went around all the buildings and saw some cows, took Lucy to the petting zoo, then rode things. Soemthing similar to the Rock and Roll at Oaks Park. Also, Starship 4000, that was awesome. Whenever you moved your arms, they felt 12 feet long. Then, the ferris wheel, then got an elephant ear, then went home and got Sonic for dinner. It was fun times.

So, tonight John C. Reilly is hosting sNL with musical gues My Chemical Romance. I hear next week is Hugh Laurie and Beck, so that'll probably be awesome.

Tomorrow starts new episodes of Aqua Teen Hunger Force, which is also awesome.

We have school off on Monday, which is triple-awesome.

Oh, on Halloween, my costume is planned. GOB from Arrested Development. I'm gonna get a white shirt, black pants, get lighter fluid to shoot out of my arm, or pennies. It wil be...awesome...

1) "I'm not only hoping to solve this heinous crime, i'm praying to find this heinous culprit. I will pray to Thor himself."

- The Office (US)

2) Currently watching: Stella: Season 1 commentaries

3) New coolest songs ever: Metro by the Vincent Back Shadow
Special by Mew
Lying Through Your Teeth by Head Automatica

Thursday, October 19, 2006


Thought i was really MIA? Well, let me explain.

Dad gave an internet time limit. Well, a computer time limit, but it's all the same.

So, lstely in Theatre class, we've been playing improv games all the live long days. Today, i had plans to teach the class how to play ASSSSCAT. But the theatrewas occupied by test takers. Of which there were only about 10. Can you say, "Get a classroom?" So, we used the room and did a short easy assignment.

So, I'm feeling semi-shitty. All the people i have asked to go to the fair with me has either: Already gone or clearly not interested. Someone help me. Anyone from OR wanna fly out and go?

Speaking of OR, yesterday was my 1-year anniversary of my last day at JB Thomas Middle School. Read in Oct. 2006 for the whole story of the day.

1) "There are many great things from America. Rugby, chicken marsala, Chinese people..."

- Stella

2) Currently watching: Scrubs: Season 3

3) "Aw...pretty lyric."

Monday, October 16, 2006

Say Goodbye to Me, I'm Goin' MIA

Well, report cards are coming out tomorrow. My grades are as i see them. I only know s:

French: 51
Creat. Writing: 60
PR: 80 (?)
English: 57
Biology: 42
Theatre: 90 (?)
Algebra: 77
Geography: 90 (?)

Even though i am being told I'm improving well, dad will freak out and ground me. I will have my freedoms taken away, thus me not blogging in while.

I'll say a fond farewell to you all and i will talk to you whenever i can.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

My Favorite Al Videos Vol. 1

Yeah, here it goes.

So Glad To Be Invited...

Yeah, so, i would have blogged yesterday, but Dad had to freak out.

I have Google Talk, which gives me noifications everytime i get a new email. Dad was online and saw something:

You have been invited to join a virtual sex group!

Oh, that tricky spam. It said it was a Myspace group too. Guess what? I checked my Myspace which also tells you if you've been invited to a group, nothing! It said absolutely nothing. So, yeah, all that for...nothing.

So, I've made a tremendous stride. A couple of days ago...I asked a girl out to the fair. Yeah, i know, right? I didn't get a response so i asked her the next day 'cuz we hasd play rehearsal, and she said she had a wedding to go to this weekend, so, i asked her about next weekend, and haven't gotten a response yet. I'm waiting for another excuse. [sigh]

1) "Enjoy those tacos now, in the year 9595, they'll all be illegal. I think you know why."

- Aqua Teen Hunger Force

2) Currently listening to: Ta-Dah by Scissor Sisters

3) Thought: "How can i tell you about my loved one?"

PS: Season 1 of Saturday Night Live has been announced with cover art! Every single episode. Every sketch and musical guest. 8 discs. Crazy, right? But frickin' awesome.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

I Guess It's Time...: Gifty McListy-List-List-List

Yeah, my birthday grows nigh. Here are my wishes for gifts and things.

  1. The Office (UK) - Thge Complete Series
  2. some kinda shirt
  3. The Crane Wife - The Decemberists
  4. Sifl and Olly: Song of Season 1 []
  5. other things...?

I Think You're The One Who Should Get a Job.

I was sort of reminded of the flash animation Badenture today. By the way, if ya haven't seen it yet, it's pretty funny. You can find it on ABS.

We were waling (that's me, Liz and Krysta) home and three complete douchebags say to Krysta, "Hey, emo chick, do you like Jesus?"

First of all, what the hell?

Second, NEVER use any word if you have no idea what it means, let alone the term "Emo". If anything, she's wannabe goth. Just because she has long black hair and black nails doesn't make her anything. I think they were in my grade too. Those dickweeds really think they have it like that. I think Liz is going to do something to her hair today and give them a peice of her mind. This will be awesome. I'm so happy I'm gonna be there!

1) "Strong Badia Action Cool News 5, we're investiga-awesome!"

- Sb Email (Local News)

2) Currently wanting to watch: DiG!

3) Currently celebrating the fact that i play my keyboard through the TV.

Monday, October 9, 2006


Y'know what's a good combo? root beer and rice cakes.

Unfortunately, that's all for now.

1) "Oh yeah, all gay people hate that place."

- Family Guy

2) Currently wanting to watch: DiG!

3) Today's drink: Root Beer

Sunday, October 8, 2006

Was Anyone Reading It? Nope!

I'm talking about Darren's Cash-Tastic Purchase Review. Yeah, what a hilariously stupid idea that was.

So, school is tomorrow, so is Theatre class, which, if you read before, is the shiznit.

We are in groups and we have to teach a lesson out of the theatre textbook and it's actually prety cool, because my group is teaching a lesson on improv games. Cool, right? No?! Why not? (You wanna buy a computer?)

So, tonight, Liz and Mom are going to go to some reception for the people who are in the competeion at the fair. Mom entered a work of jewelry in the Art competition, if that makes sense.


1) "I'm a sexy ghost!"

- Sifl and Olly

2) Currenly listening to: The smooth sounds of NASCAR on the TV.

3) Today's video: Ep 1 of Spaced

Fall and Look

With the new Fall TV season upon us all, one would ask, "What does Darren watch?" I tell them this:


8:00 The Class (CBS)
8:30 nothing :(
9:00 Heroes (NBC)


8:00-8:30 nothing yet, might be filled in by Scrubs(?)
9:00 Veronica Mars (CW)


8:00 30 Rock (NBC)
8:30 Twenty Good Years (NBC)
9:00 Lost (ABC)


8:00 My Name is Earl (NBC)
8:30 The Office (NBC)
9:00 I watch nothing while the rest watch Grey's Anatomy (ABC)


I don't think we watch anything on Fridays...huh...


11:30 SNL


8:00 The Amazing Race
9:00 Desperate Housewives (It's good again!)

That's it, real post coming soon.

Friday, October 6, 2006

I Need Advice...

So yesterday, some random chick came up to me and hugged me, then walked away.

Today, the same girl did it again and told me her teacher was my mom. Those who know me that much will know that my mom is a legal secretary.

The question: If i ever see her again, what do i do? Do i say "Leave me the hell alone" or roll with it?

1) "I'm here to work on some cold cases. Gung gung!"

- The Office (US)

2) Currently watching: O Valencia! - The Decemberists

3) Today's theme song: O Valencia! by the Decemberists

Wednesday, October 4, 2006


A real post this time, stop complaining, jeeze!

Alright, so, i think i may be doing better than i have been doing in school. I've actually turned in some work for Biology, and Creative Writing. Though i still have no idea what's happening.

I have now discovered i hate my vision teacher's guts. First of all, she's really old and has no idea what she's doing, she doesn't even know to not say certain things around the autistic child. She has no clue how to do anything. Second, she wants me to get notes from every teacher saying if I'm caught up on my work or not. Does she not fucking trust me? If so, why the Hell not? God, i really cannot wait to get out of her hair forever. And she wants them on her desk by the end of school by 3:00 on Friday. I swear, i want to break something. I never go anywhere near there on Friday.

Does she not talk to the teachers at all? Here i was thinking she sould use a phone, but i guess i was sorely mistaken.

Besides, this happens every damn year and there's nothiong i can do to stop it, it's like a subconcious thing i have absolutely no control over. I wish i did, i really do. I hate having to go through this. Every goddamn year.

Not in the mood for Dailies. I need to pass out for a few seconds.

It's Really About Time I Do Something Like This

Ben Folds - cover of Such Great Heights

Psapp - Hi

Weird Al - AL TV clip

Clarence asks people in Harlem what makes them angry. From Wonder Showzen.

Tuesday, October 3, 2006

Yup...It's True...

Dane Cook talks about how every video is on YouTube.

Test: Go to YouTube search engine, punch keyboard twice, there is a video for that.

EDIT. YouTube removed the video because NBC wants to be dickweeds.

Thursday, September 28, 2006


Kinda odd. 2nd period was different. As was 3rd.

Mom took the rest of work off to see Liz's choir concert. Right after school, we went to Best Buy to get Straight Outta Lynwood...AND THEY WERE SOLD OUT! In South Carolina, they were sold out of Weird Al. Wow, right?????? So, we went to K-Mart and they had it. We got the third to last copy. Note: Pancreas, Virus Alert and White and Nerdy and highlights.

1) "You got a body like a battle axe!"

- Get Over Ti (OK Go)

2) CL2: SOL by Weird Al Yankovic

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Well, I Tried It.

I tired the infamous Diet Coke and Mentos experiment, only with Diet RC Cola with Lime. It just foamed over a little. You can go on now.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Blow OUT!

Today was crazy. I got up, ate breakfast, went backl to bed, got up again, watched a couple of SB eemails and ep. of Strangers With Candy and listened to TMBG and The Hives, then we went out. We went to Best Buy and Target, we got alot of stuff. And i mean alot.

  1. First Impressions of Earth by The Strokes
  2. Barenaked Ladies Are Me by Barenaked Ladies
  3. Comtinuum by John Mayer
  4. Jason Mraz Live by Jason Mraz
  5. Stella - Season 1
  6. The Office - Season 2
  7. plates
  8. heat lamp for Pedro
  9. groceries
Yeah, i know right?

Do you want to know how much dough you need to shell out when the Wii rolls in? Well, thanks to Wii Calculator, you can do just that.

1) "How do you plan on a bank full of nuns?"

- Bank Job by Barenaked Ladies

2) CL2: BLAM by BNL

Friday, September 22, 2006


This past Monday, Comedy Central, WACH FOX 57 and WGN are starting to syndicate SCRUBS!!! Awesome, yes?

So the week sucked and ruled both in equal measure. I won't go into deep detail but certain people piss me off to no end. I completely mean it, too. On to the good stuff!

Tuesday i found out that i had a part, and a supposedly awesome one, in the winter production of Arsenic and Old Lace. I say supposedly because i've never seen the play and/or film. I'm playing Dr. Einstein, which first, sounds cool, and second, people say I'd play it perfectly.

Last night was the season premieres of The Office and My Name is Earl, both were extraordinary.

And today is Friday, I'm so happy, I'm singing.

1) "Fish don't have good musics to listens to."

- Dethklok Metalocolypse

2) CL2: Jason Mraz - Mr. A-Z

3) Thought: "Yeah, i gots the flow."

Monday, September 18, 2006

You Know You Will Make Your Own.

And then make your own with pictures you have. I used Wonder Showzen pixxxxxxx.

You know how i censor my blog and sometimes i don't? I don't need to censor myself anymore. I wanna speak my mind! BITCH!

1) "Now I'm big and importan, 1 angry dwarf and 200 sloemn faces for you. If you really wanna see me, check the papers and the TV. Look who tellin' who what to do. Kiss my ass goodbye."

- 1ADA200SF by Ben Folds

2) CL2: That exact song.

3) Thought: "uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm."

Friday, September 15, 2006

Media Day II

Yep, Tuesday was one of those.

  1. Barenked Ladies Are Me - Barenaked Ladies
  2. Continuum - John Mayer
  3. The Office: Season 2
  4. Stella: Season 1


Nov. 19, $249.99, bitches!

1) "A full case of Bull Honkey!"

- Road Trip (SB email)

2) Currently still desperately wanting: S2 of Da Offiss


Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Sunday, September 10, 2006

[Insert Dana Carvey Master of Disguise Impersonation Here]

We got ourselves a turtle today. It's Liz's and his name is Pedro. Yeah, hoo doggies, it's so exciting.

1) "Why go for the best when you can go for the rest?"

- Arrested Development

2) Currently desperately wanting: The Office - Season 2 DVD

3) Thought: "Why am i typing like Hell today?"

A Pretty-Pretty Good Video: LSBMIOS!!!

Ladysmith Black Mambazo in Outer Space.

Oh. My. God. So fuuny. It's from SNL.

Monday, September 4, 2006

I Got My Wish

I finally got AD S3 on Saturday. 'Twas a glorious day.

We went to Charlotte for lunch yesterday, Red Robin. I had the burger with the fried egg in it. New topping for my burgers!

We rented movies, Evil Dead II and Rent.

Evil Dead II: 9.5/10
Rent: 7/10

Rent was OK, the songs were cheesy. ED@ was amazingly awesome. Totally hilarious. Just like AoD. The Evil Dead was more of a horror movie than a horror comedy. But it was still awesome. That really about does it.

1) "I'll set the building on fire..."

- Office Space

2) CL2: Welcome to the Black Parade by My Chemical Romance (which is magnificent).

3) Thought: "This is magnificent!"

RIP Steve.

The Crocodile Hunter is apparently dead. Steve was only 44.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Anticipation and Ernie

I'm eagerly awaiting my oppurtunity to get AD Season 3, and the anticipation is almost killing me where i stand. A blooper reel, people!!!! Oh, i'm slivating just thinking about that little nugget alone. I need some sort of therapy.

As you may have heard or read. Tropical Storm Ernesto is climbing up the coast, and i just wanna let you all know that Columbia isn't getting any of it, just rain and such. I'm OK! Alright?

1)"Files don't just disappear."
"They do if you drop them down an elevator shaft."

- Dead Like Me

3) Thought: "I don't know what that is."

NOTE: No 2 'cuz i added the thing again.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

But I Can't Think of Anything!

I need to blog today, but i can't think of a title. Godblessit.

We have to write a child's storybook in Creative Writing. I'm excited. I can't think of a plotline, but it's about Billy the Chicken (a little Weird Al Show reference).

I can count to 100 in French. Ain't you just the proudest?

1) "I'm telling you guys, if you made me king, we'd be rolling in it! And i mean rolling in it!!"

- Cartoon Planet

2) Currently listening to: The Queen and I by Gym Class Heroes

3) Thought: "Liz better be out of the shower."

Monday, August 28, 2006

Remember That Thing I Said? I Does!!!

Not too long ago, i stated that next weekend, i would get AD S3 and Hellogoodbye's CD. I LIED! I got Hellogoodbye, but not AD 'cuz it's not out yet. I also bought, get this...................................................

Scroll down.

A BOOK! I bought Assassination Vacation by Sarah Vowell. It's really interesting. And you learn historical facts.

So, PE killed me today. My kness were hurting so bad that i could hardly walk up and down stairs without deep hurting! I was horrible. Drama is tomorrow, so that'll be awexome.

1) "Dethklok has awakened an ancient troll."
"That's ridiculous, there's no such things as trolls."
"Then how do you explain all the dead unicorns?"

- Dethklok: Metalocolypse

2) Currently listening to: Shut Me Up by Mindless Self Indulgence

3) Thought: "This song totally owns my face."

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Twenty People.

1) List 20 things that you want to say to people, but never will.

2) Don't say who they are.

3) Never discuss it again.

4) No order.

1.) You fucked with my sister. I hate you too for what you did. They could've been very happy, and you fucked it up. I hate you.

2.) I hate your guts sometimes, but you are awesome.

3.) You are the most annoying SOB I might have ever met. You don't know when to stop. I want you to shut up and leave us all alone, but you think I'm your friend. I have no idea how to break it to you nicely that you are about to drive me insane.

4.) I haven't seen you since we moved, and i really want to.

5.) It's been too long. I'm REALLY sorry I haven't called you in so long. I have no excuse, and it's kind of dickweed-ish, and I'm so sorry.

6.) I think you are really cool. I think we could be really cool friends.

7.) I'll come back for you. In four more years. I'll be back, i swear.

8.) If you are real, why do you let so much suffering happen to people who haven't done anything in their lives to deserve it?

9.) You need to end this right now. Very quickly. This is getting ridiculous.

10.) You are incredibly pretty, and you never talk to me. It would be nice if that changed.

11.) The things you write are amazing. I wish i could tell you that.

12.) You are trying to ruin our industry and you just need to shut your mouth because nobody cares what you say. Everybody hates you.

13.) You probably don't like me at all, but i think you are an okay person.

14.) You are awesome, but i wish you weren't a stupid racist.

15.) It's only a matter of time before everyone sees who and what you are, and then you'll disappear.

16.) You are so right.

17.) I think you are an idiot sometimes and i don't want to be like you. I think i am though. I'll probably realize later that you were the best ever.

18.) I know you hate me, but you are pretty cool.

19.) You made me cry, and you are the teacher. People all know you are a horrible person, but they can do nothing to remove you from your high horse.

20.) You are a stupid spoiled whore and i hope you vanish.

Friday, August 25, 2006

It's Been a Week, Sorryzzz!

I apologize for the lack of updates. School sucks = excuse.

I had my first pep rally today. It sucked SO BAD! But it kinda flew by and ended. I sat with Liz and a couple of her and My friends. That made it a little better.

In Theatre this week, we were given a choice of scenes, and we were only given our characters and plot outline, and we did improv, Reno 911!-style! It was awesome. We didn't finish though, we will Tuesday.

I have officially decided what I'm gonna do next weekend. Buy Hellogoodbye's CD and AD S3! I'm so anxious for next weekend!

1) "That's right, i said galvanized nails!"

- Building a Deck

2) CL2: Philosiphy by Ben Folds

3) Mood: Giddy

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

at-Swey III: The Phys-Ed Terror

I had real PE today. We didn't do anything in the first 5 minutes, but they didn't have the air on in the gym, and i was sweating like a mofo. We ran two laps, stretched for a while, and did the FitnessGram test. We took our height and weght, did push-ups and calculated our body fat percentage and BMI. That's all.

By the way, I have started a new blog. Darren's Cash-Tastic Purchase Review. I haven't posted yet, but it's sure there. I review my purchases. That is very exciting, right? I know, right???

1) "Do you ever knock?"
"There's no door."

- Psych

2) CL2: Don't Download This Song by Weird Al Yankovic. (It's on his MySoace page...for free download!)

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Will Ferrell's New Movie - "Stranger than Fiction" (Trailer)

His new movie looks like one of his best, and stars other major stars such as Dustin Hoffman. All I can say is wow...

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An Apology to a Former Semi-Enemy

I'm sorry G4. I know you have your many flaws, The Man Show, and Fastlane to be specific, but I wanna say sorry.

I recently saw a commercial, starting September 4th, they will show Arrested Development. Could this be the start of something bigger and better? Let's hope so, people.

We have to recite monologues for Theatre and i'm doing a dramatic one from Scrubs. I really hope i make mny teacher proud. I think I'm pretty good. Let's hope so, people.

1) "My name isn't Tom Hanks. My real name is Hank Toms."

- Late Night with Conan O'Brien

2) CL2: Why by Elefant

3) Smell: Cookies

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

No! Polylogue!

We have to memorize and preform monologues in Theatre. I havent't decidced on mine yet. No suggestions! I've got it narrowed down!

So, due to O&M, i have no PE tomorrow! Yayness.

1) "I don't like when juice wears tights!"

- Dane Cook

2) Currently listening to:

3) Though: "This song roawkx"

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Corwin, You Absolutely HAVE TO SEE THIS!!!

Wanna see Jack Thompson get yelled at? Yes you do. Watch NOW DAMMIT!

This right here

I'm Gonna Win!

Saw Talladega Nights today, it was pretty hilarious. That is all.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

New Shirts, New Crap and Crazy Mallies

Saturday was a pretty crazy day for me. I was woken up an hour earlier than i usually do, and went to Bojangle's for breakfast. I went back to sleep after eating, as soon as i woke up, i was rushed into lunch, then the mall to get more clothes for school. I went to Hot Topic (where else?), and got a Panic! At The Disco shirt and a Killers shirt. And i got some jeans from Sears. then we went to Best Buy and i finally got Black Holes and Revelations, the deluxe edition with the live DVD, and it was well worth the money. I also got Brak Show Vol. 2, and Super Monkey Ball 2. I've watched all of the Brak Show episodes already. Yep, all 14. They're only 11-12 minutes each.

That's about all.

1) Liz: "I accidentally dropped popcorn down my shirt, should i get it?"
Me: "No one would pay to see that show."

2) Currently listening to: Face Down by the Red Jumpsuit Apperatus.

3) Current thought: "blank"

Wednesday, August 9, 2006


  1. Biology: Ms. McDonnell. Everyone got in trouble because they didn't bring their books. Blah blah blah.
  2. Theatre I: Ms. McKenna. She's hilarious, and i thinks she likes me already. Pretty awesome.
  3. Algebra 1: Ms. Hazelwood. She's an OK lady. We took a pretest.
  4. World Geography: Mr. Pipes (sp?). He's a pretty cool guy. OK.

That's the business.

1) "Anyone coming to my party Friday night? We're serving hot fruit!"

- Strangers With Candy

2) Currently listening to: Take Your Mama by Scissor Sisters

3) Currently rocking aut.

Tuesday, August 8, 2006

The High School is a Non-Relaxing Weekday Getaway Where You're a Cut Above All The Rest, Sick Posers on First-Name Basis With All the Top Idiots

Today, my friends, was my first day of high school. It went down as follows:

  1. Advisory: Mr LeClair. He's a pretty cool guy i guess., He's French-Canadian, so he's obnoxious and dull. Oh, that Triumph the Insult Comic Dog cracks me up. But actually, he's a cool guy.
  2. French: Mr. LeClair. Same teacher, so i got to stay in his room. Pretty fun. People made idiots of themselves because they weren't paying attention. I have a couple of friends in there too, which is cool.
  3. Creative Writing: Ms. Gourdine. She's pretty cool, and funny. I think I'll have fun in this class.
  4. P.E.: Coach Waits. Holy crap, this looks like it's gonna be brutal. I have to get a uniform too.
  5. English I: Ms. Spann. She's an OK lady. Class seems pretty simple.
That's it. I'll give you the info on my other classes tomorrow. A and B day schedules kinda suck.

When school was over, it started raining really hard. But we got a ride home, so that was good. It's bright out again now.

1) "Allow myself to introduce...myself."

- Austin Powers

2) Currently listening to: Snakes on a Plane by Cobra Stareship

3) Feeling: Very wet. I got a rain shower.

Sunday, August 6, 2006

A Pretty-Pretty Good Video: Treadmills, Not Just For Working Out Anymore

OK Go have done a music video for their song, "Here it Goes Again" dancing on treadimills. I just had to post this, I'm sorry. I watch this once daily. It is simply wonderful.

Friday, August 4, 2006

at-Swey 2: Electric Boogaloo or The Most Awesomely Gore-riffic Movie in All the World...Ever!

So, i went to the Freshman Academy on Friday. I got my schedule and textbooks I have 5 books, that consist of:

  1. Biology
  2. French
  3. Literature
  4. Algebra
  5. Geography
It was udder Hell carrying them home with Liz, even though i only carried three. It was hot. And i really do mean that.

Yesterday, it was storming like crazy. Raining really hard, thundering loudly, and Anyway, Me and Mom watched the Evil Dead. I had recorded it off IFC the night before. It was awsome, and crazy disgusting. I tells ya, that Sam Raimi is one sick mofo. But i like it!

1) "Look man, i either saw, or read, or [mumbles fast] heard it from The Cheat [normal tone] that it was the latest style!"

- SB Email: Pizzaz

2) Currently listening to: Hoodoo by Muse

3) Thought: "Taco salad for dinner!"

Tuesday, August 1, 2006

Timing It Out

Season 3 of Arrested Development comes out on the 29th, so i am timing it out, watching one episode a day. Although, i'm on the 6th episode, out of the 40 in the first two seasons. So, i plan to have me a marathon today. It'll be fun!

You know what's a shame? It's been out for a month, and i haven't yet gotten Newsradio: Season 4! What's up with me? Actually, i was saving money for Strangers With Candy. I have enough money now, but i won't be able to get The Brak Show: Volume 2 next week.

Two weeks from today, The Weird Al Show comes out! Can you wait? Nope, i knew it.

1) "I'll be back in a shortly."

- Strangers With Candy

2) Currently listening to: Map of the Problematique by Muse

3) Thought: "This song reminds me of Depeche Mode"

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Two Illegals, One With Proof of Citizenship

I worked with Liz again yesterday. I stacked bricks and took trash to the dumpster again. I was a little worn out, but Liz, mom and I went to Target anyway. I got new shorts and new socks. We also went to Best Buy. They didn't have the deluxe edition of Muse, so i was looking around and i decided to buy a Ben Folds CD! Songs for Silverman. It's so great, and one of the songs even made me cry. Late is a song about Elliot Smith. It's so amazing. And believe it or not, Liz bought her first rap CD. As Cruel as School Children by Gym Class Heroes. It's pretty good, actually. I like them.

Then i got home and downloaded some stuff. Yes, Virginia by the Dresden Dolls and Flyleaf's self-titled debut album. Both with female leads. I just noticed that, because i'm not too intellegent.

Weird Al Yankovic's new CD comes out September 26! Straight Outta Lynwood is also a Dualdisc! I really can't wait.

1) "Remember Nestle's Quik? And how you would stir it for 30 minutes and no matter how hard you stir it there's still chunks of powdery magma that would blow up in your eye when you try to take a drink? [explosion] "Aw! Goddamn sand missile just blew up in my eye!""

- Dane Cook

2) Currently listening to: You to Thank by Ben Folds

3) Current mood: Hungry

Friday, July 28, 2006

Is it Alright if I Do This?

1) "Oh! A window envelope. How posh."

- Brainiac

2) Currently whistling: I'm a Letter, You're a Number from Wonder Showzen

3) Mood: Um.........'kay.


A couple of days ago, Liz abnd i got a job offer from our uncle, we took it, 'cuz we're getting paid. We started working today. It was sweltering and we hated it. We put stuff in wheelbarrows and dumpsters. It wasn't hard, but it was excruciatingly hot outside. We took a lot of water breaks. We broke for lunch which was egg salad sandwiches and Honey BBQ Fritos (or as i've taken to calling them, corn flavored chips). When we were finished, it was a brisk, cool 134 degrees in the car. And we're working tomorrow. Oh boy.

1) "Ah! Y2K!"

- My Name is Earl

2) Currently watching: Scrubs Season 2

3) Current mood: Clean after shower.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Rush Fortnight!

Get it? Like rush hour?

Anyway, i have only two weeks to read a book. It just kills me that we HAVE to read a summer book. It drives me so nuts i can't think right.

I have ben noticing the last couple of days Bittorrent has been getting sluggish. Even on torrents with perfect health. It's just been slower than usual. I was thinking it could be spyware or something, but the compa doesn't have anything on it. We ran about 4 programs, nothing! What more do they want?

I have decided what i want for birthday or X-mas. For birthday: Wii. Seeing as it could be launched in September, i doubt it though. If not in Sept., then it's for xmas. Then i want a DS Lite for B-day. With a copy of Brain Age and/or Big Brain Academy or New SMB. I know that it's a little early for thinking of birthday and the 25th of Dec., but do i care? Maybe...

1) "I cried when i had no shoes, until i met a man with no feet. And then i laughed, really hard."

- Strangers With Candy

2) Currently listening to: the smooth, light sounds of the dryer.

3) Mood: Angry because schoool starts in 13 days!

Monday, July 24, 2006


You must keep your mouse/input device cursor inside a moving and changing box. I got 33 seconds on my first attempt.

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Friday, July 21, 2006


I gots me a sweet cut today. I think that's it.

1) "Statistics have shown that half of every married couple gets divorced. That's over 75 percent."

- Strangers With Candy (such a quotable show)

2) Currently smelling: Raviolies dad made for his lunch, i have pizza rolls. Muhaha.

3) Mood: "Hmm, good smell"

Thursday, July 20, 2006

The Perfect Race

White people! Wow, I'm horrible.

The other day me and dad decided to race. It was pretty intense. It was 4 to 8 in favor of Dad. 1 more and he would've won. I won the next 4 in a row. We went to a tiebreaker. I beat my dad by two inches. I got a Chain Chomp at the last second. It was amazing.

So, my DVD came an hour after i posted. So far, in only 2 days, i finished the first two seasons. Out of 3. It's pretty hilarious.

1) "Jerri, what does V-I-C-T-O-R-Y spell?"
"...Fandango? Hobo camp!"


2) Currently listening to: Kool-Aid Man by Dane Cook

3) Mood: Need to go to bathroom

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

My Favorite Weird Al Song Lyrics

One More Minute

The DVD is supposed to arrive, it hasn't yet, probably will later.


- Heat Vision and Jack

2) Currently waiting for: Strangers With Candy DVD

3) Mood: Frustrated

Monday, July 17, 2006

Top 10 Worst Game Title Screens Ever

Soemthing Awful has compiled a list of the worst game title screens of all time.

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Ben Stiller's HEAT VISION AND JACK Pilot!

Quite possibly the funniest pilot. Ever! Ben Stiller created and directed this show in 1999. It starred Jack Black as the smartest man alive who travels around with a talking motorcycle, voiced by Owen Wilsion. Meanwhile, actor Ron Silver hunts down the pair. Hilarious.

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That's It! I Have Had It With These Motherf***ing Snakes On This Motherf***ing Plane!

You can prety much guess what movie that's from.

Speaking of SoaP, there is a theme song for it and it is incredibly catchy and i think i like it even more than Liz does. It's incredibly catchy, i said it again. You know why? Because it's true. Listen to it RIGHT NOW! I'm not kidding whatsoever.

Yesterday was horribloe. I set out to find the SWC DVD. I saw it for $40 on Wal-Mart's website, then found out, whilst in the store, that no selling besides groceries until 1:30. It fuels the fire for my neverending hatred of Wal-Mart. It was the same price on Target's ewebsite, they didn't have it there at the store. So, i went home, sat on the copma, ordered it online. I should have it tomorrow. And if not...

1) "It's gonna work, i just know it."
"So, you've done something like this before?"
"Oh, hell no! But i think it's going to work."

- Firefly

2) Currently tracking: My Sweet DVD

3) Current mood: Happy because my frozen pizza is good.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

It's Not Rated Arrrrr! It's PG-13!

I saw Pirates 2 today. Not as good as the first, but still excellent. If you want spoilers, get them somewhere else. I ain't telling nobody. All I'll say is you won't want to wait till next year.

1) "What's your dental plan?"
"Don't get any cavities."
"What about medical?"
"The same, except with hepititus and shingles."

- Psych

2) Listening to: Dance Cook similar artist radio

3) Mood: Mellow

Thursday, July 13, 2006

You Know What's A Good Humbera Hum?

I have learned how to blog stories from Diggnation. It's the simplest thing I've ever done. Diggnation's a pretty awesome website.

You know what's a good restaurant? Sonic.

You know what's a good guitar riff? Smoke on the Water.

Movie? A Mighty Wind

TV Show? The Colbert Report
Another one? Braniac

Recently seen movies and ratings:

Capote: A-
Firewall: C+
Superstar: B

News stories:

Paul Reubens said on Letterman that he's writing a script for Pee-Wee's Playhouse Movie.

Possible Arrested Development movie.

Possibility that British Office characters will make an American crossover.

You know what's a good color? Dark Blue

Documentary: The Fearless Freaks

That was pretty fun to do.

1) "Girls? If we can't see your ribs, you're ugly."

- The Colbert Report

2) Currently wanting really badly: Strangers With Candy DVD

3) Current mood: Blank

The cure for "You know that song, it goes Dun Dun Duuuh..."

Musiclens lets you search for music using vague criteria like how loud it is or its tempo and mood. Pretty spiffy flash interface as well.

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Tuesday, July 11, 2006

In Time

Yesterday, i downloaded a torrent of Muse new album, Black Holes and Revelations, i like every song i've heard, i hav only not heard one song, Exo-Politics. But they have a song called Hoodoo! That rules to every degree. The album is a very big production and it rocks to the 100th power. (Corwin, you might even like it.) I have decided to buy the thing, even though i have it already. The album reminds me of Queen in a weird way.

Today i had to take a shower, i had a feeling i knew where my REM Greatest Hits CD was, and i was right! It is in it's sleeve as we type.

So, me and dad played an extremely close game of tennis. The final score was:

Me: 4 7 4
Dad: 6 5 6

I know, right?

Last night, Pee-Wee's Playhouse was awesome, and it's on tonight too! I'm so happy!

1) "You got any...threes?"
"Well, it looks like Lenny's goin' fishin'!"

- That Thing You Do!

2) Currently listening to: were you even paying attention?

3) Current mood: a little thirsty

Monday, July 10, 2006

A Pretty-Pretty Good Website: Hello?

I want you to go to this website right now, this very second.

This trick is very cool. You put in a person's phone number, then you put in yours and your name, then you enter what text you want the program to say, then pick what voice you want it in. You can say whatever you want to whomever you want. WARNING: Both phones have to be on, and don't say anything that could get you arrested.

A Perfect July 4th, on July 8th

For me, a 4th of July is never complete without a visit from the King of Cartoons, i mean Pop-its. Pop-its are a staple for Independance Day. Without Pop-its, the summer is destroyed.

Speaking of King of Cartoons, tonight on Adult Swim, that's right, Adult Swim, they're going to start showing Pee-Wee Playhouse! I'm recording all of them on DVR, but I'm still watching them whilst being recorded.

Not much else to speak of. See you all whenevah. (Zach, sorry i didn't chat you, i was away from the Compa.)

1) "You can frolic through the bread aisle, without even leaving the house!"

- Strong Bad Email 153

2) Currently listening to: Mint Royale music

Thursday, July 6, 2006

I Totally Gave Up.

You know why? You prbably knew i was gonna do this eventually, right? That whole starting the posts titles with "My" thing? That's done. I'm not doing any of that anymore. Yeah, that happened before. Remember School Daze? Neither does anybody else.

So, Emmy nominations came out today. My fave show, Arrested Development got 4 nods. Supporting Actor, Outstanding Comedy, and two others, don't know which. The Office got 5 nominations. I'm really happy for that one too.

Remember that dream thing i wasw yammering on about last time? I just figured it out. I have to write the ending to it myself. I have to decide how the story ends. I plan to write the story very very soon. Just you wait.

1) "I wag my private parts at your aunties!"

- Monty Python and the -- Oh, you know where

2) Currently listening to: Chutes Too Narrow and Oh, Inverted World by The Shins

!!!!!!!NEW FEATURE!!!!!!!

3) Current mood: Hypo

Wednesday, July 5, 2006

My New Loves (a.k.a. My Bicentennial)

So, i have many new loves. A couple of days ago, i believe Friday, I decided to watch fan videos of The Office on Youtube. Fan videos are where someone finds clips of the show of a particular theme and sets them to music. Watching those videos has made me realize that i really love The Office. I now am eagerly awaiting the Season 2 DVDs.

I was watching Fuse, the music channel on Sunday, when i saw a video by The Shins. Kissing the Lipless. I am now in mad love with that song.

Those are it.

This morning when i went back to sleep after breakfast, i had a really long dream. I'm not going to explain, it's complicated, and of course, i don't remember it all. I'm seriously considering writing a story of it on DeviantArt. It was one of those dreams where it didn't end. It was really depressing. It was extremely depressing. I really want to know how it ends. Maybe if i think about it enough, I'll dream about it again and find an ending. The dream ended on a really emotional note. I can't stop thinking about it, it's driving me crazy. I know it's only a dream, but i want to know what happens. I can't be happy until i know how it ends.

This is my 200th blog post, everybody. Just relaying the info.

1) No quote today, not in the mood.

2) Currently listening to: Kissing the Lipless by The Shins

Monday, July 3, 2006

"Weird Al" Fights Record Label Using the Web!

Atlantic's efforts to block a parody of James Blunt's hit "You're Beautiful" has Yankovic fighting back publicly, and using his Web site as a tool to do so. Instead of fighting with the label, "Weird Al" is giving the song away for free! The song is hilarious. You really need to hear it.

read more | digg story

My DVD Calendar

It seems that there are really good DVDs out every month, and i will prove that. But first, news and other daily life dealies.

I woke up this morning and my watch had a blank screen. So, i guess it's out.

!!!DVD news!!!

TVShowsOnDVD has confirmed a September release for Season 1: Volume 1 of...Whose Line is it Anyway?! Finally! Our prayers have been answered, people! There's even cover art!

Also, Wonder Showzen: Season 2 is slated for October. I'm really excited about that.

Now, the DVD calendar.

Newsradio: S4
Strangers with Candy: Complete Series

Reno 911! S3

Arrested Development: S3
Brak Show: Vol. 2
Weird Al Show: Complete Series

Stella: Complete Series (Season 1)
WLiiA?: S1:V1

Wonder Showzen: S2
Scrubs: S4

There that is. I need me some monies.

1) "Oh, Robin Williams. Would i love to go head-to head with him. "I'm Mork from Ork." "Well, I'm Bork from...Smork." "Nanu, nanu!" "Zibbity-bloo bloo!""

- The Office (US)

2) Currently doing absolutely nothing. Sad, no?

Thursday, June 29, 2006

My Lazy Thursday

So, i woke up this morning and ate breakfast, then i went back to sleep. I woke up, hung around for a while and ate lunch. Now I'm here. Liz and Dad are out and Liz is getting scratch for putting trash into a dumpster. And I am sitting at the computer chair, doing nothing. I should be wroking instead of Liz. I need money and Liz doesn't because she's been saving up for going to New York but she's actually not going.

Yes, that's right. That also means i won't be getting my DS Lite either. 'Tis sad, i know it. I must move on, nevertheless. It will happen (might), i just don't know when.

1) "Hence my theory theat the Dandy Warhols are a bunch of feds."

- DiG!

2) Currently playing: Donkey Kong 64
listening: Mix of BJM and Dandy's

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

My Triumphant Return

So, we got back at about 6:00 tonight. We drove for 9 hours almost. I think more than that.

On Saturday, we went to my uncle's house, because we were to follow him and my aunt to Washington. We got there and got a hotel at about 9:00 that night. And of course, there were idiots who didn't know and cut in front of us. At one point, they were 4 cars ahead of us.

On Sunday, we went to the Air and Space Museum and the American History Museum. I saw my first IMAX film at the Air and Space Museum. Magnificent Desolation. It was about all of the moon landings. We saw the Spirit of St. Louis and a replica of Amelia Airhart's(sp?) plane. And i saw all the old computers at the American History Museum and all of the original Muppets. We also saw Fonzi's leather jacket and Judy Garland's red slippers and one of Ray Charles' jackets and one of his keyboards. We ate at an Italian place, Papa Razzi. I had a calzone, and i finished the whole thing. And as we were driving home, thunder and lightning were on top of each other. It sounded like a horrow movie with the lighning sound effect. It was the hugest clap of thunder I've ever heard.

Then on Monday, we walked around and saw the front and side of the White House. We also went to the White House visitor's center. It started to rain hard so we went elsewhere. We checked out of our hotel and drove to Baltimore. We went to the ESPNZone for din-din. The food wasn't that great, but they had a whole floor of video games up top. It was really sweet. I played Arctic Thunder, 'cuz i had to. You really just have to if you ever have the chance. Then we went back to the hotel and watched the Beavers win the college championhip!!! Yeah, buddy! And me, mom and Liz all went to a creepy BP gas station mini mart that was right next to the Holiday Inn Express in which we were staying. Why was it creepy? The cashier was behind a windiw and creepy-lookin' dudes were in there.

And we drove home this morning. I watched DiG! And i filmed a nice little documentary film myself.

Well, i gotta go make the end credits for it. Seeya later!

PS: I'm almost to my 200th post already! Can you believe it?

1) "We're going to take over the world. We're gonna show you how to do it, too."

- DiG!

2) Currently watching: Strongbad_email.exe - Disc 4

Saturday, June 24, 2006

My Brief Message

We're supposed to leave at 10:00. But Dad hasn't showed up yet. So we might be a little late, who gives? I don't.

I'll get back to ya'll when we get back! (probably Tues.)

Friday, June 23, 2006

My Capitol

Here's the plan: We hire the dogsitter that my uncle and aunt use, then we take off tomorrow morning for Washington DC! I'm so very excited. I want to go to the Smithsonian really bad. And i want my picture taken at the Lincoln Memorial. I'll even take the vidcam. We'll have both digital cam and video. I guess i'll ravel the digital camera footage into a video that i can put on here for you guys. I can't wait! I want to go to the top of the Wasington Memorial! The Capitol building! The effing White House! I'm happy.

1) "Tonight, those questions will be answered, or at least raised, and dismissed."

- NewsRadio

2) Currently listening to: Garden State Soundtrack, Ben Folds Live

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

My Apathy

So, today i had to clean the toilet, bathtub and sink. And i did some laundry, and now I'm told i have to clean my room. It'll probably take me ten minutes, but i still don't want to do it.

So, not much at all has been going on the last few days. For me, anyways. But something exciting is up. We might be going to DC this weekend. Emphasis on might, i haven't heard anything since Sunday i believe. It probably won't go down.

So, the other day, someone had the nerve to comment on my YouTube video. This is what it said, in the exact words. "This is horrible, i can't believe this exists." That made me so angry. First of all, it was the first one. I admit, it was really quiet and a little crappy. But i think i made it alot better and a little louder and shorter. It went from 8 to 5.5 minutes. It just makes me angry. Of all the other thousands of crappy videos on YouTube with no point whatsoever and it's just an incredibly shakey camera for 10 seconds with a bunch of laughing and you can't even tell what's going on because you can't see anything, he has to comment on my video.

1) "You said it wrong, it's new-cue-lar, stupid, the "s" is silent."

- Family Guy

2) Currently watching: Arrested Development - Season 1

Saturday, June 17, 2006

My Saturday Review

Well, today was a little shy of fantastic. Yesterday i started a YouTube show. Junk Box. I put stuff at random in a box, or what i want to, and show it. The first one's a little quiet, but #2's fine. Although, it is shot in front of a crappy webcam.

Episode 1

Episode 2

So, we went places oday, you can see what we got at these places in Episode 3.

1) "Up this way for panty hose, illegal drugs and cigarettes."

- DiG!

2) Currently shooting: Episode 3 of Junk Box

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

My Reflection

Well, folks. It has been a very exciting first year of blogging on Blogger. We've shared the good times, and the bad, i guess. My departure from 7th grade, Oregon, and middle school. And the undercurrent of my depature from sanity.

Well, i hope newbies will look back at my first year, and old visitors will remember the good times. Take a gander at all the hot links i offered, and the hilarious quotes from months past. I hope i can deliver another great blogging year too all, and thank you.

1) "Why doesn't the bus work? [bus door opens] Oh, OK, awesome."

- The Nighttime Clap

2) Currently watching: Garden State

My Long Overdue Thought

So, last year, on a random Saturday night, i had the video camera in my room 'cuz i wanted to watch some old home movies, and i spontaneously broke out a blank tape and made titles for a short film. That was a year and 2 months ago. I have now renewed interest in that short film. I plan to write it and hopefully ask some friends if they want to be in it. I have somewhere a paper with a list of the film ideas I have about ten. I totally forgot what they all were, but i had planned to do all 10. Like a series. Perhaps post them online for all to see. But, like every other plan of mine, it went to Hades. I need to get serious about these things.

It would also be nice if i wrote parts 2-5 of Bumbling, the story i started on DeviantArt months ago. I'll probably do that later in the year.

1) "So shiny!"

- Mario Golf: Tiadstool Tour

2) Currently watching: NewsRadio: Season 3
Playing: DKC 1-3, Super Mario World, Mario Party 3

Monday, June 5, 2006

My Exploration

Gonna make it short post today. Not much to talk about.

So, i was cleariong a spot or my new chair yesterday. When i was moving my bed, i found some money. Not just any money, but 25 freaking dollars! I know, i couldn't believe it either. I have 25 dollars now. Alright, my lunch is watiting in the microwave. Gonna go.

1) "Who are you mister?"
"I'm not even here..."

- Upright Citizens Brigade

2) Currently watching: NewsRadio: Season 3

Saturday, June 3, 2006

My June (Official)

A couple of things have happened in the last couple of days. Well, maybe just today. Alright. So we went to Sam's Club. It's exactly like Costco. We went to look at stuff, do some minor shopping. We have decided that we may need another computer. We need to share the Internets. So we looked at prices of notebooks and i found something pretty cool: They have great prices on DVDs there. They had 6-disc sets that would normally cost $60 for $25. I got the Family Guy Volume 1 set, haven't watched it yet. We also got the Napoleon Dynamite 2-disc Special Edition. Then we went to Wal-Mart (argh) and i got a pretty sweet chair. It's like a gaming throne. I'm probably gonna put some, nuggets on it, and 100 cupholders.

Also, just yesterday, i figured out a way for Liz and I to play our MP3 Players on the TV. I just used the audio cord from the cords that go from te video camera to the TV. I'm a genius and a prodigy, my friends.

1) "I got this from the student store, it's an MC Escher drawing. I think it's called...Crazy Stairs"

- Family Guy

2) Curently playing: Donkey Kong Country 1-3, Super Mario World (SNES) and Mario Kart: Double Dash!! (Gamecube)

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

My June (Almost)

Well, another month has come and gone. We were in school for a couple weeks, then got out.

My Aunt got on a plane a couple of hours ago, my parents had to wake up at 4:00 to get her to the airport. I was woken up at 8:00 to eat breakfast. As soon as i finished, i hopped om this computerized contraption and the air conditioning guy came. I think he left to get some stuff right now. It's all quiet.

Last Comic Standing was on last night. The new season premeire. There are some really funny people this time around. One guy has cerebral palsy, and he uses it to his advantage. He's really funny. And one girl with a cleft(?) palette. She's funny too. And Skippy from Family Ties is there, i don't know if he made it through though. And one guy named Chris Porter, he's witty. Hee, witty...

1) "My foot's been asleep for the entire day today, so if you guys could just keep it down..."

- Tig (LCS)

2) Currently watching: Robot Chicken: Season 1 with commentary

Saturday, May 27, 2006

My Thrilling Sickness

No, I'm not sick again, but i almost was yesterday. Becasue...

Yesterday, we went to Carowinds! Oh, such fun, and oh, such lines.

We got there, Mom, Liz, and Aunt Nita who is visiting us until the 31st, went on Top Gun. That took a while, so we ate lunch afterwards. We ate at the Happy Days Diner, had what else but a burger and fries? Then we went on a water ride. It wasn't that exciting, but oh man, was the next ride. Mom, >iz, Nita abnd I went on the BORG Assimilator. We were scared, or at least i was, by the creepy BORG voice they used for it. The guy who did the voiceover rules on the microphone sounded really dorky, so we had to make fun. I was scared to go on it, and after the ride was finished, i was dizzy but it was amazing. I'm pretty much not scared of anything now. Rollercoaster wise. They made you lay down on your back and there were many a moment where you felt like you were going to fall out and land in the water.

The ride was spectacular, but i felt horribly sick after.

Then we got ice cream and then we waited forewver for another water ride but it got closed due to lightning so we left our glorious day at Carowinds. I only rode 2 rides, but the hour-long wait for the BORG was completely worth it.

1) "You put your black man in, you take your black man out, you lock your black man up, and you shake him all about. That's called the Honkey Pokey!"

- Wonder Showzen

2) Currently listening to the sweet, sultry sounds of the furnace

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

My Summer

I'm so ready for high school. Bring it on! (Short post, I know)

My aunt arrives today. She's staying until the end of the month. We're going to Carowinds on Friday!

1) "And here, Dave, is the actual sword from Sound of Music."

- NewsRadio

2) Currently wathing: DiG!, NewsRadio: Season 3, Firefly: Complete Series, Wonder Showzen: Season 1, Napoleon Dynamite
Listening to: Commit This to Memory by Motion City Soundtrack

Saturday, May 20, 2006

My WS Breakdown

Season 2 of Wonder Showzen has just wrapped. Let me now list the eps. and rank them by how much i liked them. While i rock out to "Dirty Harry" by Gorillaz.

Episode Guide:

101: Birth
102: Space
103: Ocean
104: Diversity
105: Nature
106: History
107: Health
108: Patience

201: Body
202: Time
203: Knowledge
204: Justice
205: Science
207: Mathematics
208: Clarence's Special Report (?)

Now the rankings:


1: Health
2: Diversity
3: Ocean
4: History
5: Birth
6: History
7: Space
8: Patience


1: Time
2: Knowledge
3: Cooperation
4: Clarence's Special Report
5: Justice
6: Body
7: Science
8: Mathematics

Friday, May 19, 2006

My Season Finale...

Tonight is the season 2 finale of Wonder Showzen. You wanna know the really cool news? They're already renewed for Season 3. A great feat, for an MTV2 show that almost no one watches. W00t! But wait, it could go the route of Sifl and Olly. Show production could be shut down in the middle of it. Then they'll release the shot episodes on a DVD that nobody knows about and it well sell out or be lost by the company that manufactured it! Say it isn't so! Oh, nevermind, it hasn't even happened yet.

Monday is my last day of middle school.


I can't wait until i go into the 9th grade. Wish me the best of luck.

1) "Profits before people!"

- Wonder Showzen

2) Watching: NewsRadio: Season 2
Listening to: Winamp music library

Saturday, May 13, 2006

My Missed 7

You know something peculiar? In 2 of the 2 season of Wonderr Showzen so far, I've always missed the 7th episode. 107: Health, and 207: Mathematics. I missed 107 because They only raqn it once and then it got taken off, and 207 because we were watching something else at 9:30 and i thought it would be on at 12:30 for rerunnage and Punk'd was on instead, oh well. I'm recording it toonight, if it's on that is.

Today, me and mom went to Best Buy to get Scrubs: S3, it was completely sold out! I got the Invite Them Up 3 CD/1DVD set instead, it's pretty funny so far. It's a comedy festival type deal. Anyway, nt much else to say, I'm not doing anything this weekend.

Oh! In the Piggly Wiggly parking lot, i was sitting there, mom enters the vehicle, and the car won't start. The battery had beenm worn down by me. Oops. So, we got a jump from some nice people and we drove on home. Fun time, eh?

So, guess what? The girl i liked in Oregon has a boyfriend now who leaves commetns on her MySpace page that say "I love you" and stuff on 'em. I'm left insanely jealous. Even though she's across the country. Argh.

1) "As you can see, Jon Tickle can not walk on water."
"But i can walk on custard!"
"But he can walk on custard."

- Braniac

2) Currently listening/watching my latest purchase

Thursday, May 11, 2006


I just got through watching the trailer for Super Smash Brothers: Brawl. Oh...My god.

If you haven't seen it yet, get outta this blog right now and watch it on

Alright, time for spoilers:


Newcomers from, trailer:

Pit (Kid Icarus)
MetaKnight (Kirby)
Zero Suit Samus
And, the incredible shocker...Snake from MGS. I was dumbfounded.

1) "What a twist!"

- "M. Night Syamalan" from Robot Chicken

2) Currently listening to some Ben Folds stuff

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

My 180 (My Correction)

In the 179 posts I've contributed so far, I have spelled words wrong so many times it's not funny. Here's the correction:



Last Friday's WS was a hoot, obviously. They had no money because they had been ripped off so much and they buy a bootleg of their show called Wondur Showzey and they start a war and the episode ends in the apocalypse. Great concept, huh?

12 days till no school. The elation grows quickly.

And other news. Have you seen any of the trailers for Mario Galaxy? Wow. Coolness ensues.

And other other news. Arrested Development Season 3 has been put back on the schedule! August 29, boy! 3 weeks after school starts.

Other other other news. 2 out of 4 of our fishies are deceased. They didn't eat for some reason. Maybe they had a suicide pact or something.

1) "Why don't we cooperate?"
"Cooperate? I'm gonna vomit blood!"

- Wonder Showzen

2) Currently watching: Newsradio: Season 2

Saturday, May 6, 2006

My Record

So, my first post in May. And it's May the 6th. I apologize.

We got dad a DVR for his birthday. We've been using it alot.

Also, today, we got some fish. There weas some concern about the heater and the filter, but i think it's all good now. I named mine Sifl. Liz named her's Nemo, gag. I like that movie, but come on. It doesn't even look like him.

Anyway, Tom Hanks is hosting SNL tonite. His 8th time. Pretty cool. I hope tonight is the resurrection of Mr. Short Term Memory. Great skit.

1) "I went to a business seminar called "The Future is Now", guess what i learned, Dave."
"That the future really is now?"
"You got it!"

- NewsRadio

2) Currently watching: Newsradio: Seasons 1 and 2

Saturday, April 29, 2006


OK. I just read the new Revolution name. Say it with me, Wii. I want to know if they're kidding. Nintendo, i just want to know. Revolution was a perfect name for it! Wii? What in the flying hell is Wii? Just to be clear, i'm probably getting one anyway, but come on! Please, say it isn't so! I am going to crazy.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

My Trust

That references the QoD for today. Acatually, today's just a day where i only post Dailies. Sorry.

1) "Now, you have famously stated that you don't trust black people, isn't that racist?"
"I think racism is a state of mind."

- Ricky Gervais "interview" with Chris Martin from Coldplay

2) Currently watching: Diggnation! Podcast

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

My 5-Week Long Sub

Well, yesterday, i went to math class and i got a pleasant surprise. We were to go to a different classroom, and i had no idea where it was, so i followed some people, and i was late. The te4acher didn't care. He just said to us that that's the last time we'll be late to his class. I had no trouble getting there today, though.

And interim grades were given out. My grades are as follows:

P1: History 93
P2A: Drama 95
P2B: RR/V1 83
P3: Lang/Arts 88
P4: Pre-Algebra 95
P5: Science 93

A 95 in Pre Algerbra! Yeah, boy! I was so happy i was freaking out.

That's just about all i have to say.

1) "Do you like a good party, Joe?"
"That's why i went to college, sir."

- NewsRadio

2) Currently listening to: Adlib by Barenaked Ladies
Watching: NewsRadio: Season 1 and 2

Saturday, April 22, 2006

My Big Fat Brawl

In August of 2004, two video games were stolen from our car. Mario Kat: Double Dash!! and Super Smash Brothers: Melee. Today, I am getting the latter back. Me and Dad are going to Best Buy today and we're getting it. I can't wait one minute. I can't wait to start over and get everything again! It will something to do today.

Tomorrow, we're going to the 3 Rivers Music Festival. Day 3. The last day. We're going to see the Ditty Bops and Nickel Creek. I can't wait for that either. Yay! C00l dayz!

1) "I hear you wanna talk to the kids, Middle America?"
"Yeah, Um...Gilp...gelp...uh, hooey, and um...Texas."

- Wonder Showzen

2) Currently listening to: Similar artist radio (They Might Be Giants)

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

A Pretty-Pretty Good Website: Keeping Your Collection in Order

DVD Aficionado is a website where you can let people look at the DVDs in your collection. And you can talk about all thungs DVD in the DVD Talk forums. You can add DVDs to your wishlist and mark things aas On Order of Have Seen. Pretty neat, eh?

My Bulletholes

Today in drama we started learning about stage makeup. I don't actually know if we're going to apply it, but we're learning about it at least.

Scrubs is on tonight. On every episode, the main character narrates it, so every episode title has "My" in it. But there are few exceptions. Sometimes dirfferent characters narrate it, making the title "His" or "Her Srory". They have done 4 of these, and tonight is the fifth, from the Janitor's point of view! Awesome!

1) "You cats can go back to Catalina Island or Katmandu or wherever the hell you cats are from, because here in America, Katman-don't!"

- Arj Barker

2) Currently listening to: Straylight Run (self-titled)

Sunday, April 16, 2006

My Eggs

Of course today is Easter, blah blah blah boring blah blah. Today, we'er going to uncle's house for eats, and other things of that nature.

Anyway, tomorrow i have to go back to school. But of course, i don't want to. Like, i really don't want to. Oh well.

1) "I like to have my radio on at a reasonable volume..."

- Office Space (but you knew that, right?)

2) Currently listening to: Yes, Virginia by The Dresden Dolls (MySpace listening party)